Tuesday 31 July 2012

Godom (17)

Godom (17).

While Africa, was in many a way truly even (and if not wholly too), rather known to the Egyptians in all, North-East Africa, was in many a way even, actually known to the Greeks {and as with it even, believed a hotbed in all, and for many a Theistic Belief System too that is}. North-East Africa today though, is in many a way even, politically believed in all, to be truly represented in all again, and in nature too, and by the Nubian peoples of the Sudan, or even, the Swahili people and of the Swahili Coast too. In many a way though, Godom, does speak of North-East Africa in all, and as very much Greek in nature too, and as truly represented in all again, and symbolically too, and by the Greek Triskelion symbol that is {and as with it even, a Theistic symbol too actually}.