Sunday 23 September 2012

The Swan Song

The Swan Song.

 Political Stances vs. Political Order:

Those who do live in Abyssinia in all {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, do perhaps recognize that, there is a serious issue in all, and as with regards, to defining Political Identities. That in all, and while in Abyssinia too, when wanting to get the most average of things done, one does realize that, it all very much does seem, rather Political in nature actually {that in all, seeking to get the smallest of things done, and such as visiting a Mall for instance, does call even, and for one, to hold a Political Stance of a kind too, and not think of Political Order in all truly either} {that in all again, when thinking of visiting the Mall perhaps, the time in all one does choose to go to the place, how one dresses, or even just whom in all again, one does choose to engage with (and as with this including, which shops perhaps, one might want to visit), does call in all again for, one to hold a Political Stance in all (and such as a moral obligation too), and not think Political Order either (and as with speak of routine too that is)}.

In many a way, this does call for viewing oneself, and not as an Individual either (and speak of Individuality too), but in all ways even, as Solo actually {that in all, speak of the Individual, does in all ways even, speak of the Mythic, while speak of the Solo, does in all ways even, speak of one as being Solitary in all that is (and rather independent in their movements and ways too actually)}.

In many a way too perhaps, Individuality and the Mythic, does speak in all ways even, and of planning out, a successful Business strategy for instance, while the Solo, does speak in all ways even, and of whom one for instance, is very much as a Worker too actually {that working within ones Business, is more or less Solo in its ways, and as compared to attaining a Successful milestone, and which is more or less all about Individuality and the Mythic too that is}.

In all, Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, is in many a way even, far more Political in nature, and as it very well is today, and as with this referring even, and to a mentality whereby, just about anything to be done, calls for one having a Political Stance in all, and as compared to Political Order too, and which does in all again, speak of visiting a Political Institution for instance, and simply demanding in one way or another, a certain task in all, to be fulfilled that is {that in all again, the very world of Political Stances, does call for one, to engage another in all, deemed a stranger too, and in helping them perhaps, fulfill a certain function, and as compared to the very world of Political Order too, and which does extend in many a way even, certain Political Rights, and to certain groups or figures too, and as based around Political Institutions that is} {and as with Abyssinia too, highly supposed to operate around Cultural Institutions, and not Political Institutions either}.

In all, in helping deal with this rather huge problem {a mentality in all again, whereby most in Abyssinia, do believe that Political Connections, and as very much taking the form of Political Networks too in all, can very well solve all their problems, does have many in Abyssinia in all, seeking to connect to a Political Network (and very much operating as a Political Institution too), but with admission to such Political Networks in all again, speaking very much of the very world of discrimination, tribalism, racism and even sexism, and as seen in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) today too that is}{that in all again, Abyssinia in all, has adopted certain African originating Political mentalities, and as with the difficulty even, of getting anything done in Abyssinia too, but that in all again, Political Networks, Political Connections and even Political Order, don't actually work at all, and in a more or less Community driven Abyssinia, but that in all again, Cultural Networks, Cultural Affiliations, and Political Stance too, is very much actually in all again, just how anything in Abyssinia, does truly get to work that is}.

In helping those in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, truly understand this problem much more clearer, is to in all again provide for three solutions in all, that will help those in Abyssinia, truly understanding the nature of Political Stances {that unlike Political Order in all, Political Stances does call for one asking in all again, to very much live in all, and in a strangers house too for instance, and a person in all again, said very much, to hold certain similar Cultural sensibilities too one, and as compared to Political Order in all, and which would ask Government in many a way, to somewhat provide for such housing that is}.

1. Distributed Database Systems: The very idea of Distributed Database Systems, is very much Cultural in its ways, and not Political either, and as many would probably have one believe. That in all, Distributed Database Systems, do speak of one having a Political Stance in all again, and as with regards to anything, and not the querying of such Databases either, and as with regards, to Political Order that is. In all again perhaps, a Distributed Database System, and as not too different from a Web Forum that is, and as with it in all again, having one question perhaps, just how one in all again, can truly go about doing things in all, and in a more or less rather Cultural manner too that is. In all, all this very much about telling those in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia} that, alot of the problems in the region, and that do make the place somewhat truly Third-World in nature, are actually born of Political Networks, Political Connections and even Political Order, when in reality, doing things as based around Cultural Networks, Cultural Affiliations and even Political Stances too, will very much wipe out all these problems, and on an overnight basis too that is {and as with furtherly even, speaking of a revolution in all, and in the Real-Estate Industry, the Transportation Industry, the Banking Industry, or even the Entertainment Industry too that is}.

2. Oracles: When we do speak of Oracles here, we do not speak of them, and from the Egyptian sense in all (speak of one becoming a Medium/Receptor perhaps, and of various messages in all, and via Communicating with certain said Deities too perhaps), but in all ways truly even, speaking of Oracles, and as the Greeks did envision them {and as based around, the very asking of the very right question, and at the very right time, and at the very right place too that is}. In many a way, in helping those in Abyssinia, start solving many a problem they might have, Political too, is to in many a way even, speak of the Oracle here, and from more or less the the perspective too, and of Arguing/Arguments, and as with all this too, Arguing/Arguments that is, what does constitute in all, Political Stances in Abyssinia today, and that in many a way, engaging in this practise, might open one up, and to the exposing in all, and of Political Hegemony too, and in ones area/place too that is {that in all again, and even with the best of reasons for ones wishes in all, one will discover that Resources in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia} today, are heavily even, unfairly located, and as with the most undeserving even, offered all forms of Political help, while those most capable, many a time even, left out of Political circles that is}.

3. The Swan Song: Speak of the Swan Song, does speak in all ways even, and of one viewing oneself, very much as Solo, and as compared to an Individual too that is {and as with this referring specifically, and to Individuality that is}. In all, the Swan Song, and as with referring in all again, and to being Solo that is, does in all ways even perhaps, speak of a Song, that can be said to be Celebrative in its ways, and as with one even, having completed a task successfully that is. In many a way perhaps, a rather difficult way of doing things in all, assigning a Swan Song that is, and as with telling one that, Guns N Roses 'Don't Cry', is in many a way even, a good Swan Song, and for those in Abyssinia {'the Plains'}, and who in all ways even, are at the very least knowledgeable, and of Anglaise too that is.