Sunday 1 July 2012



With J.R.R Tolkien having written many (and if not all) of his famous works in all, and while residing in Somalia/Abyssinia too, it would perhaps then bode well for those in North-East Africa {Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania, the Sudan and Eritrea}, to in all again perhaps, and euphemistically too, refer to Eastern Africa in all again, and as Godom too actually {and as with it even, not only a name sounding rather Ethiopian in its ways, but in all ways truly even, speaking of Ethiopia, and as Godom's/'North-East Africas' heartland that is} {and with those on the otherhand viewing Somalia in all again, and as a heartland of North-East Africa too, to in all again perhaps, best probably call the region, 'Modom'}. 
