Saturday 8 September 2012



Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5, Link 6

The very issue of Legitimacy, very much has to do, and with whom in all again, has the very right, to belong to any Society, Community, Communal or even Municipality too. That in all, this in many a way even, does have to do, and with speak truly even, and of just whom in all again, does have the capability in all, and of taking charge of any troubling situation too, and that does arise that is {that in all again, those who can take charge or truly even perhaps, are in charge and in favour of a certain candidate or person too, are truly responsible perhaps, and for deciding in all again, who does truly belong, and to any Society, Community, Communal or even Municipality too}.

When referring to Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), this in many a way even, does have to do with speak truly even, and of just whom in all again, does truly belong and to any of the Communities in all, to be seen all over Abyssinia too that is {that at its most even, this does truly speak even, and of one single Community, building another in all, and in another location too that is, and in all ways truly even, speaking of the migratory trends, and of many who do live in Abyssinia in general actually} {and as with work in Abyssinia too, in many a way even, more or less of the part-time variety, and not the full-time variety either, and which does allow for exchanges in all, work related, to occur that is} {and as with many too, truly seeking out Self-Reliance & Self-Independence, and in their ways/Communities that is}.

In all and in the very least too, this referring in all again, and to whom truly does live and work around Durnham-Nairobi for instance, and whom they are in all again, and when they do seek to live in 'Nairo' for instance too, or even truly again perhaps, whats the difference in Identity, and between Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and, the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya) too: and as with perhaps telling one that, Abyssinia in all, truly speaks of Community driven Identities, while the Horn of Africa in all again, truly speaks of City and Individual driven Identities that is {and in all ways truly even, speaking truly even perhaps, and of a change in Communications actually, and not in Identity truly either} {and with the Horn of Africa too, to be primarily associated in all too even, and with the Art & Symbolism Identity, and as seen in the 'Identity Creation' entry too that is}.

In all ways though, and as with describing Legitimacy here, and along the lines of ones abilities in all again, and to take charge of a troubling situation too that is, is to in all again perhaps even, help invigorate Karen/Lakeview (and as one of the World's premier future Communities too that is), and by in all again, telling those in Karen/Lakeview that, they can very well think about Authoritative issues in all (or 'taking Charge' too that is), and along the lines of the Scientific American Publication {it being again, a Publication that is, and not a Magazine truly either} {and that in all, it can serve and as an inspiration too, and for not only the choosing of other Publications and for the very same purpose too, but that in all again, it does express Authority in all, and in a general manner too (and as with 'taking Charge' that is), and that does work rather benevolently well, and in Karen/Lakeview too that is}.