Monday 16 July 2012



For those termed 'Aegyptians' in all (see the 'Race & identity' entry), and who in all again, do like the very idea, of Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), serving as a kind of home, is to warn them, and of not Economic difficulties that is, but actually in all again, of 'stupid people' perhaps, and abounding all over {that Kenya for instance, has the right Knowledge Base to become a rather high-profile Country, but with it in all again, abounding with 'stupid illiterate' people somewhat, and all over too that is}.

What is proposed here though, is the very creation even, of 'Neo-America'. To understand this better is to say that, many an 'Aegyptian' perhaps, has often thought of moving to America (or the United States of America too that is), just to be met, by a Modern America in all, facing all kinds of Social and Political problems that is {and of the rampant social discrimination kind, or even truly again, rather numerous immigrant problems that is}. What is proposed here though is to tell one that, Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, is not truly a difficult place to live in (and even, with crazy people all over that is), but what is truly needed, is the right kind of Values/Belief Systems in all, and to abide by actually.

In all, what is proposed in all again, is the coming together of many an 'Aegyptian' perhaps, and in the form of a Brotherhood too, and Brotherhoods too in all again, highly operating around Values/Beliefs Systems in all, and as seen truly even, and in the Bantams Classics edition, and of 'The Wealth of Nations' too that is {that this work in all, should actually be memorized, and well understood, and from a Values/Beliefs Systems that is}. In all again, it is truly believed that, understanding the work as such, will allow for one, the mentality in all again, to not only survive in all, and in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), but survive too (and as with Values/Beliefs Systems), and in a rather independent manner actually {that in all, understanding the work as such, will lead to many a problem, Values/Beliefs Systems, and as seen in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), to not be taken too seriously in all, but in all too really, give one the will even, to push through, and resolve any problem, amicably that is}. In all again, an attempt in all too even, to not only create perhaps, another America even (and of the Boston variety too), and as with saying that, America today is highly defined in all, and by Constitutional Rights and its Constitution, Economic opportunity, 'the American Dream' (and as with it defined even, and by Social Success too that is), or even truly again, its unique Materialism (and as with speak too even, of Americans in themselves that is)}. 'Neo-America' though, attempts in all again, to think of America, and as primarily from Values/Belief Systems too that is {that America in all again, and of all the places on Earth perhaps, is believed to have the most superior even, and of Values/Beliefs Systems that is, and as can be interpolated or extrapolated in all, and from the Bantams Classics edition of, 'TheWealth of Nations' that is}. In all again, the belief in living as free as possible {and as based on developing rather superior Values/Belief Systems}, and as with this even, extending to sojourns in all, and in America too that is {and as with even, speaking of many a Secret Organization in all too even}.

In all again, 'Neo-America', and as with it symbolically consisting of the American bald-headed Eagle, and the American 50 Star Flag too, and as with in all too even, to basically exist in the form of Brotherhoods, that do attempt to fully interpolate/extrapolate the Bantams Classic edition of 'the Wealth of Nations', before then applying the Knowledge in all, and to living primarily, and within Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia} too that is {but with sojourns in America, speaking of living as wildly as possible (and in the form of 'the Escapade' too actually), and as with this even, based highly around Values/Belief Systems, and not sojourns in all again, and as to be associated that is, with the seeking out of Social Success in all (and speak too even, of not only 'the American Dream' perhaps, but also truly even, the mastering of ones Presentation skills in all too really)}.

In all, a 'Project' perhaps, capable of being functional in five years, and as with speak of truly attempting even, to fully master (memorize fully somewhat), the Bantams Classics edition and of 'The Wealth of Nations' too that is {and as with attempting to tell just about anyone out there, still thinking of moving to America, it would do you justice, to master one work even, and from the world of 'Classical' American literary works that is (Americana), and before, actually choosing to move there (and as with the danger even, of finding oneself in the Ghetto perhaps, and due in all again, to not fully understanding America Socially or Politically too that is)} {and as with living in America too, about being as fully independent, and as one can be that is (meaning in all again that, no one will readily offer you any help, and of the most obvious form too actually, and while living in America that is)}.