Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Inconsequential

The Inconsequential.

Many do truly falsely believe that, the Modern/Western World, has made many an in-road, and as with regards, to Technology in itself. This is not especially true, and as with saying that, most Modern/Western Materialism in all again, is highly based around not only Machinery, but in many ways too even, the very use of Precision in itself, and in coming up with Modern/Western Materialism/Technology that is {and as with the fine example of plastic casing for instance}. Unknown to most though, the very technology too, used to manufacture in all again, Western/Modern Materialism, has always been in existence {precision based tools}, and as seen truly even, and in the old World too and as with speak furtherly even, of the Diamond trade actually {and as with furtherly stating too that, Modern/Western Materialism in all, and as with Mass Production too, and further speak too even, of many a reknowed, Rch, Wealthy Jewish Family in all, does in all again, speak of Jews, and as seen in Antwerp, the Netherlands too actually} {and as with furtherly even saying that, many of these Western Rich/Wealthy Jews, were of Dutch origins, and not Middle Eastern or American origins either}.