Friday 21 September 2012

Global Presences

Global Presences.

There is perhaps, a much more interesting way, and of looking at the very rather well known terms and of First-World, Second-World, and Third-World too that is. In many a way even, this does speak in all, and of just how they do define Country too that is. That those said First-World in all again, truly do define Country, and at the International level too actually (and as with this referring even, and to easy travel, and to just about any known point too that is), while those termed Second-World, do speak of defining Country in all again, and at the Worldly level too (and as with this referring even, to the easy procuring of goods in all, and as with for instance, working rather well, and in ones Country too for instance). In many a way though, those said Third-World, are those in all again, who do have Countries in all, that are not well-functioning, and at all levels too that is.

For those in Kenia though, and as with this referring even, and to Catalan Kenia too (see links above), Country in all again, will best be defined, and at the Global level that is {meaning in all again, the very use and of the Internet too, to connect in all, and to many a Private or Public Institution perhaps, and as seen around the World too, but with this connection in all again, believed or said even, best based around, a form of mutual agreement in all, and between the two parties involved that is (Catalan Kenia, and a said Global Entity too that is)}.