Friday 20 July 2012

State Authority

State Authority.

Defining Political Mechanisms:

When we do speak of State Authority, we are in many ways even, referring to Political mechanisms in all, and by which a people in all again, do learn how to survive and relate harmoniously and with each other too. In todays Modern World though, one does find a step back, and in Political Thought too, and as with regards truly even, and to State Authority in itself, and whereby State Authority in all again, is highly defined in all, and as based around Infrastructure Access/Usage, and Resource Access/Utilization in all that is. This way of defining State Authority in all again, has mainly failed and in a somewhat rather culturally backward Africa too, and as with it even, giving rise to many an accusation, and of Tribalism in itself too {and that in all, many a Tribal member, does seek out political prominence in all again and as with regards to State Authority too, and so as inorder, to favour other tribal members too, and as with regards even, to Infrastructure Access/Usage and Resource Access/Utilization too that is}.

In Abyssinia though, it is deemed that there is a much better way of defining State Authority in all, and rather than the belief, and of a person in all again, and as educated in a Modern/Western University too that is {and as with they even, said to be rather knowledgeable in all, and as with regards to what does truly constitute, State Authority in all again, and within a certain said Cultural ecosystem too that is} {and as with one even, believed a Cultural Analyst in all again, and an Expert too, and on the Cultures of given place too that is}.

In Abyssinia though {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, State Authority is best believed as being decentralized and regional even, and as with this even, speaking of the Swahili term 'Serikali' too {or even 'State Government' too perhaps}. This in many ways, does speak even, of just how Victorian era Kenya in all, did actually envision in all again, the Country to work and in many a way truly, and as with Kenya then, housing a population in all, and in the millions too (7-8 million) {but more or less too spread out, and all over Kenya too that is}. State Authority then in all, was defined in many a way and as follows too (and as with it even, having been rather Cultural in its ways that is):

1. Political beliefs.
2. Victorian Cultural norms.
3. Lingual abilities.

Political beliefs:

To speak of Political beliefs, is to in all again even, speak of Politicized sentiments, attitudes and reasonings even, and as with regards in all again, and to just how in all, a people in a said community for instance, should simply and generally too, go about surviving {and as with this even, referring primarily, and to (Social) Welfare too that is}. In many a way, and as with the attempt to make this Cultural, this does not require one, to have been educated, and in a Modern/Western University too, and as with regards truly even, to being able to gauge in all, just which Political beliefs in all again, are actually best, and for a given people too that is.

For those in Ethiopia is to tell them that (and as with this even referring to a community perhaps), one of the best ways to gauge Political beliefs in all (sentiments, attitudes, reasonings), is via associating them in all again, and as with spirit too, and to spirit in all again, and as seen in Nature too that is (Plant/Tree life) {that in all, ones Political beliefs and in spirit too, should match in all again, the general spirit (Plant/Tree life), and as seen in a place too actually} {and as with this even, referring to the Nature of a place in all, generally shaping just how ones does feel, and as with regards truly even, to coexisting harmoniously with ones fellowmen, or even with Nature in itself actually}.

For those in Kenya is to tell them that (and as with this even referring to a community too actually), that the best way to gauge Political beliefs in all, is by associating them in all again, and with Animal life too in all, and as seen in Kenya too that is {that one in all again, should espouse Political beliefs in all (sentiments, attitudes and reasonings), that are alike in spirit, and to the general spirit in all again, and of Animal life forms too, and as seen in Kenya too that is}.

For those in Somalia, is to tell them in all again that, Political beliefs in all (sentiments, attitudes, reasonings), should indeed match, the Physical Geography (and especially as speaking of Soils too that is), and as seen in all again, and in Somalia too actually {and as with this even, referring to the general spirit of the place, Somalia, matching in all again, the Political beliefs, and of Somalis in general too, and in spirit too that is} {and as with this even, being very much the way Somalis today, do define themselves Politically that is: by Soil and region}.

Victorian Cultural norms:

To speak of Victorian Cultural norms, is to in all again speak of Victorian culture, and in the form of Victorian Speech, Victorian English and Victorian Communications too. That in all, these and as with present day Kenya for instance, are still very much used, and in defining State Authority too, and in many a way too that is {and as with this referring to Official Cultures in all that is}. However though, one does find that Victorian Speech, has mainly been mastered and by White populations too, and to be seen in Abyssinia too that is (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and with Victorian English on the otherhand, having been mastered by Abyssinian (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) Brown skinned populations actually. On the otherhand, one does find that Black skinned populations and in Abyssinia too, are rather adept in all too even, and in Victorian Communications actually {and one of the main reasons too, Abyssinia in all again (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), tends to be divided in all, and by Skin colour too that is}.

In all ways though, and as with speak too even of State Authority in all, one does find that State Authority in Ethiopia, works rather well, and as based on Victorian Speech too actually, while that in Kenya, does work rather well, and as based around Victorian English too, and with State Authority in Somalia, working rather well and as based around general Victorian Communications actually {and in many ways even, all this making Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia too, and respectively that is, in all again White, Brown and Black, and respectively too, and as with regards truly even, to whom the people in all again (or the 'average joe' too), does perceive in all, and as being knowledgeable in all again, and as with regards truly even, and to State Authority issues too actually} {and as with this even referring in all again, and to just where in all, to get some funding for instance}.

Lingual abilities:

Lingual abilities in all, do actually refer, and to everyday forms of relating in all, and as with they even, taking the form of parlance, general speech, and even jargon in all too really. That in all again, when one does think State Authority, and on a highly even localized level too (and as with a community too for instance, meeting to discuss many a political issue), one then does find that, in Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), localized State Authority (and as with a Parent even), does tend to take the form of Parlance and in Ethiopia too, general speech in Kenya, and Jargon in Somalia actually {and as with even stating that, it is the White populations in Abyssinia, that are highly knowledgeable in all, and of Parlance, the Brown skinned populations and of general speech too, and the Black skinned populations in all, and of Jargon actually} {and as with Parlance too, and in Abyssinia in all, similar to that seen in British English, while general speech tends to be of the Brit and Arab kind actually, and with Jargon on the otherhand, speaking of what they do call Kenyan English too (and as with it even a form of English in all again, that is actually directly translated, and into English in itself, and from Pure Kiswahili too that is)} {and as with it even and in all again, a kind of English too, but a Jargon actually, that does somewhat sound like Australian English in all that is}.

In all, the above is the fastest way in all again, to simply go about defining State Authority in all, and at the local level too, and rather than believing that, the Government in all {or 'Serikali' too that is}, will come ones way, and in helping solve everyday Political problems too, and as to be seen in a place actually {and as with the Governments in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia in all, not truly attuned to the political/cultural needs and of a people too, and in a given said area that is, and as with regards truly even, to truly listening to what the people actually do want (and other than speak, and of their not having, both the people and Government that is, any money available)}.