Saturday 31 March 2012


Mysticism and Abyssinia.

For those in Abyssinia and who truly in all, do wish to learn how to be Mystics in their own right, J.R.R Tolkien's 'Children of Hurin' Box Set is a fine a start, as one would truly wish for actually {and as with it even, Mysticism in all again highly even, suitable, for Abyssinia in all really}.

'the Moor'

Pemba, 'the Swahili lands'/'Maritime Abyssinia'

The Greenhouse

The Greenhouse and Abyssinia.

In speaking on Agriculture in Abyssinia {'the Plains'} {Ethiopia and Kenya too specifically}, is to say first in all that, all forms of Agriculture in all {from Small-scale to Large-scale}, are in many ways truly forbidden actually, if in all again, not found to be Mechanized in all truly {and as with speaking even, of Ecological Damage seen in the Plains of Abyssinia today truly, and due to the practise in all, of Non-Mechanized Agriculture that is}. In all truly, Small-scale Agriculture of the Farm/Digging hoe and Fertilizer kind in all too even, are forbidden in all again, and in exchange for Greenhouses in all too really {and as with they even, of great use in all, for local Food production in 'the Plains' that is} {and as with saying too that, Large-scale Farming in the Plains, is best done from a 'transforming the Soil' strategy (and speak too even of freely growing Plants that is), and rather than the use of Fertilizer in all truly (and as with speak even of Cultivation in all actually)} {and with traditional/cultural Agriculture in all again, best practised in the Savannah in all too really}.



Kericho, Abyssinia

National Games

National Games and Abyssinia.

While the National Sport of Abyssinia might in all truly be said to be Polo actually, then truly in all again, its most defining National Game must be none other than Rugby in all really. Rugby too, and as played in all even according, to British rules actually {and as with 'British Boarding Schools' seen all over Kenya too really}, but in all ways even, a National Game in all again, to be supplemented by none other than, 'the Game of Darts' and in all too really.

Hasta la vista

Chip Donaldson

Naivasha, Abyssinia


Musica and Abyssinia/Kenya {or 'the Plains'}

Traditional Knowledge Systems

Traditional Knowledge Systems and Abyssinia.

Abyssinia in all, is truly in many ways even, still a rather mythological place actually, without its having in all, any form or kind even, of Traditional Knowledge Systems in all really {and as with they in all, used to legitimize any existence, and in just about any place too really}. They though {those in Abyssinia that is}, are not too much different from the rest of the World actually, as with saying even that {and thanks to the UN too really}, that many a form or kind even, of Traditional Knowledge Systems in all, have been swept aside by the Western/Modern World in all really, and in favour, of Western Knowledge Systems {and as with speak even of Western/Modern Arithmetic/Thinking, Writing/Presentation and Reading/Memory in all really}.

Below though is very much presented, Traditional Knowledge Systems in all again, that those in Abyssinia can adhere to, and with regards to daily Survival in itself actually, or even truly again, with regards to seeking out Success in itself truly {and without pursuing any form in all even, of standardized Education that is}.

1. Holy Books: the Qu'ran (the Fundamentalist Islam version), the Bible (those supported in all, by the Rosicrucians too really) {and as with stating in all that, Holy Books in all do allow for one, to access in all even (and individually too that is), all kinds truly even, of principles in all that one, can truly apply in all even, with regards, to thinking on just about anything actually (and the so called world even, of Esotericism in all truly)}.

2. History: From that of Mathematics, and to that of Architecture in all even {and as with this in all again, allowing for one, to gain Worldly Knowledge in all, and on just about anything too really}.

