Thursday 13 September 2012

Lesson in Design

A Lesson in Design.




The first Image posted above, shows Drinking Glasses in all, possessing a 17th century French Design to them, and as with they even, having been used in France then that is. The second Image, (b), posted above, does speak in all ways even, and of a 14th Century German Beer Drinking Glass Design in all, and with final Image posted too, showing a piece in all again, a Fork too, and as originating in all, and from a Victorian Culinary Set actually.

In all, speak of Design here, does speak in all ways even, and of just how the above Amenities in all, were actually used, and as with attempting in all again, to truly state that, using any of them and in a natural manner too, does speak in all ways even, and of just how in all again, they were actually used back then, and when they did come into being that is {and as with speak too even, and of a prevalent mentality in all and that does state that, many an invention seen out there today, does have a learning curve to it all, and as with some foolishly even, falsely believing the above Designs in all, to be Modern in their ways perhaps, but with perhaps a better explanation of all this being that, the above Amenities are today, often viewed as being of a 'High Class' variety in all, and when in reality, they were simply everyday Amenities and in their respective pasts too, while the present Modern Age in all again, has seen such Amenities in all, suffer a fall even, and as with regards to their characteristics too perhaps, and as with speak too even, and of the prevalent use of Plastic Forks in all (and as with they possessing a rather poor Design that is), or even, the very use of an inferior metal in all again, and such as Stainless Steel too, to manufacture Forks, and as compared in all again, to the very use of Tin perhaps, and as with the case even, and of the Victorian Fork displayed above that is}.