Friday 21 September 2012

Intellectual Capital

Intellectual Capital.

Community vs. Local Government:

The concept of Community, must not be confused with that of Local Government. To perhaps better understand this, is to in all again perhaps, best peruse, the above posted Blog link, Americanista, and as with it even, offering a differing way of development, and from that of Community too {that in all, Americanista, is heavily based around Local Government actually}.To much more better understand all this, is to perhaps associate Community, and with Intellectual Capital in itself too, and Local Government on the otherhand, and with Knowledge Capital {and which is Capital in all again, similar to that seen in Americanista, and heavily based around Applied Research too actually}.

In many a way, Local Government does differ from Community, and as with saying that, Local Government does highly define itself even, and from Materiality/Materialism too, while Community on the otherhand, highly defines itself, and from its People in all that is. In many a way too perhaps, one could also say that, Local Government actually does attempt to define, just what Materiality in all, is truly best suited for a region or a locale even, while Community on the otherhand, does controversially even, attempt to state that, only certain peoples in all, can truly live, and within certain said regions or locales too that is.

For those though and who have come across Americanista in all, is to perhaps tell them that, applying this kind of Knowledge, is not rather easy in all, and as with furtherly adding that, Local Government in many a way, is known to have Family oriented roots to it, while Community on the otherhand, is actually truly more or less driven by Language & Culture in all that is. In many a way then, the Blog Americanista, and for those in Abyssinia who might take an interest in it, is to perhaps then best associate it all, and with the Dress & Costumes entry too, and as with saying that, Knowledge Capital in all again, is best perceived in all, and from Moral Codes too actually, while Intellectual Capital on the otherhand, is in many a way even, best perceived, and from Language & Culture in itself too that is.

In all, Community, is actually the olden way of building Civilized States in all, and as seen throughout History too, and as with telling many that, the very use of Local Government in all, and to help bring about change in a place too, is a much more recent phenomenon actually {beginning with the Victorian Times too}, but in many a way even, and for many a person out there too, the Blog Americanista, and as with it even, helping reform or rebuild even, shattered Family Units in all, and as with telling those in the 'backward areas' of the World too {and a form of speech too, highly associated with Local Government in all), that the most basic way of thinking of the Blog Americanista in all, is from the perspective of Ancestral worship of all kinds that is {and as with this referring even, to Family Units in all, and not Groupings truly either that is, and in all ways even, speak of differing Family Units in all again, and as defined by blood too, working together, to create in all too really, Local Government, and not Community truly either that is} {that in many a way even, Local Government in all, does speak of competing Family Units (and as defined by blood too), and speak in all too even, and of what Family Unit in all again, truly does have the best ideas, and on how to develop Local Government that is (or truly even perhaps, which Family Unit, can be said, to be Moral, than the other that is)} {at the very least, which Family Unit in all again, does have the best ideas, and on just what Physical Infrastructure in all, to erect that is, and as with furtherly telling one that, the Blog Americanista, does possess far much better ideas in all, and on building Local Government too, than does the UN, the IMF or even the World Bank too, and who in all again, attempt to spearhead development, and as based around Local Government, and not Community either} {and as with Community too, speaking of finding the best group of People (and as a Family Grouping perhaps), .and whom in all again, can come together, and as in the case even of Entrepreneurship too, to truly help in building, the best Community that is, and even, from a Architectural perspective too that is (and as with Community in Europe too, heavily grounded in Entrepreneurship, and not Business Enterprises, and as is Local Government that is)}.

In all, those at 'Tales of Adventurism and the Moor', truly do believe though that, Community, is a much higher concept or level even, and of development too that is, and as compared to Local Government, but with Local Government on the otherhand, best speaking perhaps, and of a place and such as Monaco too, and as compared in all again, and to the rest of Europe, and which traditionally in all, has been strongly defined, and by Community, and the Communal too that is.

Local Government & Monaco:

Communal Europe: