Sunday 2 September 2012

Divine Symbolism

Divine Symbolism.

Divinity & Abyssnia:

When one does speak of Divinity in all, one is truly in all again, referring to those, who truly perhaps, have been ordained in one manner or another, and to help bring (and if not all alone too), change, and into other peoples lives that is.

When one though, does speak of Divinity and Abyssinia too, one then in all, should automatically refer, and to the Cushitic peoples of Kenia/'Kenya', Ethiopia and Somalia too {or what in all does truly encompass Abyssinia in itself that is}. That in all, Divinity and in Abyssinia, does differ in all again, and from that seen in Europe too, and as with that in Europe, rather Individual in its ways (and as with the case of many a past known Monarchy in Europe too for instance), but with that in Abyssinia, very much Communal/Community based that is.

To help understand this much better, is to acknowledge first of all that, the Cushitic peoples of Abyssinia, and as the only legitimate Indigenous peoples of Abyssinia too, and as with they even, possessing at the very least, the most basic of Knowledge, required to Sustain life, and Religious living too, and in Abyssinia that is {and as with reminding one that, other African peoples and in Abyssinia, are very much Alien to the place actually, and with this in all again, referring specifically to Nubian groups, Niger-Kordofanian African groups, and finally in all again truly, African Sectarian groups and from both the Middle East and Asia too that is}.

In all, the Cushitic peoples of Abyssinia, and as with regards truly even, to the Communal/Community, reknowed even, and as famed Community workers that is, and as with they even, possessing the most basic Medical Knowledge too, and as required in all again, and to survive in just about any place too, and in Abyssinia that is {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, but with they in all again, possessing the most basic of Wisdom in all, and as required in all again, in helping deal with just about any Social or Psychological problems too, and that do arise in all, and in any given Community/Communal in Abyssinia that is {and as with the Maasai even, rather knowledgeable in all, and in Cognitive Psychology that is}. In all again, the Cushitic peoples of Abyssinia, and as differing strongly even, and from said believed native African groups to be seen in Post-Independence Abyssinia in all that is (and such as the Nubians, Niger-Kordofanian groups, etc.), and as with Cushitic Languages too that is, at the very least too, possessing Communications to them, and that do mirror Victorian Communications too that is {and making their Languages in all, rather different even, and from others seen in Africa too that is}. In all again, Victorian & Swahili cultures, and as the most basic even, and of Functional Knowledge in all, and as truly needed too, and to basically (Politically) survive in Abyssinia too that is.

Finally, Maasai/Cushitic Divine Symbolism in all, and as basically even, speaking of the unknown History of Abyssinia in itself too {it stretching back and to the times of the Yemenite Kingdoms that is, and speak even of the famed Queen of Sheba too}, the above form of Maasai Divine Art in all (and as posted way above), and the accompanying Book below too, to be associated in all again, and with Karen/Lakeview too, and when one does think of building Indigenous Community/Communals that is {and as with telling those in Abyssinia that, Cushitic peoples in all, should serve as the most basic of Advisors in all, and when it does come to any form of Community based operations or workings too that is}.