Wednesday 26 September 2012



The Dearthly Experience:

Most out there, never do truly think of Death, and as an everyday experience too that is. That in all, the very base belief that, at just about any moment alive, we are also in many a way truly even, dying actually. To help make this much clearer, is to not only present it and from Birth-Death-ReBirth Cycles too that is, but in all ways truly even, from equating Death in all, and to a hurtful state too, and such as a Loss too that is. That while in most of the World, everyday Death is taken from the very perspective and of Profit & Loss too, in Africa (both Abyssinia and the rest of Africa too), Death in many a way, does take the very form, and of the Relevant, and the Irrelevant respectively too {that in all again, while Death in most of the World, does speak of everyday profit and loss in all, in Abyssinia, Death is encountered, and only if, one truly does fail to take into account, what is truly relevant, and in just about any scenario too, while in the rest of Africa in all again, and outside Abyssinia too that is, death is always truly encountered, and when one does fail in all, to truly discern even, what is truly irrelevant, and to just about any situation too that is}.

In all again, is to tell those in Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}that, the Al-Hadith compilations (4 volume set), and by one Maulana Fazlul Karim too {and works too of Arab/Swahili origins that is}, can in many a way truly even, help one discern in all, what is truly relevant in all again, and when it does come, to everyday living too, and in Abyssinia too that is.

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