Wednesday 4 July 2012

Godom (13)

Godom (13)


Kiarab', does refer to a kind of Swahili in all (and as with Swahili informal in its ways, and as compared to Kiswahili too, and which is more or less formalized that is), and a Swahili too, Kiarab', that more or less does approximate Arabic in some ways actually {but is still not Arabic at all that is}. In all ways though is to tell those in Godom and North-East Africa in general too that, the use of conventional Kiswahili in all, does not seem very advisable in all again, as it does in all ways even, truly lead, to the very question even, just whom in all again are North-East Africans in all, and as compared to the Swahili people that is {that by using their Language in all and conventionally too, the Swahili people then, are automatically authorities in North-East Africa in all, and whether they choose to or not that is}. In all ways though is to tell those in Godom/'North-East Africa' that by learning Kiarab', it would be in their best interest too, and as with helping define North-East Africa uniquely, and from the rest of Africa too, and also truly furtherly stating that, Kiswahili, is actually a scholastic language, and one of the main reason that most out there, never truly do fully understand it that is {it is a Language in all, one could very well use to study Physics, and as compared to the informal Swahili that is (and which can be used in all again, and for Business/Biashara that is)}. In all ways though, Kiarab', and as with it even, perceived a rather religious language in all (and as with it too, to be seen in the above version of the Qu'ran actually), and language in general too, highly suited even, and for both North-East Africa and Godom/'North-East Africa' too that is.