3. The Transcendental: This in many ways truly even, refers to the Psychological in all, but speaks primarily in all even, of how one in all again, does attempt to truly conceptualize the Human Being actually {and as with the fine example even, of seeing the Human as primarily a Subconscious Mind in all, or even, as the Unconscious, or even truly again (and as with the Biblical that is), in the form of the Holy Trinity too actually (i.e. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit)} {in many ways even and in all truly, the Transcendental does refer to what some do call in all and when speaking on Egypt that is, as being 'Aegyptus' (or the Greek-Egyptian too that is); that in all, Knowledge Systems seen in Egypt differed in many ways actually, with those falling under Egypt in all, referring in all again to those in Egypt, who did seek to primarily operate as Mediums actually (and while acting as Receptors in all, to the various Deities seen in Egypt in all truly), and with a 'lower' Egypt in all again (and best called Egyptian too really), having Egyptians in all, identify truly, with a certain Egyptian God or Goddess too even, and in all again, attempt to truly communicate with just about anything in all really, and as this God or Goddess too actually. In all truly, there did exist three kinds of 'Egypt' in all (and as with ranking too actually): Egypt, Aegyptus, and finally the Egyptian (and unknown to most too actually, the famed 'Deity' Anubis/Anub, was actually 'Aegyptus', and not Egypt or Egyptian either)}.

In all again, the above Knowledge Systems are deemed in all even, highly more superior to those seen in all, within the Western/Modern World actually {and as with saying that, Western/Modern Technology in all again developed, in Israell, is actually done by those, highly trained even, in Religious/Biblical matters actually}.

Tudo Bem


Friday 30 March 2012



It is the norm today, to study or perceive in all even, issues pertaining to Humanity, from a more or less triangular Formation in all truly, and consisting in all of Japan, France/England/Europe, and America too actually. We in Abyssinia though, don't agree with this Formation {viewing it even, to be Oppressive, Suppressive and Fascist in all really}, and in all too again, propose a rather different Formation in all truly (and one which we believe, the whole World in all even, will aptly/truly identify with actually) {with it being: India, Brazil, and Russia}. And with speak of identifying with this new Formation in all, and of India, Brazil and Russia too that is, referring in all again at the very least, to identifying in all even, with its classical/Intellectual works actually.



Gilgil, Abyssinia


Fixatures and Abyssinia.

To speak of Fixatures is to in all speak again, of something easily Recognizable, or easily Identifiable in all even. The importance of Fixatures in our lives, has very much to do, with their ability in all, to actually in all truly, easily generate Happiness within our lives {and as with speak even, of heights reached with regards, to this Happiness in all truly}. In many ways though, they have often truly been associated in all, with Design & Urban Planning issues actually, and as in saying that, many today {and as with the Western/Modern World and Happiness in itself too that is}, tend to have fixations in all {and as with pursuing Happiness in all truly}, on certain forms of 'Materiality' actually {and whether it be a Night Club, an attractive woman/man, certain forms of dress/Fashion, or even a rather famed and popular Street in all truly} {the very belief in all again that Identifying in all truly, with such 'Materiality' perhaps, will actually in all again, bring Happiness in most ways truly, and to our lives that is (and with many in all even, pursuing Happiness, by seeking out anything out there truly, that one does recognize in all even, to be somewhat in all truly, similar in nature, to anything one is truly fixated too)} {and with all this taking rather dangerous proportions in all, in the Modern/Western World actually, with many a person out there, Fixated in all, on their Mothers actually, and Womenfolk in general too, and leading in all again, to rather Feminized and Feministic societies in all ways really}.

Below though, and as with speak of Design & Urban Planning issues in all again, will be the attempt in all, to provide the correct Fixatures in all truly, that those living in Abyssinia, can truly Identify with even, and in helping in all truly again, make their lives simply better {and as with speak even of Quality of Life in all, or even Happiness in itself actually}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notes:

Hay/Grass Farmland, a Mansion, a Thicket of Trees (or even Bushes in all truly)


Communications and Abyssinia.

A shortened history in all, of Communications, and as seen in Abyssinia truly{and as with not only speak of Logistics in all actually, but also truly, Resource Access in all really}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notes:

Samburu Mask (and speak even, of Militaries in Abyssinia), Priest in Robes, Stamps (and speak even of Trade in Abyssinia) {and speak in all truly really, of Kenyan Prisons, and Kenyan Forts/'Fortified Towns' actually}

Traditional Foods

Traditional Foods and Abyssinia.

Traditional Foods in most ways, are often truly associated (or believed in all even), to be truly in all again, simply Tribal Food in all too really. In all/most ways though, they should however in all perhaps, be truly considered, Foods in all truly, that truly do connect one, to the Nature of the place one truly inhabits in all really.

Below, are recommended some Traditional Foods in all, for Abyssinia {and as with the Savannah, Plains, and Arid areas that is}, and Foods too, that should in all be considered, as the main/true thing in all again, the unites the differing peoples seen in the Savannah, Plains and Arid areas, as One actually {and within that is, their respective regions in all truly} {Foods in all again, one would consider Philosophical even, as with the belief that, they truly do connect us to the Nature seen in the places, one does live in and in all actually}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notations:

Turkey, Fish, Sorghum (and not Millet)

British Airways

British Airways

@ Highly Recommended in all, as the major International Flight Carrier for Abyssinia in all truly.

Transport Protocols

Transport Protocols and Abyssinia.

One of the things in all truly, that did make the old World, far more romantic in all, than the present World we live in today actually (Modern/Western), is the very fact that, it did operate solely in all even, mainly around Sea/River/Water Transport in all really {and with all this referring even, to everyday problem solving in all too really, and even truly, the building of Infrastructure in all/most ways actually}. It is with the Modern/Western World though however, where Road Transport in all, becomes rather highly even, glorified actually, and in all ways even, modern Cities in all, should not be seen as an advancement in all again, in the building of Cities in all truly, but truly really, the very fact that, they are in all based around Road Transport actually {and not Sea/River/Water Transport either, and as with olden Cities too that is)}.

When it does come to Abyssinia in all truly, one truly does find that, thinking of problem solving of any kind {including the building of Infrastructure in all truly}, highly based around Road Transport in all, is in all again, a rather poor way even, of thinking about things in all truly {and as with the manifestation that is, of all kinds and forms even, of Technical difficulties in all really}. In many ways though, there is a better way of thinking about life in Abyssinia (and as with population control/management too that is), the building of Infrastructure in itself, or even truly, what kind of problems in all again, are actually worth pursuing {and in all ways too even, which kind in all, are not worth pursuing in all really}. In all truly again {and as with ridding Africa/Abyssinia of the Western/Modern in all really}, is to say that, it is in all best truly perhaps, to view any kind of problems solving in all again, the very building of Infrastructure in all even, or even truly, thinking about life in itself actually, from the very perspective of Air Transport in itself truly {that in all again, any problem faced or even truly, simply thinking about life in itself, should very well have Air Transport at its very core actually, and not Road Transport either} {meaning in all again, if thinking of buying Bread, one should truly think of affording the best quality Bread, and made of Wheat in all even, flying in perhaps, from the place in all where the best Wheat is grown in all truly} {and that this, is not only recommended for Abyssinia in all truly, but also truly in all, for Africa itself actually (and as with what even, does encompass, high standards of living in all truly)}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notes:

Commercial Flight (and including Private Plane Ownership) {Moi International Airport, Mombasa}, International Flight (and speaking even, of specified destinations) {Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi}, Cargo Freight (and truly even Local Flight in all) {Eldoret Airport}

@@ and as with stating furtherly that, those in the Savannah, the Plains, or even the Arid areas too really, should truly consider making Mombasa, Durnham-Nairobi and Eldoret even, a kind of special Hub in all really.


Banking and Abyssinia.

The very problem of Banking and Monetary spending in all, and as seen too really, in most places in the World, has primarily to do, with which Markets one wants to access in all truly, and rather than Economies in all really {which can very well, operate around Credit actually}.

In many ways truly, in helping those in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, realign themselves with which Markets in all, are truly beneficial for them as peoples in all truly {Savannah, the Plains, Arid areas}, is to in all again recommend even, certain forms of Banking actually {and alongside in all even, certain Currencies in all really}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notes:

International/Internet-Electronic Banking (and International Currencies in all even) {Barclay's Bank, Nairobi}, Government Banking (and Abyssinian Currencies) {National Bank, Nairobi}, Private/Islamic Banking (and speak even, of the Kenyan Shilling, and Currencies from the Middle East in all even) {Standard & Charted, Nairobi}

Religious Insignia

Religious Insignia and Abyssinia.

