Wednesday 5 September 2012

Heroic Myth

Heroic Myth.

History & the Community:

Many a person in all, may truly believe the Community/Communal model, to be somewhat truly outmoded in its ways actually, and as with regards truly even perhaps, to the recording and making, and of History in itself too that is. They perhaps do believe in all again that, Communities or Communals too, to be rather silent places in all truly even, and where nothing much dos happen actually, and unless one too, does choose to leave the Community/Communal, and for the 'Big City' too perhaps.

In all ways truly even, we here at 'Tales of Adventurism and the Moor' do not believe this to be truly so, and in all ways truly even, would actually like to state that Karen/Lakeview (and as with Lakeview the 'new' name in all, and for the 'Ngong Hills' area of Durnham-Nairobi/'Nairobi' too), that Karen/Lakeview in all again, does have its very own Heroic Myth, and in the very form too, and of the Crowner John Mysteries that is, and by Bernard Knight too actually {what this does mean is that, these Mysteries, were not actually written for Karen/Lakeview, but that in all again, they being truly of the 'Popular Writers series' variety, are hereby in all again, truly recommended for Karen/Lakeview that is, and as with not only speak of creating History and Myth in itself too, but in all ways truly even, the making of History in Karen/Lakeview in itself, or outside it too that is} {and all this too, talking of the very fact that, what they do refer to as a 'Popular Writers series' in all truly even, and as including even, popular works and such as those of Nancy Drew or even the Hardy Boys too, can truly be used, to create Heroic Myth in all, and in a Community/Communal too that is, and as with regards truly even, to not only making History in itself, but truly even and more importantly too that is, helping creating a rather strong even, Memory in all, and pleasant too, and of having lived in a said Community/Communal that is} {and with all this, extending in all too even, to what they do call Popular Musical Artists (and not Musicians either), and speak even of the likes of Madonna or even Prince too (and with Michael Jackson too, having been a Musician that is), and with the former two, Musical Artists (Popular) in all, and whose music in all again, was/is actually truly suited, and for the Communal/Community model too that is} {and with Jennifer Lopez in all again, and as a Musical Artist three, having her music, very much finding a home, and in the Latino Community too for instance}.

Popular Musical Artists & Karen/Lakeview: