Tuesday 31 July 2012

Godom (18)

Godom (18).

Drama (and rather Religious in nature too), and Godom.

Godom (17)

Godom (17).

While Africa, was in many a way truly even (and if not wholly too), rather known to the Egyptians in all, North-East Africa, was in many a way even, actually known to the Greeks {and as with it even, believed a hotbed in all, and for many a Theistic Belief System too that is}. North-East Africa today though, is in many a way even, politically believed in all, to be truly represented in all again, and in nature too, and by the Nubian peoples of the Sudan, or even, the Swahili people and of the Swahili Coast too. In many a way though, Godom, does speak of North-East Africa in all, and as very much Greek in nature too, and as truly represented in all again, and symbolically too, and by the Greek Triskelion symbol that is {and as with it even, a Theistic symbol too actually}.

The London Olympics - 2012

The London Olympics (2012).

The Olympics, and moreso than the Soccer World Cups too that is, can probably be said, to truly affect the Consciousness, and of the World too, and as with regards truly even, and to Status in itself that is {and not Politics truly either} {and as the Soccer World Cups in all, truly are like: Political in a way that is}. In the Olympics though, an unknown Country making a strong showing, or even a prominent one, making a poor showing in all, can lead in all again, and to a change in all and in just how others in all again, do perceive themselves actually, and the very World they live in itself too, and from the perspective, of Humanity in all again, or even speak of the Humane in all too really {and as with this referring even, and to a moment in all again, that could very well change ones life that is}.

The Olympics been held this Year, 2012, and in London, England too, have probably not caught the enthusiasm, or interest even, and of many a person out there, and probably in all again, very much due, and to the Song selection, and that the Olympics Committee in all perhaps, has very much selected, and to go along, and with these Olympics too that is {and as with speak even, of the Opening theme in itself, or even 'Hey Jude' perhaps, and with Sir Paul McCartney too that isf}.

In many a way perhaps, for those not too enthusiastic and with these Olympics too, is to in all again even, recommend in all again, a Song change (Song too, and not Music either), and as with primarily even, associating these Olympics, and with the Jon Bon Jovi & Luciano Pavarotti Song, 'Let it Rain' {and as with it even, speaking of eternal hope that is}. In all, and as with even boldly asking many a Radio Disc Jockey (DJ), and in London too perhaps, to go along with this 'jest' too, and see in all again, just how far it does fair on actually {and as with this even, referring to many a Radio Station, that the Olympics Committee in all again, might very well deem unworthy, and of being part of the Olympics in themselves too that is}.



Monetary Flow:

There is a rather grand problem, and as with regards truly even, and to just how many a person in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), does in all ways even, perceive Money in itself. For many, Money is perceived and as an actual Physical Commodity/Currency. This though, is a rather backward way in all, and of thinking of Money in itself. More recent times though, has seen many, or the World in many a way too, associate Money in all again and with deemed valuable Commodities too (Collateral), then onwards to the so termed Gold Standard (Deposits/Debit), and onwards today, and to speak of Oil Barrels in themselves (Credit) {that in all, when those in Abyssinia perhaps, do think Money, the Modern/Western World, truly does ask, 'How many Oil barrels, are you talking?'}.

In all though, speak of Money and in the above way actually, does speak in all too even, and of National Security concerns perhaps, and as based around Security issues in themselves that is {and as with speak too even, of maintaining Peace, Harmony and Order, and in a society too for instance}.

In Abyssinia though, Money has been known, to operate in rather different ways: Synergy. This in many ways, does speak even, and of Human Energy levels too {and as said too perhaps, to very much speak of Lethargy, Exhaustion, Tiredness, Fatigue etc.}, and as with going as far even, and as associating Money in itself, and with what they do term, Sensory Memory in all {and as with this even, referring to our quick glancing in all, and to our environments in general that is}.


Sensory Memory, is what in many a way, has traditionally made Kenya, far more dynamic in its ways even, and as compared to Ethiopia or Somalia too. That in Kenya in all, most are not highly concerned, and with National Security issues in themselves, and as with speak too even, of maintaining Peace, Harmony and Order in all, and as with this even, coming to highly define in all again, and in many another place too, National Budgetary concerns that is. Instead, in Kenya (and Abyssinia too that is), the very use of Sensory Memory, has been at the very heart even, and of not only, the moving of Money in itself (and via Commerce too perhaps), but in all ways truly even, that Violence in Abyssinia and Kenya in all, is sporadic in nature, and tends to be ignited, rather too quick actually {and as with it even, over and as soon too, and as when it did begin that is} {and as with a quick glance and from a stranger, putting an end even, and to such violence too that is}.

In all, Sensory Memory, and as used specifically to deal with Human Energy levels actually {and speak too even of Lethargy, Tiredness, Fatigue etc.}, and as with this even, the primary reason in all, that Money in Abyssinia in all again, does tend to flow around, and flow too, and as very much based around creating Synergy, and with another person too perhaps, and all based around, Sensory Memory in itself even, and in dealing in all again, and with Human Energy level problems (Lethargy, Fatigue etc.) {and which are in many a way, far more highly common/prevalent, and in Abyssinia too, and as compared even perhaps, and to many another place around the World too actually}.

In all, for those in Abyssinia, Ethiopia and Somalia specifically, this is the reason Kenya, has often been far more dynamic in nature, than its other Neighbours in Abyssinia, and as with saying truly that, Sensory Memory in all again, does speak even, and of visiting a Neighbour in all perhaps, and maybe as with speak of three weeks ago even, and remembering in all again (and as with a quick glance and Sensory Memory too), that the Neighbour in all, did have a Book too, that one in all again, might very well need at the moment, and on visiting the Neighbour too, and promptly reminding them of having seen the Book in all, but discovering in all too even, that the Neighbour no longer has the Book with them, asking them in all again, to try or attempt even, to get it back for one {and as with saying truly that, such an episode in all, does speak of Sensory Memory, and as with regards truly even, to not only recognizing or figuring out things, but that in all again, this in all too even, speaking of something most in Abyssinia, truly seek out in all ways even: Appreciation (and in the form of Sensory Memory too actually)} {and as with telling many a person in Abyssinia that, Nairobi, was once rather strongly Business minded in all, and as based around Sensory Memory in itself too, and as with seeing even, a stranger buying a VCR Recorder/Player, and three weeks later, approaching them in all again, and with Videocassettes in themselves too, and in the attempt to sell them to the stranger, and by quickly stating that, one did notice the stranger in all (appreciation factor), buying a VCR Recorder/Player in all again, three weeks ago that is} {and as with the stranger too, on hearing this, agreeing to some extent, to buy some of these Cassettes too that is}. In all, a cultural phenomenon perhaps, that did make Nairobi in all again, a rather dynamic place (and as based around Appreciation in itself), and as with strangers and speak too even of Synergy in itself (a Sensory Memory based connection that is), agreeing in all again, to talk favourably with one, and as based around Sensory Memory in itself too that is {and as with one approaching in all too even, a man walking with two lovely ladies, and quickly telling them perhaps, a certain club in town, is having a 'Specials' night of a kind, and in many a way even, asking them, strangers too, to join one and for such an evening in all that is}.

