Tuesday 25 September 2012



The rise of the Modern/Urban American City:

What they do term Sharecropping in all, is an experience in all again perhaps, that does arise, and in now post-antebellum America too that is. What this does truly mean is that, with the abolition of Slavery in America, Sharecropping, and as a Prison oriented System too, does arise, but with those involved in Sharecropping, not former Slaves either (many now even, part of a small Community in America too that is), but in all again, new Slaves perhaps, and as not only coming in from Asia (but via South Africa too), but also in all ways even, from the Middle East in itself actually.

What does happen in many a way though, and with this new group, is the very rise in all, and of Modern/Urban American Cities too. That these Sharecroppers, would come to influence Modern/Urban American Cities, and in more ways than one in all, could truly believe perhaps, and as with stating that, many a modern American City in all again, does have Rhythms, Soul and Spirit to it, and as arising from Be-pop, Soul and Swing Music too that is, and as with furtherly stating that, many a Modern/Urban American City in all again, does have to it, 'speech patterns' in all, and similar to those, and of former Sharecroppers too that is (and as with these 'speech patterns' in all again, mirroring those seen in the Middle East too actually), but that in all again, many an Accent and in many a Modern/Urban American City too, very much now having its roots, and amongst former Black Asian Sharecroppers too that is {and as with many a Modern/Urban American City too, not truly American in most ways, and due to 'speech patterns' issues in most ways even (they mirroring those in the Middle East), but even Accents issues too that is} {In many a way too, if Philadelphia can be said to be a traditional American City, a rather fine good example of a Modern/Urban American City, is Atlanta in most ways truly even}.

In many a way though, unknown to most too, America's Jazz, RnB/Blues or even Pop Music revolutions in all, were always based around small City and Town America actually, and did not actually arise, and with the so termed Black Experience in America, and within Modern/Urban American Cities too that is {that in all again, Modern/Urban American Cities, and as highly defined by Be-Bop Music, Soul Music and Swing Music too, and with it all, mirroring Music too, and as heard in the Middle East, and parts of Asia too that is}.

In many a way too, Modern/Urban American Cities in all, and as the meeting place in all again, and for differing Communities, Communals etc. (and as described in the entry below),and as America and as a whole in all, segregated as such too that is {and as with many a Modern/Urban American City too, highly Minority in size/population, and not White actually, and as many an outsider to modern America in all, might be made to believe that is}.

Modern/Urban American Cities & the Swing, Soul, Be-Bop sound:


Small Community America and American Pop Music:

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