Saturday 9 June 2012

World Nations

World Nations.

Spain vs. Central Asia:

Spain in many ways, has come to define the World, and in a rather Universal manner too. For the belief that {and as with the UN too}, that we do all (and around the World too), face rather similar everyday problems in all again, does actually arise, and in Modern Spain too actually. Beliefs too in all again that, we do all face, similar problems, and such as those to be found and seen in the King James version of the Bible {and which is of Spanish origins, and not Italian either}. What has resulted in the end {and as with a UN Aid program too}, is the passing out in many ways, of not only the King James version of the Bible {the most popular version of the Bible, and to be seen in the whole wide World too that is}, but also, published and televised material in many ways too, and as arising in all again, and from the KIng James version of the Bible too {and with the end result in all again being, that most of the World, does somewhat identify with Spain in many a way, and as with speak too even that is, of a general feel and as with regards, to everyday life/'problem-solving' that is}.

I saw him dancin' there by the record machine
I knew he must a been about seventeen
The beat was goin' strong
Playin' my favorite song

-- Joan Jett & the BlackHearts / 'I love Rock n Roll'

Spain though, is similar in all again, to Central Asia in many a way actually. The most genral of these similarities, not only has to do, with both having rather tumultous war-like Histories, but in many ways too that, they are both heavily even, divided by Ethnicity {and that Ethnicity in Central Asia in all again, does actually mirror that Spain, and not Africa or the Middle East either} {and as with furtherly saying that, Ethnicity in Africa, does most closely mirror that in the Middle East, and not Abyssinia either (and as with that in Abyssinia too, more European (minus Spain) and in its nature too actually)}.

In all ways though, is to advice the masses out there that, to in all ways even, forego and forget Spain, and as with regards, to not only a Modern/Western/'Religious' problem-solving mindset {and as with speak too even, of Pat O'Reilly for instance, or the belief too that, we have to eat, three square meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Supper) everyday, and to consider ourselves happy that is}, and in all ways too, seek out Central Asian History {and as with Central Asia in all, considered to be the very home, of 'World Nations' that is}, and as with furtherly saying that, Central Asian History {and not European either}, is one in all again, that one can turn to, and as with regards even, to thinking up solutions, and to just about any kind of problem one might generally face even {and as with speak too even, of the so often termed Human Condition that is}.

*Central Asian and not American

Central Asian literature (the Good Soldier Svejk):