Sunday 29 July 2012

Central Asia & Africa

Central Asia & Africa.

Socio-Political Leanings & Stances:

It is known to many a person perhaps, that Central Asia in all, is actually far more similar, and to Africa, than to the Middle East actually {and as with speak too even, and of the popular associating of Central Asia and the Middle East too, referring in all again, and to the very presence of the Islamic world there, and when the Islamic too, has always existed, and in Africa too, and in a certain capacity or form too that is}. In all ways though, what makes both places similar, is that they both do possess, Physical Terrains, rather difficult to work with, but with Africa in all, somewhat too hilly in its ways, and with Central Asia on the otherhand, possessing rather poor soils to it all actually {and alongside very flat land too} {and speak too even in all, and of Soil Erosion too, and which many do falsely believe an African problem actually, when it is actually truly, prevalent all over Central Asia that is}.

In all, one does find that talk of Development Agencies in all, does in many a way indicate that, organizations in all, and such as the UN, IMF and the World Bank too, do in all have Policies, that actually do function rather well and in Central Asia too, while the very world of Foundations, Charities and Private Organizations too, very much does work rather well, and in Africa that is.

In all again, a known discernable cultural difference and between Africa and Central Asia too is that, in Africa, historically one does find the popular drinking in all, and of Black Tea too, while the drinking of Tea and with Milk in it, is a dated practice in all, and in Central Asia too actually {and as with the Blogger here, mainly in all, truly viewing the connection between Africa and Central Asia, and via the lenses of Ancient Egypt, and as with Central Asia in all, linked to Africa even (and the very world of 'the Jews' too), and via Hyskos 'Middle Egypt' settlements, and into Central Asia in itself too that is}.