Tuesday 31 July 2012



Monetary Flow:

There is a rather grand problem, and as with regards truly even, and to just how many a person in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), does in all ways even, perceive Money in itself. For many, Money is perceived and as an actual Physical Commodity/Currency. This though, is a rather backward way in all, and of thinking of Money in itself. More recent times though, has seen many, or the World in many a way too, associate Money in all again and with deemed valuable Commodities too (Collateral), then onwards to the so termed Gold Standard (Deposits/Debit), and onwards today, and to speak of Oil Barrels in themselves (Credit) {that in all, when those in Abyssinia perhaps, do think Money, the Modern/Western World, truly does ask, 'How many Oil barrels, are you talking?'}.

In all though, speak of Money and in the above way actually, does speak in all too even, and of National Security concerns perhaps, and as based around Security issues in themselves that is {and as with speak too even, of maintaining Peace, Harmony and Order, and in a society too for instance}.

In Abyssinia though, Money has been known, to operate in rather different ways: Synergy. This in many ways, does speak even, and of Human Energy levels too {and as said too perhaps, to very much speak of Lethargy, Exhaustion, Tiredness, Fatigue etc.}, and as with going as far even, and as associating Money in itself, and with what they do term, Sensory Memory in all {and as with this even, referring to our quick glancing in all, and to our environments in general that is}.


Sensory Memory, is what in many a way, has traditionally made Kenya, far more dynamic in its ways even, and as compared to Ethiopia or Somalia too. That in Kenya in all, most are not highly concerned, and with National Security issues in themselves, and as with speak too even, of maintaining Peace, Harmony and Order in all, and as with this even, coming to highly define in all again, and in many another place too, National Budgetary concerns that is. Instead, in Kenya (and Abyssinia too that is), the very use of Sensory Memory, has been at the very heart even, and of not only, the moving of Money in itself (and via Commerce too perhaps), but in all ways truly even, that Violence in Abyssinia and Kenya in all, is sporadic in nature, and tends to be ignited, rather too quick actually {and as with it even, over and as soon too, and as when it did begin that is} {and as with a quick glance and from a stranger, putting an end even, and to such violence too that is}.

In all, Sensory Memory, and as used specifically to deal with Human Energy levels actually {and speak too even of Lethargy, Tiredness, Fatigue etc.}, and as with this even, the primary reason in all, that Money in Abyssinia in all again, does tend to flow around, and flow too, and as very much based around creating Synergy, and with another person too perhaps, and all based around, Sensory Memory in itself even, and in dealing in all again, and with Human Energy level problems (Lethargy, Fatigue etc.) {and which are in many a way, far more highly common/prevalent, and in Abyssinia too, and as compared even perhaps, and to many another place around the World too actually}.

In all, for those in Abyssinia, Ethiopia and Somalia specifically, this is the reason Kenya, has often been far more dynamic in nature, than its other Neighbours in Abyssinia, and as with saying truly that, Sensory Memory in all again, does speak even, and of visiting a Neighbour in all perhaps, and maybe as with speak of three weeks ago even, and remembering in all again (and as with a quick glance and Sensory Memory too), that the Neighbour in all, did have a Book too, that one in all again, might very well need at the moment, and on visiting the Neighbour too, and promptly reminding them of having seen the Book in all, but discovering in all too even, that the Neighbour no longer has the Book with them, asking them in all again, to try or attempt even, to get it back for one {and as with saying truly that, such an episode in all, does speak of Sensory Memory, and as with regards truly even, to not only recognizing or figuring out things, but that in all again, this in all too even, speaking of something most in Abyssinia, truly seek out in all ways even: Appreciation (and in the form of Sensory Memory too actually)} {and as with telling many a person in Abyssinia that, Nairobi, was once rather strongly Business minded in all, and as based around Sensory Memory in itself too, and as with seeing even, a stranger buying a VCR Recorder/Player, and three weeks later, approaching them in all again, and with Videocassettes in themselves too, and in the attempt to sell them to the stranger, and by quickly stating that, one did notice the stranger in all (appreciation factor), buying a VCR Recorder/Player in all again, three weeks ago that is} {and as with the stranger too, on hearing this, agreeing to some extent, to buy some of these Cassettes too that is}. In all, a cultural phenomenon perhaps, that did make Nairobi in all again, a rather dynamic place (and as based around Appreciation in itself), and as with strangers and speak too even of Synergy in itself (a Sensory Memory based connection that is), agreeing in all again, to talk favourably with one, and as based around Sensory Memory in itself too that is {and as with one approaching in all too even, a man walking with two lovely ladies, and quickly telling them perhaps, a certain club in town, is having a 'Specials' night of a kind, and in many a way even, asking them, strangers too, to join one and for such an evening in all that is}.