Monday 30 July 2012



Theism & America:

For many a person in America, and in all ways even, truly feeling lost about simply adapting, and to American life in itself, here is a short summary in all, and of what does truly go on, and in American Political life.

First off, is to speak of American Politics in themselves. That in all again, speak of American Politics, and in the form of Conservative, Liberal or Moderate forums even, does in all ways even, refer to the very world, of Minorities, Ethnic Minorities, and Ethnicities in themselves too, and as seen in America today that is. However, American Politics and in the form of the Democrats and the Republicans, does speak in all again, and of those who do identify with American History, and as perceived originating in many a way too, and with the American Civil War that is.

In many a way, while American Political Party Politics in all, do speak of Family and Economic life in all too really, it is however Conservative, Liberal and Moderate Politics in all again, that do speak of America today, and as very much Individual or Solitary in nature that is {but very much functioning too, and today that is, along the lines of Isolationism in all that is}.

In many a way too perhaps, is to perhaps again ask, those in America, and who do simply believe in all, of simply living simple Economic family oriented lives perhaps, to have a change of view and in dealing with their problems {and as with they even, speaking of America's Debt ridden Credit Industry that is}, and by in all, engaging in the very world, of Theism actually, and as seen in America too {and as with this even, not only referring to Scientology for instance, but also, the very world of Christopher Lasch, or even David Hume for instance}.

In all again, Princeton University {and not Harvard or MIT either}, to be considered the very center of Theism in America, and in an America too, mainly driven by Christianity (traditional America), Protestantism (Civil War America), Evangelical groups (Immigrant America), and even Christian America too {and as with it even, having existed in old Boston too that is}.

Sunday 29 July 2012

The Bantu

The Bantu.

African Regional/Economic Identities:

There is a tendency in all, and of viewing Africa in itself, and as highly based around, not only North Africa in all, but also South Africa in itself too, and when attempting in all again, to view Africa, and from a regional/Economic perspective too. The former, referring to North Africa's White skinned Inhabitants in all, and the latter, as with regards to Developmental status, and Business opportunity in itself too. The best way though, to view Africa and not only from the above two perspectives that is, but also truly even, from regional Economic Identities too, is to in all again, truly center Africa and as such perhaps, regional and Economic, and from the perspective, of the Bantu of Cameroon, and Cameroon in itself too actually.

That in all again, the works of Moustafa Gadalla, do actually speak of the Bantu, and not only in Cameroon truly perhaps, but also, as with they even, having had their origins, and in Ancient Egypt too actually. Seeing the Bantu and Cameroon and as such, is to then see most of Northern Africa in all, and as Islamic, Muslim or Saracen even, Western Africa too, and as very much in nature, Yoruba like, Central Africa and minus Cameroon, very much Congo, and with Eastern Africa too, deviating from the rest of Africa in all and such that, alot and if not most, and of its recognized African cultures (and as with speak of language too), is actually of Nubian origins (Christianity practising Nubia that is) {and the very world too, of the Kandake's/Candaces, and whose ways in all again, have come to strongly even, influence the behaviour, and of Women and as seen in Eastern Africa too that is}, and with Southern Africa in all again, not truly Bantu as many do believe (and with the exception actually, of its White skinned populations, that have adopted, Bantu beliefs to their ways), but that in all again, Southern Africa and as African, is highly defined, and by a Symbols/Signs culture in all, and as highly based around, not only Symbols/Signs in all, and as emanating from the Niger-Kordofanian world that is, but also, some pretty much Egyptian (and as with Credo Mutwa), alot Nubian too, but with those most recognizable in all, of Kho/Khoisan/San origins actually. Finally, you do also have the very world of the Igbo, and who are in many ways truly even, actually fully Nigerian, and as with their way of life even, heavily in all, defined by Animism in itself actually {and Animism too, very much Nigerian in its ways that is} {and as with the belief even that, Nigeria is home, and to rather unique and interesting Spirit forms, and in the form of Plant life and Animal life forms too (and such as the Nigerian Wild Cat for instance), and that in all again, Nigerian/Igbo Herbal Medical practises in all, do speak of Nigerians in all again, and as rather unique in their ways, and from the rest of Africa too actually}.

To conclude all this again, is to also speak of Black Asian presences, that can very well be said to speak of Westernized Africa that is {and as with they even, strongly associated in all, and with many a Missionary/Evangelical Christianity group in all, and as seen all over Africa too that is} {and as with these Missionary/Evangelical groups, disastrous in their ways, and in helping form Family/Economic Identities that is}.

Finally in all again, is to also present the view, and of Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as very much too, Settler country perhaps, and as with regards, to Economic Identity too that is {and as with this Settler Identity, said Victorian in many a way, and in Kenya too, while speak of Abyssinia ('the Plains'), and in Kenya too perhaps, does refer to the very world even, and of Lord Delamere too, and speak too even, of New England too that is} {and as with 'New England' too, very much a Banner based Anglettere culture, and as emanating from Pemba too that is}.


Central Asia & Africa

Central Asia & Africa.

Socio-Political Leanings & Stances:

It is known to many a person perhaps, that Central Asia in all, is actually far more similar, and to Africa, than to the Middle East actually {and as with speak too even, and of the popular associating of Central Asia and the Middle East too, referring in all again, and to the very presence of the Islamic world there, and when the Islamic too, has always existed, and in Africa too, and in a certain capacity or form too that is}. In all ways though, what makes both places similar, is that they both do possess, Physical Terrains, rather difficult to work with, but with Africa in all, somewhat too hilly in its ways, and with Central Asia on the otherhand, possessing rather poor soils to it all actually {and alongside very flat land too} {and speak too even in all, and of Soil Erosion too, and which many do falsely believe an African problem actually, when it is actually truly, prevalent all over Central Asia that is}.

In all, one does find that talk of Development Agencies in all, does in many a way indicate that, organizations in all, and such as the UN, IMF and the World Bank too, do in all have Policies, that actually do function rather well and in Central Asia too, while the very world of Foundations, Charities and Private Organizations too, very much does work rather well, and in Africa that is.

