Tuesday 3 July 2012





To speak of Godom/'North-East Africa', and as one even and in many a way truly, is to speak in all again, and of the Voices heard in it. That in all, this does not denote a common People, but in all ways truly even, and alongside America's Melting Pot theory too, or even Canada's Multiculturalism, speak of peoples in all again, and who actually in all, do share similar (but not common), Voices with each other {and as with these Voices too, very much similar in all again, to not only that heard in the song above, but in all ways truly even, Voices very much akin in spirit and nature, and to the Ancient Spirit in all, and to be seen in Godom/'North-East Africa' too (and as with this even, having to do, with the Forests of Tanzania too that is)}.