Tuesday 31 July 2012

The London Olympics - 2012

The London Olympics (2012).

The Olympics, and moreso than the Soccer World Cups too that is, can probably be said, to truly affect the Consciousness, and of the World too, and as with regards truly even, and to Status in itself that is {and not Politics truly either} {and as the Soccer World Cups in all, truly are like: Political in a way that is}. In the Olympics though, an unknown Country making a strong showing, or even a prominent one, making a poor showing in all, can lead in all again, and to a change in all and in just how others in all again, do perceive themselves actually, and the very World they live in itself too, and from the perspective, of Humanity in all again, or even speak of the Humane in all too really {and as with this referring even, and to a moment in all again, that could very well change ones life that is}.

The Olympics been held this Year, 2012, and in London, England too, have probably not caught the enthusiasm, or interest even, and of many a person out there, and probably in all again, very much due, and to the Song selection, and that the Olympics Committee in all perhaps, has very much selected, and to go along, and with these Olympics too that is {and as with speak even, of the Opening theme in itself, or even 'Hey Jude' perhaps, and with Sir Paul McCartney too that isf}.

In many a way perhaps, for those not too enthusiastic and with these Olympics too, is to in all again even, recommend in all again, a Song change (Song too, and not Music either), and as with primarily even, associating these Olympics, and with the Jon Bon Jovi & Luciano Pavarotti Song, 'Let it Rain' {and as with it even, speaking of eternal hope that is}. In all, and as with even boldly asking many a Radio Disc Jockey (DJ), and in London too perhaps, to go along with this 'jest' too, and see in all again, just how far it does fair on actually {and as with this even, referring to many a Radio Station, that the Olympics Committee in all again, might very well deem unworthy, and of being part of the Olympics in themselves too that is}.