In all again, a known discernable cultural difference and between Africa and Central Asia too is that, in Africa, historically one does find the popular drinking in all, and of Black Tea too, while the drinking of Tea and with Milk in it, is a dated practice in all, and in Central Asia too actually {and as with the Blogger here, mainly in all, truly viewing the connection between Africa and Central Asia, and via the lenses of Ancient Egypt, and as with Central Asia in all, linked to Africa even (and the very world of 'the Jews' too), and via Hyskos 'Middle Egypt' settlements, and into Central Asia in itself too that is}.

The Mainstream

The Mainstream.

What they do call the Mainstream, actually does refer in all, and to an Image, Word or Symbol even, and that does show or state in all, that the day, is in full motion or flow even {that in all, there is activity been engaged in to say the least, and as with it defining everyday life too, and just by coming across, a certain Symbol, Word or Image too that is}.

In Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), this Image/Symbol, is often none other, than Birds flying in the Sky {and as with this a sign in all, that the day is functioning rather well in all actually}.

And with the Victorian and Swahili terms 'Hi' and 'Vipii' respectively, second runner ups in all {and not the Kiswahili term 'Sasa' either, and which should be excluded, and from everyday life too that is}.



Saturday 28 July 2012

Primordial Symbols

Primordial Symbols.

Primordial Symbols in all, do speak of the Earth's Spirit and the Sea Spirit too, and as with furtherly stating that, the Sea Spirit and in Abyssinia too, should best be in all again, truly be associated in all, and with the Mermaid actually {and as seen in all too really, amongst the Greeks, and as siren too that is}.

The Whole Wide World

The Whole Wide World.

The Whole Wide World, is today very much said, to speak of Computerized Systems & Networks (and as with they even Worldwide too) {and further speak too, and of Maps and Continental regions that is}, and as compared in all again, and to the past, where the Whole Wide World, was very much defined, and by Mathematical Systems & Networks, the Humanities, Law & Social Sciences, and finally in all again, the Sciences in themselves actually {and from Biology, to Physics, to Chemistry, Geography, and even smaller fields of study and such as Zoology for instance}.

In all ways even is to also state that, 'Tales of Adventurism and the Moor', does view the Whole Wide World, and from Law in itself, and as with attempting even, to provide a form of continuity, and from past/ancient times too actually.

The Planet's Surface

The Planet's Surface.

With one in all, being well acquainted and with the highest Heights of the Planet's Surface (the Mountain tops), or even its very lowest planes too (the Sea bed), required in all again, to truly help one in defining, not only country (lifestyles), but also our very definitions in all, and of a Country, a People, or even the Land in itself actually {and as with this even, speaking of Humidity levels, Atmosphere, and even the Sun/'Sunlight' too}.

The Earth's Core

The Earth's Core.

The Earth's Core, and as with its Locomotion even (activities, movements, motions), said in all again, and in past times too, to be at the very source even, and of our general Moods, general Temperaments, and even general Irritabilities/'Mood Swings' too, and not the 'Car Engine'/Engine either {and as with it too said, to strongly in all define Human Locomotion and in the present Modern Age too, and not Recreational/Amusement spots in all, and as seen in the past times too that is}.

American aesthetics & designs:


Friday 27 July 2012

The Private Life

The Private Life.

Individualism and Abyssinia:

For those in Abyssinia in all, is to best tell them that, life in it, is pretty much best lived, and as based around ones Private Life too. What this does mean is that, one can very well live Life, and as based around the Conventional (and which is rather Constitutional in its ways), or even in the attempt in all truly, to escape Sedentary lifestyles {and a rather American way too, and of thinking of Life in itself that is}.

The Private Life though, does speak in many a way perhaps, and as with an example too, and of very much in all, living life, and as based around the so termed Ancillary Services too {e.g. the Repair shop, Local Banking, Counseling etc.} {and as with telling one that, if they probably are in the need of making some money in all, and in Abyssinia ('the Plains'), then visiting ones Local Bank, is not truly a bad way in all, and of picking up, and on an idea or two, and as having to do even, and with Investing/Business in itself too that is}.

In all, the best way to think of this, is to perhaps in all again, center ones Private Life, and very much around the Buggy (Car), and as posted above too that is, and as with furtherly telling one that, when thinking of the Private Life in all, and in Abyssinia {'the Plains'}, let it all be truly centered then (and as with a Fountainpiece too), and on the Bookshop too actually {and as with truly even saying that, this is the primary activity you do want to engage in, visiting a Bookshop, and when bored too that is}.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Claude Monteverdi

Claude Monteverdi.

Probably the most Influential, and of all Italians to have ever lived too {and as with he even, having been a Moor that is}.

The Earths Spirit

The Earths Spirit.

The Catholic Bible:

What they do refer to as the Catholic Bible, is actually in all again, a general readership Bible in all, and for just about anyone out there too that is. In all, a Bible very much simple and in its ways even, and as with it speaking of Religion, Taboo, and the Natural Order of things too, and as with regards even, to all forms of relations that is. In all, a Bible too, highly recommended, and as with it even perhaps, the best approximation in all, and that one can truly get, and to the Earths Spirit, and as with regards even, to general relations in all, and the Natural Order of things and as arising from such (relations that is).

The Terrestrial and the Seas

The Terrestrial and the Seas.

The Earth Spirit vs. the Sea Spirit:

This entry, pertains to speak of something, most never do truly think about. In its most basic sense, it does refer to what some would call, the Earth Spirit, and as versus the Sea Spirit too that is. In all perhaps, a rather good way to introduce all this, is to make one aware in all of (or remind one truly even), that it is very much well known that, the Terrestrial (or Earth's surface/soils or Terra Firma too that is), is basically said to consist of the four main elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire too, and as with they even, united all together, and in the name of the Earths Spirit too that is. However though, unknown to most, the Seas in themselves, are said to be made up in all again, and of these four elements too: Earth, Water, Air and Fire, but all united together, and in the name of the Sea Spirit too actually.

The reason why all this is said, is due in all perhaps, to a very false belief that, Life on this very Earth perhaps (or Planet too), has still very much not been lived out actually. This is not exactly true. To understand this much better, is to perhaps know that, most do associate Life on Earth, and as including the development of Technology in itself too perhaps, and with very much becoming Popular, Famous, a Celebrity or simply even, the making of Money/Wealth in itself too actually. Unknown to most though, our very definitions of Popularity, Fame, Celebrity status or even Money/Wealth in itself, and as with speak of the present World, are actually ancient/old in their ways, and as with they even in many a way, having been defined and lived out too, and in Ancient Egypt, Greek Civilization, Italy, Roman Civilization and even Krishna's India too. That in all, do not falsely believe that, the ancients in all, would never have imagined up our modern Technologies in all again, and as with saying perhaps that, Philosophically speaking, and as with regards to Popularity, Fame, Celebrity status or Money/Wealth in itself, the Worlds we presently do live in, appear in all again, to be highly based around the lowly Greek Heroic figure and known as, the Champion too {that in all, and on a Philosophical basis too, just about every Popular, Famous, or Celebrity figure and to be seen out there too, is actually just the Champion in all, and in one form or another too that is} {and as with Greece in itself too even, highly popularly associated in all again, and with the Heroic figure perhaps, and of Alexander too, while Europe in all again, did also very much work around, the Heroic figure, and of the Magus too} {and Alexander too, and as with speak too even, of Alexandrian (Greek) Egypt that is}


Having said this, is to then revert to speak of the Earth Spirit and the Sea Spirit too in all. That in all, the most basic way of thinking about them, is from the very perspective of Success and Social Images too perhaps. That in all, if one did live in all again, and in a place where the Grass, was of a deep green colour, then one would in all again perhaps, would very much imagine Success in all, or Social Images too in particular, rather differently, and as compared to a place in all, and where the Grass in all again, is of a lighter green colour that is {or even perhaps, thinking of all this again, and from the perspective too, and of living in a place, where the Grass is blue, or even, where the Grass is pretty much like Hay that is}.

In the hopes of making all this clearer, is to then in all again, truly speak of what does constitute, the Earth Spirit in itself. That in all, the best way to speak of all this, is to tell one that Matter, Energy or even Light in itself, can very well be said to contain elements in all, and of the Earth Spirit in itself too {that in all again, when we do speak of Electricity flow/current, we are in all again, actually speaking of elements of the Earth's Spirit, and as very much even, making themselves manifest, and in what they actually do call, Electricity flow or current too that is}. Having said this, is to also tell one too perhaps, that Electricity in all, could very well be made up in all again (and as with Electricity flow/current too that is), and of elements too, and as emanating in all, and from the Sea Spirit too that is {and as with this even, speaking of perhaps and surprisingly too, and of Fluorescent light bulbs, and as with saying even that, some of the ancients in all, and such as those in Krishna's India too, did think of Technology in all again, and from the very perspective of the Sea Spirit too actually} {and what in all again, the very worship of 'Sea spirits' too, was truly all about, and as with 'Earth spirits' and 'Sea spirits' in all again, very much about problem solving too that is} {and with all this and at the very least even, envisioning problem solving and as based around 'spirits' in all that is, and as with speak too even, and of discerning in all again, Energy Planes, and not Energy Levels truly either}.

Having said the above, is to then in all again not only speak of the very fact that, the Earth's Spirit in all, does permeate everything and to be seen in the Terrestrial too that is, but that this Spirit in all again, does very much even, have its own Memory too, and of just how things in all, and on the Terrestrial too (and as including Humans too that is), should very much in all, work, or operate even {that in all, Man is a highly Memory driven being in many a way, and to survive on this very Planet too perhaps, he then very much has to be very much attuned too, and to the Memory in all again, and of the Earth's Spirit too that is} {and as with this referring even, to being attuned perhaps, and to not only a Natural environment and such as a Forest too, but truly even perhaps, an Urban space, and as with attempting in all, to truly discern even, whom the people in it, truly are like} {that in all, attuning oneself to the Earth's Spirit/Memory in all, can open up one, and to various truths even, and as with regards truly perhaps, to what did truly happen in all, and at an Archeological site for instance, or even, at a Crime scene too actually}.

To conclude on all this, and as with attempting to make it all perfectly clear perhaps, is to in all again even, associate the Earth's Spirit, and the Sea Spirit too, and with the very concepts even, and of Innocence, (fair) Competition, and (fair) Comparison too actually. That in all, these very concepts in all again, are very much to be seen, and in not only the Terrestrial in itself {and as with speak too even, and of the Earth's Spirit, the Earths Memory in all, or even simply in all again, Life on the Planet/Terrestrial too that is}, but that also, these very concepts of Innocence, (fair) Competition, and even (fair) Comparison too, are to be found in the Seas themselves {and as with speak too even, and of the Sea Spirit, the Seas Memory, and Life on/in the Seas in themselves too}, and as with probably telling one too that, the Seas in all again, do very much perhaps, have better definitions in all, and of Innocence, (fair) Competition and (fair) Comparison too, and as compared in all, to the Terrestrial too that is {that in all, one should probably fear the Terrestrial far more even, and than the Seas too that is} {and as with even adding that, not only is Violence in the Seas, far more strategic in nature, and than that on the Terrestrial too, but that unknown to most, the Earth's Spirit in all again, is very much said to be Female (and not Feminine either), while that of the Sea, is very much said to be Male (and not Masculine either)} {and as with furtherly asking many a person too in all, to at the very least even, study violent encounters in all, and as seen in the Seas too, and compare them in all again, and to those seen on the Terrestrial too, and one will then discover that, life on the Seas, is far more civilized than one does truly think it to be} {and as with even perhaps adding that, Dolphins in all, are capable of saving one and in the Seas (and as compared to Terrestrial Animals/Creatures too), or even truly again that, telling one in all that, Sharks do not truly attack one, and unless one is pretty much wounded too actually}. In all, a study of the Seas, and from the perspective of Innocence, (fair) Competition, (fair) Comparison too, and as with telling one again that (or many a Man too), that Life on the Terrestrial, can unfairly even, be ruled over and by Women too (and one of the reasons, Religion did spring up in itself actually), but that in all again, Life on the Terrestrial, is not as free as one might probably think it to be, and as with furtherly adding that, its a Life in all, and heavily even, based around Safekeeping in itself perhaps, and as with furtherly adding too that, if one is wronged and while living on the Terrestrial, one very much then, has to gain revenge in one way or another, or in many a way even, find oneself extinct, and in one way or another too {and as with this even perhaps, speaking of the very nature of Women in general, vengeful too that is, but that in all again, is to also add that, Life in the Seas, is actually far more dynamic in nature, and much more freer too perhaps, than that on the Terrestrial, and as with this even, speaking of interacting far more in all, and with 'Sea spirits/energies' in all again, and as with regards truly even, to living on the Terrestrial that is} {and with a good example of 'Sea spirits/energies' in all, being the very study too, and of Tornados and Hurricanes in all again, and how they do in all too, act, behave or move in general too that is}.

In many a way, is to tell many a person that, living on the Terrestrial, can be rather harmful to one, and if ones does not abide by certain laws too that is {Taboos}, and as with saying that, failing to live or abide by Taboos in all (and as with this even, Religion in its most basic sense), will see to it that, whatever Successes one did gain in the past, are easily in all too even, eliminated actually {and as with Women too, perceived as tricksters in all, and out to have one engaging in the Immoral/Taboo that is}, but that in all again, Life in the Seas, is truly in all again perhaps, best said to be based around, and what they do call the Anathema actually {and as with it even, basic religion too, and in the Seas too perhaps}.

The Sea Spirit, the Anathema, and 'Life' (Innocence, Competition, Comparison) and in the Seas:

Monday 23 July 2012

The Plantation

The Plantation.

Commercial Development vs. Commercialism:

This entry pertains, to speak of what in all, does differentiate Commercial Development in itself, and from Commercialism too {and as with some perhaps, confusing them both, and for being truly the same even, and in meaning too that is}.

To make all this and as simple as it can probably be, is to in all again perhaps, associate Commercialism in all, and with the Factory complex, and Commercial Development on the otherhand, with the Plantation complex. Unknown to many though, the origins of the concept of the Factory, is rather old in its ways (Greek), and in all ways even, does not arise, and as further development, and from the Plantation complex too, and as many do falsely believe that is. To truly understand why Manufacturing in all, has truly failed to lift off, and in many a modernized/westernized Country too, it all very much has to do, and with the failing to understand the Philosophical basis in all, and to what does truly underlie, the very operations in all, and of a Factory too. In all truly, the Factory does arise in Greece actually, and as with it even, associated in all truly, and with Local manufacturing too. To understand this much better, is to speak in all again, of the Philosophical basis of the Factory complex, and as with it even, having primarily to do, and with issues pertaining to Consciousness, and Physical looks in themselves too. That in all, some Greeks, did choose to evolve, primarily around Consciousness in itself, and as with it said made real, and via Physical looks too, and in all again, attempts truly, to make one look much better, and by associating Physical looks in all, and with ones Consciousness too {that one could very much improve and on their Physical looks too, and via truly understanding, the Consciousness aspects and that do underlie, ones Physical looks in themselves that is}. A basic example of this, very much has to do with the fact that, alot of what is manufactured today, very much has to do, and with the improving in all, and of ones qualities too {and as with ones qualities even, capable of making themselves manifest, and in ones Physical looks, and as with not only having to do, and with enhancing Physical beauty in itself, but that in all ways even, this does speak of an enhancement in all, and in ones Consciousness too actually} {that in all, not only is being a good/great worker, capable of enhancing ones Consciousness, and as with regards to ones qualities too, but that in all, this does make for an improvement in ones Physical looks too, and as with even stating that, technically even, what does lie at the very heart of Manufacturing in all, and as seen today too, is the understanding, of what does truly constitute quality (it being a Philosophical concept too), and not only in a product, but also as with regards, to the very process required in all, and to make it all real that is (and as with this even, speaking of understanding, what a basic process in all, truly is, and very much too, attempting to improve on it that is)}.

In all, the improving of ones Consciousness, and as made real and via Physical looks too, and with the end goal in all again, to in all, evolve into the Earths Consciousness perhaps {and as with this even, speaking of Spiritual growth in itself actually, and as based truly even, and on growing as a Worker too perhaps}. In all again, the very true reason why Manufacturing and the selling in all, and of products, goods and services manufactured too, has very much failed to to take off and in the Modern/Western World too, has very much to do, and with the very fact that, most of it, is oriented and only towards those too, who do actually have Graecian (Greek) looks to them {that in all, many a product out there, and from an IPod to Eye Spectacles too, only does look good, and on those too, with greek/Graecian Physical looks to them actually}.

In many a way though, and as with speak of Consciousness and as with regards to Philosophy in itself too, having been mastered in all, and in Ancient Greece too, is to perhaps in all again, introduce a much more simpler concept in all, and as with regards truly even, and to the creation of products, good and services in themselves: this being, the Plantation complex.

In many a way, the Plantation complex has been given a rather bad name in itself, and due to the Politics in all perhaps, that do go along with it: that having to do with Profiteering in itself that is. That in all, there is many a political issue in all again, and as with regards truly even, to whom in all too really, is the rightful owner in all, and of anything too, and to be seen in a Plantation complex that is {from speak of the agricultural produce in itself, the tools used, or even simply again, just how to go about, sharing the profits to be made in it actually}.

However though, the Plantation complex, is actually deemed far more suitable and viable even, and for many a said Third World Country too, and as it does speak even, and of the creating in all, and of products, goods and services too, and as arising in all again, and from the very world too perhaps, and of Agricultural Sciences that is. That in all, this does speak of mastering Agriculture, and in the form of the Agricultural Sciences too, and as with it even, leading primarily, and to the creation in all, and of many a good actually, that is needed and for everyday consumption/survival too {and whether it be food in itself, or even many a commercial plants and such as cotton or tobacco too for instance}. However though, this is not the main goal of the Plantation in itself, it having in all again, to do with the Agricultural Sciences in particular, and which in all again, do primarily speak of, mastering Agriculture in all, and as with regards truly even, to practises, and Tools too, and as needed to basically at the very least, grow just about any plant product, but that in all again, the very creation too, and as with speak of Processing in itself that is, and of Tools too, needed to create, newer products in all, and as envisioned too, and from the primary products in all, and as grown within a Plantation too that is {that in all, playing around with Cotton for instance, might very well give birth, and to the very idea too, and of turning it in all again, and into a kind of cloth for instance}. In all, something not too easy to explain perhaps, and as with the very origins of Agriculture in all, said to have been based around the worship of many a God actually, and as with they even, responsible in all, and for the opening up of ones Mind or Third Eye even, and to simply even, imagining up basic ideas in all again, and as with regards truly even, to what to do in all, and with just about anything too (and as with the small fine example perhaps, and of an Orange too, and whether to eat it as it is, make a fruit dish from it, or even truly again, turn it into a fruit juice perhaps)}.

In all, the Plantation, and as primarily centered around the growing of Food Crops in all, but with speak of the Agricultural Sciences too, leading in all again, to the growing/creation in all, and of Food Products even, that could very well be called Supplementary {and as with the fine example, and of Spices or even Tobacco products too actually}. In all, at the very least, the Plantation complex to be associated and with the creation of many a great Food culture perhaps, and as with saying that, what does lie at the very heart of the Plantation complex, is the actual creation of Tools in all, that one can very much use, and to make/create any Product too, that one does deem very well needed {and as with stating that, unlike what the UN might want you to believe, the growing and sale of Food Crops in themselves, has nothing much to do with Mercantilism or Commercialism in itself even, but in all ways truly even, with what they do call Profiteering} {that anything grown or produced and on a Plantation in all, can be sold rather immediately, and as with History too, having shown that, there appears to be no true upper limit in all, and to what they do refer to as Profiteering in itself that is} {and as with Mercantilism in itself, a much higher existence too, and Philosophically too that is, and as with it even, requiring a World far more Cultured in its ways, and than in all, the present/modern World actually is (and as with speak too even, and of the death of Mercantilism in itself that is)}.

However, and as with having stated that, Plantation Tools in all, are what truly do lie, and at the very heart even, and of a Plantation complex {the making of them that is, the improving on them, or even the creation of new and unknown designs too that is}, far more important though, is the very growing of Cash Crops in all, and as with they even, not only leading to far more Wealthier lifestyles that is {and as with turning Cotton, and into luxurious Clothing in itself}, but that in all again, it is the very knowledge that is gained, and from the creation in all, and of new Tools actually, that is actually deemed Critical here, and as this expertise in all again, can very well be used, to create new Tools in all, that could very well be applied, and to diverse fields, and such as Construction, Scientific Experiments, Mechanics/Inventions, or even the advancement and creation too, and of whole new areas of Trades, Skills and Expertises that is, and as with speak too even, of not only Specialization in itself, but also, Cultural advancement in itself too actually (and in a region too perhaps) {and as with this referring even, to the realizing that Cultures do vary, and by region too actually, and rather naturally too, and as compared to what Modern Commerce in all, would have one believe (that any culture out there, would work well in just about any place too, and as with even furtherly stating that, Italian culture for example, only actually does work truly well regionally, and naturally too, and in both Italy and Kenia, and not New York truly either)}.

In all, nothing much new is spoken about above, and as this manner of living even, was once seen historically, and just about everywhere too {and as with speak too even, and of the birth of Agriculture in itself}, but that today in all, this way of life has been stripped off and from many a Country or region too, and in the World today that is (and as with the collapse even, and of the old World too), and with Modern Commerce and the UN, World Bank and IMF in all perhaps, having largely failed, to bring back this old way of existing (and as with conspiracy theories even, and of fear of many a Third World Country becoming too Independent that is), but that in all again, this manner of existing, is far much more easier to erect, and by Country too actually, and as compared, to putting up a Manufacturing base that is {and as with reminding one that, the Plantation complex has at its very heart, and in the very development of Tools actually (or what they actually do refer to as Commercial Development that is), and that, mastering the creation of Tools, and as with it even ancient Knowledge in itself, but Knowledge too, that has a helped a Country like Kenya perhaps ('the Jua Kali Industry'), become rather self-Independent in its ways, and as with regards truly even, to not only Food Production in itself, but that as a result, not only has Kenya developed an indigenous form of architecture in all (and as born even, of its knowing how to create Tools, and as used in Construction in itself that is), but with a fine example of this architecture in all, being the Jomo Kenyatta International Conference Center, or even 'Nation House' in Nairobi too (that in all, the erecting perhaps, and of these two buildings, and as with speak too even, of the Tools used, did not require Western Expertise, and as with these buildings even, very much using tools and equipment, and indigenous to Kenya too only, and in erecting them up too that is)}.

In all, before any Country out there, can actually think of having a Manufacturing base {and as with reminding one that, Manufacturing in all, is a complicated endeavour, and as with regards truly even, to the making of Money in itself}, and as with furtherly saying that, not only does it have a Philosophical basis to it (and as with philosophically even, understanding truly what, conceptual ideas and such as Quality or Attribute, truly mean or stand for), and as with furtherly adding that, in general for instance, the very goal of Manufacturing in itself, does not only have to do for instance, and with improving in all, and on the Quality of a society in general too, but that in all truly again, the real goal for doing this, very much has to do with Popularism in itself, the gaining of Fame, and the making even, and of many an everlasting Product in all, and as with speak too even, of everlasting Riches too that is} {that in all, Physical looks, issues pertaining to Consciousness in itself, or even speak of Quality in itself too, are of high importance, and for a society that does pertain in all again, to survive and co-exist in all, and as based around Manufacturing in itself too that is} {but as with reminding one that, this way of living in all, Manufacturing, and as seen today Globally in all, was actually truly associated, and with Local lifestyles too, and as seen in Greece and Italy too actually}.

'the Architect'

The Plantation & its Politics - and the very world too of Isabel Allende:

Friday 20 July 2012

Laetitia Casta

Laetitia Casta.

modern/present day French-Italy.


And as with French-Italy and in the past too, best summarized in all again, and in one term too: 'the Notre Dame'.

State Authority

State Authority.

Defining Political Mechanisms:

When we do speak of State Authority, we are in many ways even, referring to Political mechanisms in all, and by which a people in all again, do learn how to survive and relate harmoniously and with each other too. In todays Modern World though, one does find a step back, and in Political Thought too, and as with regards truly even, and to State Authority in itself, and whereby State Authority in all again, is highly defined in all, and as based around Infrastructure Access/Usage, and Resource Access/Utilization in all that is. This way of defining State Authority in all again, has mainly failed and in a somewhat rather culturally backward Africa too, and as with it even, giving rise to many an accusation, and of Tribalism in itself too {and that in all, many a Tribal member, does seek out political prominence in all again and as with regards to State Authority too, and so as inorder, to favour other tribal members too, and as with regards even, to Infrastructure Access/Usage and Resource Access/Utilization too that is}.

In Abyssinia though, it is deemed that there is a much better way of defining State Authority in all, and rather than the belief, and of a person in all again, and as educated in a Modern/Western University too that is {and as with they even, said to be rather knowledgeable in all, and as with regards to what does truly constitute, State Authority in all again, and within a certain said Cultural ecosystem too that is} {and as with one even, believed a Cultural Analyst in all again, and an Expert too, and on the Cultures of given place too that is}.

In Abyssinia though {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, State Authority is best believed as being decentralized and regional even, and as with this even, speaking of the Swahili term 'Serikali' too {or even 'State Government' too perhaps}. This in many ways, does speak even, of just how Victorian era Kenya in all, did actually envision in all again, the Country to work and in many a way truly, and as with Kenya then, housing a population in all, and in the millions too (7-8 million) {but more or less too spread out, and all over Kenya too that is}. State Authority then in all, was defined in many a way and as follows too (and as with it even, having been rather Cultural in its ways that is):

1. Political beliefs.
2. Victorian Cultural norms.
3. Lingual abilities.

Political beliefs:

To speak of Political beliefs, is to in all again even, speak of Politicized sentiments, attitudes and reasonings even, and as with regards in all again, and to just how in all, a people in a said community for instance, should simply and generally too, go about surviving {and as with this even, referring primarily, and to (Social) Welfare too that is}. In many a way, and as with the attempt to make this Cultural, this does not require one, to have been educated, and in a Modern/Western University too, and as with regards truly even, to being able to gauge in all, just which Political beliefs in all again, are actually best, and for a given people too that is.

For those in Ethiopia is to tell them that (and as with this even referring to a community perhaps), one of the best ways to gauge Political beliefs in all (sentiments, attitudes, reasonings), is via associating them in all again, and as with spirit too, and to spirit in all again, and as seen in Nature too that is (Plant/Tree life) {that in all, ones Political beliefs and in spirit too, should match in all again, the general spirit (Plant/Tree life), and as seen in a place too actually} {and as with this even, referring to the Nature of a place in all, generally shaping just how ones does feel, and as with regards truly even, to coexisting harmoniously with ones fellowmen, or even with Nature in itself actually}.

