Thursday 20 September 2012

World Myth

World Myth.

Life as Script:

Unknown to many, since the very times of the French Revolution in itself, the World in many a way, has seen a tremendous rise, and in Publishing in itself too actually. That in all, since the very times when the 19th Century does begin, Publishing in many a way, has taken the very form of Viral Communications, and as with it even said unregulated as such {meaning, it in all again, very much taking a Scripted form that is}.

The belief that life in itself, can exist in a Scripted form, can be said, to be rather true, and of the very origins, and of life on this Earth. That the belief in all again, and of the very origins of life on this Earth, and as based around Microbes and Mitochondria in itself too, does speak in all ways even, and of life in all, taking the very form of a Script (or Code too actually), and in all ways even, all this very much based around what they do call, the News Event that is {and as compared, to the Historical Event actually}. The News Event, and as something happening in all again, and that does approximate, what one could refer to as a mistake, error, blunder, gaffe, miscalculation, lapse etc., and as compared to what the Masses in all again perhaps, would term the Norm {and as with it even, and in the very early times too, associated in all truly even, and with all forms and kinds, and of Archetypal Mother figures that is}.

In all, the News Event too, and as giving rise even, to certain forms of Conscious States in all, and that does have the Masses, viewing their Worlds, and in the very form of a Script too actually {this being no different, and from News Media Publishing too}, and as with it all even, giving rise to Realities in all again, very much similar to those, one does see on Television Shows, or even Hollywood B Movies too actually {that in all Reality in itself, is an approximation in all again, and of a Norm too, put out there in all, but a Norm too, having with it, the room for a margin of error of a kind, and that does in all again, give birth to the News Event that is}.

In all, in speaking of the Norm, is to perhaps in all again, best associate it in all, and with a source, that could very well be trusted that is {and as with this referring even, and to a World Myth too that is, and as Myth too, that could very well be said, to bind just about any living organism on Earth together actually}. In attempting to find such a Myth, is to also in all again say that attempting to use Greek, Egyptian or even other such Worldly sources of Myth, might not be the very best way to do it all, but that in all again, the Bible, or the Holy Bible in this case, is perhaps, the most Mystical work ever written, and as with it even, having been translated into thousands of differing versions, and as with this even, speaking of the Bible and as capable of being interpreted, and Mystically into, and into millions of differing Realities that is {that the Bible in all, does speak of differing Natural Realities, and that some Bibles in all again, are actually believed or said, to be rather Magical in their ways too actually}.

In all again, the Catholic Edition of the Holy Bible (NRSV), is hereby recommended for the Masses (or the World even perhaps), and as with this form of the Bible too, and others like it too, Scripted that is, and as with it all even, speaking of Natural Realities perhaps, and that do speak in all ways even, and of us Humans too, and as living organisms that is, and as connected in all again, and to all other living organisms perhaps, but in all ways truly even, helping bring the mitigating effects (fears that is), and of News Media in itself, under control, and as with regards truly even, to just how unregulated in all, News Media Publishing that is, has affected Human populations all over, and during the last 200 years actually {that in all, Publishing in all again, giving rise to many a fear that is, and fears too, affecting us in all, and as living organisms too that is, and in many a way even, making us error-prone living creatures actually (or our identifying heavily or strongly as such that is), and in many a way even, the very belief that, we are all Human, similar that is, and as based around, the News Event in itself too actually} {that in all, all Humans, are actually prone to make the same mistakes, and when put in any Scripted situation that is, and the erroneous belief too that, all living organisms on the Earth, can be said to be following the same Script (and one that some would term God that is), when in reality, and as with speak too even, of the differing Scripted forms of the Bible, there are rather many different Naturally occurring Scripts, that do in all and in the very least too, truly determine, just how life on this very Earth, and at a primal level too, does evolve that is} {that in all again, the Catholic edition of the Holy Bible (NRSV), helping us deal perhaps, and with the mitigating effects that is, that unregulated News Media Publishing in all, has had on the Masses and in the last 200 years that is, and as with saying that, News Media in all, is best regulated perhaps, and at a Local level too that is}.