Friday 20 July 2012

Neo-America (2)

Neo-America (2).

Iraq, 2012:

For many out there, speak of Iraq, does in many ways even, speak of the realms of Saddam Hussein, and the belief in all too even, of his being a Ruling Despot, and in a said Oil rich Country too that is. There are many ways though, to go about viewing Iraq's History, and as with it even, having housed the Sumerian Civilization, or even many a ruling Arab Caliphate too that is, but with most not knowing too that, the Baha'i Faith, is actually, of Iraqi origins too.

Why though, Iraq and its Arab populations, might be of interest and to those in Abyssinia too, or Kenia/Kenya to say the least even, is because, of many a person in Abyssinia in all, not truly knowing that, that what in all again, they do call 'Arab speech' actually {and as with it even in English too that is} does serve, and automatically too, and as a kind of Authority in all again, and within Abyssinia/Kenya too that is {that those in all again, and who do possess 'Arab speech' in all, are actually believed and said, and automatically too, to serve as a form of Authority, and while in Abyssinia/Kenya too actually}.

As a result, those within Abyssinia or Kenya to say the least, must in one way or another, extend a hand of friendship in all too even, and to Iraq in itself, and by perhaps in all again, attempting to spearhead, a democratization movement there, and in alignment with a World Consciousness state perhaps, and of just how in all, just about any group of people in the World, should present themselves too others: and in a said somewhat Democratic manner too that is {and as with this even believed, what the War in Iraq, was/is truly all about}.

In all again, is to perhaps best tell Arab populations in Iraq, and about Neo-America too. It in all again, very much a Platform, Portfolio or Paradigm even, and by which, Iraq in itself, can very well use, to present itself, and to the outside World too, and as believed and said, to be espousing democratic beliefs in all that is. That in all (see the 'Neo-America' entry), Iraq, and as with regards truly even, to its Arab populations, can in all ways even, present itself to the World, and as based around not only a Values & Beliefs Systems, and very much in alignment with what was covered under the 'Neo-America' entry, but with the differences in all this being that, their using in all again, and of different Symbolism too, and as with speak too even, of a representative image of Neo-American Iraq in all, but as consisting of the American Flag and American Eagle too {and as displayed way below that is} {and with this though, having 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' too perhaps, serving in all again, and as general inspiration too, for just how to go about envisioning in all too even, American styled Values & Beliefs Systems that is}.

In all again, a new Iraq perhaps, and as with it espousing democratic beliefs too, and as based around a somewhat Nationally agreed even, Values & Beliefs Systems that is, and as arising too, and from not only the realms of the Bantams Classics edition and of 'The Wealth of Nations' too (and by Adam Smith that is), but that in all again, coming to associate Americanization in all, and in Iraq too, and under the banner in all too really, and of the 'MTV Unplugged' Platform that is {that in all, 'MTV Unplugged', is what in all ways even, Iraqi's should consider as Americanization in Iraq, and as with it even, an admirable Platform in all again, to copy or mimic somewhat even, and when thinking in all again, and of connecting to the rest of the World socially too that is} {in all ways too even, Abyssinia and as a State too, will be using its 'Neo-America' Platform in all, and to generally present itself too, and to the rest of the World that is (and as it being democratic in nature that is, and not as with its being truly Christian either), and that in all ways even, this Abyssinian 'Neo-American' Platform, will be using the American Music Rock Concert, and as with regards truly even, to speak even, and of not only Americanization in Abyssinia too, but also, just how the rest of the World out there, should generally perceive Abyssinia in all (and as with the rest of the World, not Christian either, and as Abyssinia truly is)} {see the 'Race & Colour' entry}.