For those in Kenya is to tell them that (and as with this even referring to a community too actually), that the best way to gauge Political beliefs in all, is by associating them in all again, and with Animal life too in all, and as seen in Kenya too that is {that one in all again, should espouse Political beliefs in all (sentiments, attitudes and reasonings), that are alike in spirit, and to the general spirit in all again, and of Animal life forms too, and as seen in Kenya too that is}.

For those in Somalia, is to tell them in all again that, Political beliefs in all (sentiments, attitudes, reasonings), should indeed match, the Physical Geography (and especially as speaking of Soils too that is), and as seen in all again, and in Somalia too actually {and as with this even, referring to the general spirit of the place, Somalia, matching in all again, the Political beliefs, and of Somalis in general too, and in spirit too that is} {and as with this even, being very much the way Somalis today, do define themselves Politically that is: by Soil and region}.

Victorian Cultural norms:

To speak of Victorian Cultural norms, is to in all again speak of Victorian culture, and in the form of Victorian Speech, Victorian English and Victorian Communications too. That in all, these and as with present day Kenya for instance, are still very much used, and in defining State Authority too, and in many a way too that is {and as with this referring to Official Cultures in all that is}. However though, one does find that Victorian Speech, has mainly been mastered and by White populations too, and to be seen in Abyssinia too that is (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and with Victorian English on the otherhand, having been mastered by Abyssinian (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) Brown skinned populations actually. On the otherhand, one does find that Black skinned populations and in Abyssinia too, are rather adept in all too even, and in Victorian Communications actually {and one of the main reasons too, Abyssinia in all again (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), tends to be divided in all, and by Skin colour too that is}.

In all ways though, and as with speak too even of State Authority in all, one does find that State Authority in Ethiopia, works rather well, and as based on Victorian Speech too actually, while that in Kenya, does work rather well, and as based around Victorian English too, and with State Authority in Somalia, working rather well and as based around general Victorian Communications actually {and in many ways even, all this making Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia too, and respectively that is, in all again White, Brown and Black, and respectively too, and as with regards truly even, to whom the people in all again (or the 'average joe' too), does perceive in all, and as being knowledgeable in all again, and as with regards truly even, and to State Authority issues too actually} {and as with this even referring in all again, and to just where in all, to get some funding for instance}.

Lingual abilities:

Lingual abilities in all, do actually refer, and to everyday forms of relating in all, and as with they even, taking the form of parlance, general speech, and even jargon in all too really. That in all again, when one does think State Authority, and on a highly even localized level too (and as with a community too for instance, meeting to discuss many a political issue), one then does find that, in Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), localized State Authority (and as with a Parent even), does tend to take the form of Parlance and in Ethiopia too, general speech in Kenya, and Jargon in Somalia actually {and as with even stating that, it is the White populations in Abyssinia, that are highly knowledgeable in all, and of Parlance, the Brown skinned populations and of general speech too, and the Black skinned populations in all, and of Jargon actually} {and as with Parlance too, and in Abyssinia in all, similar to that seen in British English, while general speech tends to be of the Brit and Arab kind actually, and with Jargon on the otherhand, speaking of what they do call Kenyan English too (and as with it even a form of English in all again, that is actually directly translated, and into English in itself, and from Pure Kiswahili too that is)} {and as with it even and in all again, a kind of English too, but a Jargon actually, that does somewhat sound like Australian English in all that is}.

In all, the above is the fastest way in all again, to simply go about defining State Authority in all, and at the local level too, and rather than believing that, the Government in all {or 'Serikali' too that is}, will come ones way, and in helping solve everyday Political problems too, and as to be seen in a place actually {and as with the Governments in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia in all, not truly attuned to the political/cultural needs and of a people too, and in a given said area that is, and as with regards truly even, to truly listening to what the people actually do want (and other than speak, and of their not having, both the people and Government that is, any money available)}.

Neo-America (2)

Neo-America (2).

Iraq, 2012:

For many out there, speak of Iraq, does in many ways even, speak of the realms of Saddam Hussein, and the belief in all too even, of his being a Ruling Despot, and in a said Oil rich Country too that is. There are many ways though, to go about viewing Iraq's History, and as with it even, having housed the Sumerian Civilization, or even many a ruling Arab Caliphate too that is, but with most not knowing too that, the Baha'i Faith, is actually, of Iraqi origins too.

Why though, Iraq and its Arab populations, might be of interest and to those in Abyssinia too, or Kenia/Kenya to say the least even, is because, of many a person in Abyssinia in all, not truly knowing that, that what in all again, they do call 'Arab speech' actually {and as with it even in English too that is} does serve, and automatically too, and as a kind of Authority in all again, and within Abyssinia/Kenya too that is {that those in all again, and who do possess 'Arab speech' in all, are actually believed and said, and automatically too, to serve as a form of Authority, and while in Abyssinia/Kenya too actually}.

As a result, those within Abyssinia or Kenya to say the least, must in one way or another, extend a hand of friendship in all too even, and to Iraq in itself, and by perhaps in all again, attempting to spearhead, a democratization movement there, and in alignment with a World Consciousness state perhaps, and of just how in all, just about any group of people in the World, should present themselves too others: and in a said somewhat Democratic manner too that is {and as with this even believed, what the War in Iraq, was/is truly all about}.

In all again, is to perhaps best tell Arab populations in Iraq, and about Neo-America too. It in all again, very much a Platform, Portfolio or Paradigm even, and by which, Iraq in itself, can very well use, to present itself, and to the outside World too, and as believed and said, to be espousing democratic beliefs in all that is. That in all (see the 'Neo-America' entry), Iraq, and as with regards truly even, to its Arab populations, can in all ways even, present itself to the World, and as based around not only a Values & Beliefs Systems, and very much in alignment with what was covered under the 'Neo-America' entry, but with the differences in all this being that, their using in all again, and of different Symbolism too, and as with speak too even, of a representative image of Neo-American Iraq in all, but as consisting of the American Flag and American Eagle too {and as displayed way below that is} {and with this though, having 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' too perhaps, serving in all again, and as general inspiration too, for just how to go about envisioning in all too even, American styled Values & Beliefs Systems that is}.