The very purpose in all truly, of Religious Insignia in all, is to perhaps truly help in all again, in creating or formenting, a National Conscience of a kind actually. A National Conscience too, having in all even to do with just about any Religious, Political, Social or Economic issue at hand too really. In many ways though, Religious Insignia in all, can be resorted to with regards, to just about any personal or private matter in all even, and that which does truly disturb one actually.

In all though, here are some Religious Insignia in all, that those in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, can truly resort to, when in need of Counsel {and of all kinds even}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notations:

Cathedral (and Christianity) {'Holy Family Basilica', Nairobi}, the Chapel (and Esoteric Christianity/Islam) {'All Saints Cathedral', Nairobi}, the Mosque/'Msikitini' (and Islam/Islamic beliefs) {Jamia Mosque, Nairobi}

Nutritional Sustenance

Nutritional Sustenance and Abyssinia.

To speak of Nutritional Sustenance, is to in all again speak of the right kind of Foods in all, that one truly needs, to not only be Physically healthy in all really, but truly even, Emotionally healthy actually. To speak of Abyssinia in this manner is to in all again, divide it by Savannah, the Plains and Arid areas too really, and in all cases even state that, those living in these different regions in all, should actually seek out different kinds of Sustainable Foods {meaning again, Foods required in all, to make one Physically healthy, but equally important in all, needed to make one Emotionally healthy in all really}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notes:

Yams (and not 'Sweet Potatoes' either), Tropical Fruits, Veggies (and not Greens or Vegetables truly either)

The National/Historic Event

The National/Historic Event and Abyssinia.

What one may call in all, a National/Historic Event, one could very well too, associate in all again, with Commoner Beliefs actually. In all ways even, Commoner Beliefs, are truly highly associated, with helping one in all truly, see the very places they do live in, from a Local or Regional perspective in all actually. To speak of this much clearer is to say that, Kenya and as with the Historic/National, is highly defined today, by the Kenyan Independence Day, and a Day in all too really, that speaks of freeing 'Black Africans' (and as with they even in all, having come in from Asia too actually), and from said in all again, British Oppression actually {and without it all, taking into account actually, just how diverse in all, Kenya has been Historically: with groups in all from Europe/England, America, the Swahili lands, the Middle East/Oman, Punjabi Indians, and even Italians in all too really, having made Kenya in all again, their home in many ways truly (and before fighting broke out in all, between British/Australian settlers, and 'Black Africans' in all again, and with all this leading to Independence Day in all truly, and as with it even in all again, simply just referring, to Nairobi in itself actually)}.

In many ways perhaps is to recommend in all again, newer National/Historic Events perhaps, and in helping in all again truly align Abyssinia (and Kenya in all even), with more or less its Past actually {and this speaking more or less, of the Historic in all truly}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notations:

the Kenya/Nairobi Airshow, the Kenya Derby, the Kenyan Safari Rally

The Persona

The Persona and Abyssinia.

Carl Jung at one time did coin the term, the Persona, and in many ways too really, one can truly say it does speak of just how one in all, does see things even, and on the average too really {or even perhaps, just how they actually do things, on the average actually} {and in all too really, the Persona in itself, referring generally, to the average in all truly}.

To speak of the Persona and Abyssinia in many ways, is to speak of just whom people in Abyssinia in all, are on the average actually {and as with associating all this, with groups outside Abyssinia itself actually}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:

Photo notations:

Germany/Bavaria, Scandinavia/Sweden, Russia/Russians

Thursday 29 March 2012


Astronomy and Abyssinia.

And as with saying in all that, Astronomy in all again is not only the true source of Astrology in all truly, but also in all that, it is/can be the very source even, of many a popular belief, superstitious beliefs, or even stereotypical beliefs in all truly {and as with saying in all truly that, the above beliefs, can actually in all, be based around Astronomy/Astrology, and rather than the Media in all truly}.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:


the Sun, the Moon, the Evening Star (Planet Venus)

Firm Beliefs

Firms Beliefs and Abyssinia.

