Wednesday 12 September 2012



Markets & Abyssinia:

Many in Abyssinia, are probably well acquainted, and with the Swahili term of Dunia. It in many ways though, is falsely believed, presumed or said even, to speak of the Earth or the World too, and when in reality, it is a collective term in all, and for all forms of Human activity in all again, and as seen around the World, Earth or Planet too that is {and as with it even, truly speaking of the 'Spheres of life', 'Realms of life', the 'Arenas of life', the 'Sectors of life', the 'Avenues of life', and many other such descriptors too, and of life and society in general that is}.

Today though, one does find that Dunia in all, has in many a way even, been swept away, and from the whole Planet in itself too perhaps, and as with telling one that, what they do call Dunia in all, does in all ways even, go hand in hand, and with what they do refer to as the Markets that is. That in all, the Earth in itself today, is highly dominated, and by what they do call Economic Theories, and as with they even, said very much to accurately even, describe all forms of Human contact and activity too that is {and when in reality, Economic Theories, and not Market Theories either, do actually speak of regulating Family life in all, and as with most Human Contact around the Earth in all again, and today too that is, taking place only at the Family level actually, and as with speak too even, and of Economic Theories, and not Market Theories either}. In all, the very disappearing of life in itself, and from the Earth too, and as comparable in all that is, and to that seen before the Victorian Era in all again, has very much to do, and with the decline of Markets in all, and around the World too, and as with Markets too, coming to truly define in all again, the 'Spheres of life', the 'Sectors of life', the 'Arenas of life' etc., and as seen in a society in general, and as compared to Economic Theories in all again, and which in all ways even, do speak of life in all, and as centered around the Mall, or the Shopping Center too that is {and all this too, referring to a life, and societies too, highly operating in all again, and from only ones Home and Family too that is}.

In all again perhaps, Bleak House, and one of the more popular too, works of Charles Dickens, truly chosen here, and as with it even, highly adaptable to life in Abyssinia that is ('the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'), and as with it truly again, not only describing Dunia, and in Abyssinia too, but in all ways truly even, a book in all again, that could very well give one a truly functionable Market Theory in all, and one highly suited too, and for Abyssinia that is {and as with attempting even, to truly in all again, have things moving in Abyssinia that is, and by basically in all, declaring Bleak House, and as a basic even Market existence in itself, and as with regards, to Human Contact, and as seen in Abyssinia too that is}.