Wednesday 18 July 2012

The African Union

The African Union.

Those in Abyssinia in all {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, might very well in all again, wish to know just what in all, to make of the African Union. A Union too, that does appear to speak of not only the wanting/willing to develop Africa, and from mainly a problematic National perspective too {and as with this even, the National, speaking of the building, and of a Nationally agreed Physical Infrastructure that is), but in all ways truly even, speaking of creating Security/communications protocols in all, to in all ways even, help maintain Africa as stable, and at all times too actually. Abyssinia though and on the otherhand, does promote primarily and at the very most too, Communal lifestyles in all, and as with this speaking and of Wealth in Abyssinia in all again, and as referring in all, and to belonging perhaps, and to many a culturally differing Community too that is {and as with this even, primarily perceived, and from the general perspective of Touristic lifestyles too actually}.

In all, is to tell those in Abyssinia {'the Plains'} specifically that, when they do think Africa in all, and as including the AU too, it is best in all again, to think African State and Social Policy too {and as with this even, definitive in all, and of what the AU's Nationalism and Security protocols in all again, are truly all about}. African State and Social Policy too, and as with it even perceived in all, and from Anatolia too perhaps {'Arab East Africa'}, but in all ways truly even, works on African State Policy (and as with an African Statesman too perhaps), but also, African Social Policy in itself {and as with many a popular African News Magazine actually}.