Saturday 1 September 2012



Francophone vs. Anglophone:

Those who do live in Kenya in all, do recognize that, there are two primary ways of looking at Kenya, and Politically too that is. The first way, very much has to do, with centering Kenya and around the city of Nairobi too, and in all ways even, a truly British way of viewing Kenya, and as with this speaking too of, African presences in all, and in a now Post-Independent Kenya too {and with the British way of viewing Kenya, heavily focusing or concentrating on Colonialism (Kenyan Ethnic Identities), Independence (the Kenyan Flag), and African life since Independence too that is (the Kenyan Economy)}. There is however another way, and often used in all, and by Brown skinned Kenyans too perhaps, and in viewing Kenya in itself too. This manner of viewing Kenya, views Kenya primarily and from the port city of Mombasa too, and in all ways even, is a German way of viewing Kenya too, and as with it truly based around viewing Kenya and from Tourism/Adventurism in itself, its Educational facilities too (and as including Educational Media too that is), and finally in all again, Popular Media in all that is {and Media too, more or less Victorian in spirit too that is} {and as with the three too, a rather basic way even, and of living in Kenya too, and rather comfortably that is}.

There is also however, another way of looking at Kenya, and from more or less, a Cultural/Secular perspective too that is. It in all ways even, does speak of viewing Kenya and as either Anglophone that is, or even truly again perhaps, Francophone too {and as with Francophone here too, an umbrella term in all, and for those in all again, living within Kenya, and who do not ascribe to Anglophone Mores that is}. In many a way, taking Karen/Lakeview and in 'Durnham-Nairobi' too, and as an example of all this, is to in all ways even, speak of Anglophone oriented lifestyles, and as heavily based around Shopping Malls, Entertainment Spots & Venues, and finally in all again, Local News Media in all too really. To speak of Francophone lifestyles on the otherhand (and as with those in Kenya, and who also do very much live lives, and as based truly around the speaking of Kiswahili or Swahili even, and in their most pure forms too), is to in all again perhaps, speak of Religious Media/Centers, Language & Culture, and finally in all again truly even, Historical sites in themselves that is.

In all though, is to declare here below that (and in the attempts too, to salvage Karen/Lakeview in all and from very much becoming slum like in its ways that is, and as with it even, once former hot prime Real Estate and in Nairobi too), that in all again, there is a basic way of living in Karen/Lakeview too, and which in all too really, does truly speak of it, and as Independent in spirit and Community too that is, and without one having that is, to travel outside Karen/Lakeview, and as with a livelihood too actually.

In all, this basic way of living in Karen/Lakeview, does have to do, and with viewing Karen/Lakeview, Durnham-Nairobi/Nairobi and Kenya too, and from more or less truly, the German and Francophone ways, and of viewing Kenya Politically and Culturally/Secularly too that is (and all this said too respectively that is). That in all, basic lifestyles and for those in other parts of Abyssinia {'the Plains'}, or 'Nairo' in itself too, and who do wish, to live in Karen/Lakeview for instance, does speak in all ways even, and of associating oneself and with the various Religious Centers/'places of worship' in the place (and as with Political survival too), its various Botanical Gardens (and accompanying Restaurants too), and finally in all again the Karen Blixen Museum in all, and as the primary Historical site too, and in Karen/Lakeview too that is {and as with all this too, referring in all again, to the speaking of what they do term Francaise (a kind of Media oriented French, and not true French either, and once spoken in Pre-Colonial and Victorian Kenya too that is), or even truly again, the speaking of Swahili in all, and in its purest forms too, and not Kiswahili either} {and with the Pre-Colonial, speaking of a time in Kenya, when outsiders to it in all, and who were not speakers of Victorian English or knowledgeable in Victorian Communications either, do start to make their way, and into Kenya too that is (and as with many of these, and to the present day, never having learn't Victorian English, or even Victorian Communications in themselves, and as with they both needed, and for Kenya in itself, to survive and as with speak of Independence too that is} {that in all, Victorian Communications and Victorian English too, are actually the natural/civil/orderly way of communicating in all, and within Kenya/Abyssinia too that is}.

In all again, the main goal here, is to very much declare Karen/Lakeview, and as very much Francophone in its ways too, and as with the only English to be spoken in the place truly, Anglaise actually {and which is a kind of English too, similar to Francaise in all, and as with it even, a highly Media oriented form of English, but having its roots, and alongside Francaise too, and in what they do call the Angleterre actually (a European/Italian styled/way of speaking English, but having Victorian Communications to it too actually)}.