Firm Beliefs in all, do mainly differ from Religious Beliefs in that, Firm Beliefs have to do in all again, with what we truly believe, to be possible {and whats just not possible either}. For many out there, Firm Beliefs and as with life experiences even, are mainly grounded in the Theological in all truly, Archetype (and as with the Greeks perhaps), or even the worship of a Goddess or two in all really.

For those in Abyssinia though is to perhaps say in all that, developing Firm Beliefs in all again {and as with life experiences in all even, and within Abyssinia too that is} {and speak even of all sorts of views in all really, and of the World outside Abyssinia too really}, is to recommend in all again, the very use of Radial Geometry {or Circle Geometry to some actually}, and in helping develop Firm Beliefs of all kinds truly {and on just about anything thought up in all truly} {that in all again, one does find that while in Abyssinia in all, lots of Circular thinking is often used, in helping coming up truly, with all forms even, of Firm Beliefs in all really}.

Hasta la vista

Chip Donaldson

Addis-Ababa, Abyssinia

Wednesday 28 March 2012

The Sacred

The Sacred and Abyssinia.

The very world perhaps, of Art originating from Egypt, has never truly been fully explored actually. For Artists in Egypt in many ways truly, sought to create/re-create Art, that in all represented, just about any form of Religious Manifestation out there in all truly, but surprisingly too, all this Art again, emanating from Dance and as seen in Egypt itself actually {and as with saying that, Art from Egypt was highly varied in its range and scope, and this in many ways too, speaks of just how highly complex even, Dance in Egypt truly was (and as in saying that, all Art in Egypt and including even Egyptian lifestyles in all, seemed very much to emanate from it all actually)} {and with a further belief that, Dance, an Artform in all and one rather difficult to master actually, and rather highly complex even, might be at the very root in all even, of just why Egypt in all, truly rose rather fast actually, from Society to Civilization itself}.

Most out there never do think about just whom they are in all, and as with regards even, to simply being Scared actually {meaning in all again, having a deep sense of worth of oneself, despite whatever good, bad or evil even, that might in all, just happen in all even, to one actually}. For those in Abyssinia is to say in all again that, the Sculpture seen above, actually in all truly perhaps even, represents the Sacred, and as seen in everyday Egypt too really {but a form of the Sacred, highly suited in all, for Abyssinia actually}.

For those not in agreement perhaps, and wish to seek their own form of the Sacred, one could very well be advised to turn in all again, to Transfigural Mathematics actually {and as with its Study even that is}, or even truly, simply identifying in all even, with the Biblical Story of Joseph actually {as with it even again, a rather fine representation of the Sacred in all, and the Sacred too, not differing in most ways even perhaps, from the above Sculpture actually (and as with speak of the similarities between Abyssinia in all and Egypt too really)}.

@@ as a further note is to say that, the Sacred in all, is in many ways even, what Sigmund Freud did call, the Ego, the Ego-Ideal, and finally even, the Ideal-Ego in all too really.

'the Moor'

'the Net', Durnham-Nairobi

Secular Art

Secularism, Secular Art and Abyssinia.

And as with recommending in all that, Secularism in Abyssinia, can be highly well defined around Travel itself actually {and whether as an actual participant, or merely as an observer in all too really}.

'the Moor'

Limuru, Abyssinia

The Burghal

The Burghal

As with the belief that the City is now in many ways even, a boring existence in all actually {and in many ways too really, highly suited for Europe in all actually}, the Burghal in all really, seems rather well suited for Abyssinia {and as in saying that 'Voltaires' comparisons of England and France above, have the end result in all of having one think more or less along the lines of a Bughal actually} {and with the Burghal too, the kind of place in all one would associate with the Barbunama actually, or even the Swahili coast in all truly} {and with Dar-es-salaam in Tanzania too, originally mean't in all even, to have be a Burghal actually}.


The European Moor

Dar-es-salaam, 'the Swahili coast'