In all again, a new Iraq perhaps, and as with it espousing democratic beliefs too, and as based around a somewhat Nationally agreed even, Values & Beliefs Systems that is, and as arising too, and from not only the realms of the Bantams Classics edition and of 'The Wealth of Nations' too (and by Adam Smith that is), but that in all again, coming to associate Americanization in all, and in Iraq too, and under the banner in all too really, and of the 'MTV Unplugged' Platform that is {that in all, 'MTV Unplugged', is what in all ways even, Iraqi's should consider as Americanization in Iraq, and as with it even, an admirable Platform in all again, to copy or mimic somewhat even, and when thinking in all again, and of connecting to the rest of the World socially too that is} {in all ways too even, Abyssinia and as a State too, will be using its 'Neo-America' Platform in all, and to generally present itself too, and to the rest of the World that is (and as it being democratic in nature that is, and not as with its being truly Christian either), and that in all ways even, this Abyssinian 'Neo-American' Platform, will be using the American Music Rock Concert, and as with regards truly even, to speak even, and of not only Americanization in Abyssinia too, but also, just how the rest of the World out there, should generally perceive Abyssinia in all (and as with the rest of the World, not Christian either, and as Abyssinia truly is)} {see the 'Race & Colour' entry}.


Wednesday 18 July 2012



When one does think of the workings or operations even, and of many a Community too, and in Abyssinia {'the Plains'} in all too really, let one also think, Oracle, and to some extent too, and as with this primarily referring even, and to the designing or even, automating, and of many a Communication protocols in all that is {and not actual Communal based problem solving either, and which is best left in all, and to the Cultural sphere/realms, and of a Community too that is} {and as with this even, the Cultural, and its most base too in all, referring even and to the kind of Ifa, and as practised by Awo Falokun too that is}.


The African Union

The African Union.

Those in Abyssinia in all {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, might very well in all again, wish to know just what in all, to make of the African Union. A Union too, that does appear to speak of not only the wanting/willing to develop Africa, and from mainly a problematic National perspective too {and as with this even, the National, speaking of the building, and of a Nationally agreed Physical Infrastructure that is), but in all ways truly even, speaking of creating Security/communications protocols in all, to in all ways even, help maintain Africa as stable, and at all times too actually. Abyssinia though and on the otherhand, does promote primarily and at the very most too, Communal lifestyles in all, and as with this speaking and of Wealth in Abyssinia in all again, and as referring in all, and to belonging perhaps, and to many a culturally differing Community too that is {and as with this even, primarily perceived, and from the general perspective of Touristic lifestyles too actually}.

In all, is to tell those in Abyssinia {'the Plains'} specifically that, when they do think Africa in all, and as including the AU too, it is best in all again, to think African State and Social Policy too {and as with this even, definitive in all, and of what the AU's Nationalism and Security protocols in all again, are truly all about}. African State and Social Policy too, and as with it even perceived in all, and from Anatolia too perhaps {'Arab East Africa'}, but in all ways truly even, works on African State Policy (and as with an African Statesman too perhaps), but also, African Social Policy in itself {and as with many a popular African News Magazine actually}.


Monday 16 July 2012




For those termed 'Aegyptians' in all (see the 'Race & identity' entry), and who in all again, do like the very idea, of Abyssinia in all (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), serving as a kind of home, is to warn them, and of not Economic difficulties that is, but actually in all again, of 'stupid people' perhaps, and abounding all over {that Kenya for instance, has the right Knowledge Base to become a rather high-profile Country, but with it in all again, abounding with 'stupid illiterate' people somewhat, and all over too that is}.

What is proposed here though, is the very creation even, of 'Neo-America'. To understand this better is to say that, many an 'Aegyptian' perhaps, has often thought of moving to America (or the United States of America too that is), just to be met, by a Modern America in all, facing all kinds of Social and Political problems that is {and of the rampant social discrimination kind, or even truly again, rather numerous immigrant problems that is}. What is proposed here though is to tell one that, Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, is not truly a difficult place to live in (and even, with crazy people all over that is), but what is truly needed, is the right kind of Values/Belief Systems in all, and to abide by actually.

In all, what is proposed in all again, is the coming together of many an 'Aegyptian' perhaps, and in the form of a Brotherhood too, and Brotherhoods too in all again, highly operating around Values/Beliefs Systems in all, and as seen truly even, and in the Bantams Classics edition, and of 'The Wealth of Nations' too that is {that this work in all, should actually be memorized, and well understood, and from a Values/Beliefs Systems that is}. In all again, it is truly believed that, understanding the work as such, will allow for one, the mentality in all again, to not only survive in all, and in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), but survive too (and as with Values/Beliefs Systems), and in a rather independent manner actually {that in all, understanding the work as such, will lead to many a problem, Values/Beliefs Systems, and as seen in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), to not be taken too seriously in all, but in all too really, give one the will even, to push through, and resolve any problem, amicably that is}. In all again, an attempt in all too even, to not only create perhaps, another America even (and of the Boston variety too), and as with saying that, America today is highly defined in all, and by Constitutional Rights and its Constitution, Economic opportunity, 'the American Dream' (and as with it defined even, and by Social Success too that is), or even truly again, its unique Materialism (and as with speak too even, of Americans in themselves that is)}. 'Neo-America' though, attempts in all again, to think of America, and as primarily from Values/Belief Systems too that is {that America in all again, and of all the places on Earth perhaps, is believed to have the most superior even, and of Values/Beliefs Systems that is, and as can be interpolated or extrapolated in all, and from the Bantams Classics edition of, 'TheWealth of Nations' that is}. In all again, the belief in living as free as possible {and as based on developing rather superior Values/Belief Systems}, and as with this even, extending to sojourns in all, and in America too that is {and as with even, speaking of many a Secret Organization in all too even}.

In all again, 'Neo-America', and as with it symbolically consisting of the American bald-headed Eagle, and the American 50 Star Flag too, and as with in all too even, to basically exist in the form of Brotherhoods, that do attempt to fully interpolate/extrapolate the Bantams Classic edition of 'the Wealth of Nations', before then applying the Knowledge in all, and to living primarily, and within Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia} too that is {but with sojourns in America, speaking of living as wildly as possible (and in the form of 'the Escapade' too actually), and as with this even, based highly around Values/Belief Systems, and not sojourns in all again, and as to be associated that is, with the seeking out of Social Success in all (and speak too even, of not only 'the American Dream' perhaps, but also truly even, the mastering of ones Presentation skills in all too really)}.

In all, a 'Project' perhaps, capable of being functional in five years, and as with speak of truly attempting even, to fully master (memorize fully somewhat), the Bantams Classics edition and of 'The Wealth of Nations' too that is {and as with attempting to tell just about anyone out there, still thinking of moving to America, it would do you justice, to master one work even, and from the world of 'Classical' American literary works that is (Americana), and before, actually choosing to move there (and as with the danger even, of finding oneself in the Ghetto perhaps, and due in all again, to not fully understanding America Socially or Politically too that is)} {and as with living in America too, about being as fully independent, and as one can be that is (meaning in all again that, no one will readily offer you any help, and of the most obvious form too actually, and while living in America that is)}.