Sunday 9 September 2012


Sufferance and Abyssinia.

Those who do live in Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), do recognize that, there is a common belief, and of what in all again, does constitute of the Autobiographical and the Biographical too, and when it does come to living within Abyssinia in itself that is. That while in all again, many might be knowledgeable in all, and of what kind of pain or struggle even, they might on average have to endure, and when attempting in all again, to do just about anything too {see the 'Abyssinian State' entry for an example on this, and as with regards truly even, and to 'the Plains' of Abyssinia too that is}. However though, those in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), do not truly have any proper Stories in all, and of Life too, and to truly depend on, and as serving even, and as a basic Template too, and to just how in all again, to plan out their lives that is {and as with life in Abyssinia too, more or less Community oriented and Individual in its ways that is, and as with some Communities too, having the proper Stories of Life in all and to live off that is (and such as that of Siegfried Sassoon and Kenia too for instance), and others even, truly lacking in them actually}. As a result, many in Abyssinia in all ('the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, do in all truly even, generally get frustrated about life, and as with believing truly even that, Success in itself, must come immediately (or sooner than later too that is), and that in all again, this problem is actually truly rather real, and due to the very fact that, most in Abyssinia in all again, do house similar beliefs in all, and as with regards truly even, to just how in all again, Success must come to one that is {that in all again, most in Abyssinia, don't have proper Life Templates in all, and to depend on that is, and as with regards truly even, to just how in all, to perceive Life in itself actually, and as with regards truly even, to prolonged suffering perhaps, or even, the planning for Success and in Steps or Stages too that is, or even truly again perhaps, not knowing whether its right or wrong, to change ones plans or direction even, and as with regards, to most forms of plannings that is}.

In many a way though, those in Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), have truly adopted in all again, mentalities in all, and as based around the Mau Mau War in Kenya too, and that do speak of the struggles in Life, the Stories of Life too, or even the general plannings of things, and from more or less the perspective, and of the Mau Mau War in itself that is {that in all again, Kenya in itself, and when it does come to all forms of struggles and even general plannings too, does see itself, divided into two perhaps, and as with one group too, seen African/Westernized in many a way even, and believing that life in Kenya in all, has struggles or even general plannings to it, similar in all again, and to that seen amongst Insurgent/Kikuyu Mau Mau warriors that is, while another group in all again, does see struggle and plannings in Kenya, and from the very opposing side too, and of British Colonialist soldiers in all, and that did fight in the Mau Mau War that is}. In all again, the very belief that, Kenya truly in all again, has never truly resolved its post Mau Mau War issues and side effects too perhaps, and as with they even, coming to dominate life in Kenya in all again, and today too that is (but even in Ethiopia and Somalia too), and as with regards truly even, to just how one in all again, does think in all, and as based around truly even, what kind of Questions in all, one should actually truly ask {that in all again, life's struggles, the Stories of Life in itself, or even general plannings in themselves too, truly do have to them, the asking, and of the right kind or types even, and of Questions too that is, or even truly again, the asking of them, and to the right kind of individuals/groups that is}.

In many a way perhaps, is to help those in Abyssinia ('the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'), begin to think of life and from more or less the proper Contexts in all, and as with this truly even, not referring to Stories in all again perhaps, and that do serve as a Life Template in all (and on how to generally plan out Life that is), but in all ways truly even, referring to just how in all again, to go about asking the right Questions in all, and about Life in itself too that is {or even truly simply again, truly knowing just how in all again, to ask the proper Questions in all, and from more or less a Cognitive Psychology perspective too that is}.

In all, a series of works will be presented below, and which are believed to in all ways even, contain similar Contexts in all, and as similar too, to those seen in Abyssinia ('the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'), and as with regards, to all forms even, and of general plannings too that is.

The Savannah:

The Plains:

The Arid areas:


Sons and Lovers {probably a most delightful of reads, and as with regards truly even, to just how life in all again, should be played out or planned out even, and as with life in the Savannah too, highly based around the very issue of Property in itself, and which does include the viewing of Women and Children too, and as Property that is (that in all, the very belief that, having a certain kind of Woman in your life, is something of great value to one actually), and in all truly even, a life truly based around managing in all ways even, all kinds of Property too, and while on the journey too perhaps, and to succeeding in just about anything else that is}; Women in Love {for those is 'the Plains', a wonderful tale in all again, and as truly speaking even of, a group in all, coming together and in the form of the Collective too, and in all ways even, giving a general clue perhaps, and to the planning of things too, and from very much a Collective perspective that is, but as with regards truly even, to life in itself that is}; Ivanhoe {the Wordsworth Classics edition of Ivanhoe, and as with it truly even, speaking truly of just how life in the 'Arid areas' in all, can truly play itself out actually, and as with the 'Arid areas' too, highly even mythological/mythic in their ways actually, and when it does come truly even, and to not only all forms of general plannings that is, but also truly even, just how to go about asking the most relevant of Questions too, needed, and to solve just about any form or kind of problem that is}.