Friday 14 September 2012


The Harare-Nairobi Connection.

There are those in Nairobi or Kenya even, and who do in all again, have truly noticed that, certain similarities or parallels too, do exist, and between life in Nairobi or Kenya, and Harare and Zimbabwe too that is.

In many a way, if you do live in Kenya, or Nairobi too, and do believe in living life, and as very much centered around Modern/Western like Educational Systems, Bureaucratic Government, the Mortgaging of Homes and Car Ownership in all (and as a main goal of life even), strong Family Identities, Family outings and such as Birthday Parties too, Small-scale Private Business Ownership, Job Security & Government Employment, Western styled Marriages and speak even of Economical/Budgetary Family Households, Soccer and as a major form of entertainment, Evangelical/Missionary styled Religion, Casual Social Gatherings, Puritan Sexuality (and as with the belief even, Sex should only happen at Night), or even Dramatics in all, and in life too, and as very much seen, in many an African magazine too, and such as Drum Magazine for instance, then in all again, it would be best to be advised in all that, this manner of living in all, is actually highly suited in all, and for Harare or Zimbabwe too, and not Nairobi or Kenya truly either actually {and as with Kenya too at the very least even, best perceived in all again, and as having normal existences in all, and similar in all too even, and to a city in all, and in the UK too, and such as Manchester for instance, and not, Johannesburg or Cape Town truly either} {and which is just how in all, many a person who does live in the manner explained above, does judge Kenya and Nairobi too: and as comparable in all again that is, and to Johannesburg or South Africa in general actually}.

In all, why Harare or Zimbabwe is best for this group has very much to do, and with just how in all, they do perceive in all again, not only Success and Failure in their lives too, but also truly even, the very issue of Dying in itself actually {that in all, this group of peoples in all again, do view Success, Failure and Dying too, and from the very perspective of Globalism, Internationalism, and even Worldliness too, and as with attempting to judge any success in life in all, or even failure too, and from making comparisons in all again, and to that seen in Global Media, International Media, and even World Media too perhaps, and as compared in all too even, and to using Religion, Mythology and History in itself, and as with regards to all this that is}.

In all, what can best be recommended perhaps, is the above Psychological site (and for those serious too that is),, and as with it even, containing the Psychology in all again, truly needed to survive in Zimbabwe actually, and as with it all too, guaranteed to actually work, and in Harare or Zimbabwe too that is.