Friday 13 July 2012

Holy Communion

Holy Communion.

The Holy Communion, is the Mass and as seen too, in the Roman Catholic world, and should not in all again, be confused for the Holy Eucharist (Italian), or Episcopal (South American) Masses either. The Holy Communion though, is a Mass, that does speak in all again and of becoming one, and with Jesus Christ too. To understand why all this is relevant and to many a person out there today too, is to probably best explain that, when two or more people and in the Modern World today, do meet, they often in all actually, tend to congregate in all again, and in the form of a congregation, assembly, or at the very most too, what they do call a communion that is.

When one for instance, walks into a modern Office and in the hopes too, of meeting and talking with a person of distinction for instance, one will notice in many a way that, two or more people in all again, will probably be called into play, and strangers to one too perhaps, and in helping in all again, solves ones problems in all, and in the best manner too (and as with this meeting in all again, very much taking the form, and of a congregation, assembly or even a communion too perhaps).

To speak of this much further is to say that, with alot of problem solving in all, and as with speak too even, of everyday group formations that is, one does find that not only is the Modern World in all, highly defined and by the congregation or assembly too, and when it does come in all again, and to everyday group formations that is (and as with my wishing even, that I should have attended Holy Communion and much more too, than expected that is), but that these formations in all again, not only do reach their heights and with the Communion too, but in all ways even, one finding that in the Modern World, such everyday group formations, coming to be disastrously even, highly defined, and by Popular Media too that is {and as with speak too even, of how the Media in all again, and as including a popular television show too, does portray anyone, and deemed a minority too that is}.

In all ways though, and to speak of why all this, is important to one in general, is to remind one that, just about anything that does go on and in their present environments too (and as with referring even, and to the Modern World too that is), actually does have its origins, and with a group in all again, seeking to form a congregation, assembly or even a communion too, and as with it having to do in all again, and with everyday society too in all, functioning as it should {that in all too again, many a modern TV Show in all, does not only have the peoples in it, coming together and in the form of a congregation, assembly or communion even, but in all truly even, and as with the movies too, its audience in all, is expected to be as such actually} {but with all this and in all again, expanding very much, and into the very realms of Commerce, Business and Trade, but even Knowledge Access in itself actually}.

In many a way though, is to mention to those in Abyssinia that, everyday group formations in Abyssinia, will not take the form, and of the congregation, assembly or communion either. That in all again and despite most not knowing this too either, the use of everyday group formations, and in the form of the congregation, assembly or communion too, is rather olden and ancient in its ways actually, and that in olden Europe too for instance, all this did provide for the most basic of existences too {but with this way of everyday meets in all again, coming to heavily even, define the Modern World that is, and as with it even, far more low-key than the olden World too, and as with some expert even, having once said before (and in a summary too perhaps): 'When the History of the Modern World is fully written, many will then recognize that, we were truly living, in the Dark Ages'}.

To those in Abyssinia ('the Plains') in all again (and as with everyday group formations, differing in all, and from 'the Collective' too} {and with 'the Collective' in all again, and the Apostate too, used to solve major problems in all that is}, is to recommend in all again, the Wordsworth Classics edition of the Decameron (and by Giovanni Boccaccio too), and as with regards to learning in all again, just how to form or engage even, and in far much more better everyday group formations that is, and as compared to the congregation, assembly, or even communion too {and all this too, for an Abyssinia in all again, and which in all too really, is heavily Media driven that is (this meaning that, creating everchanging Infrastructure, is simply out of the question, and that in all again, Rail and Air transport too, are deemed far more viable in Abyssinia in all, than Road transport truly is (and as with reminding one that, Abyssinia is heavily built around the Community/Communal perspective, and which does in all again call for one having, rather novel ideas in all, and when it does come to, everyday group formations that is)} {and as with speak too even, of not only having friendships going, but in all ways truly even, group formations and as with 'the Collective' too, capable of seeing one able to compete, and on a Global scale too that is}.