Tuesday 26 June 2012




To speak of Wimbo (and a Swahili term too), is to in all again, speak of a kind of Song and in English too, truly known even, and as a Tune that is. The Song above by Michael Jackson though, 'Heal the World', is more of a Wimbo too, than a genuine Tune actually {and as with the Wimbo too, a kind of Tune that is}.

What makes Tunes though, to be rather highly relevant in our lives (and dangerously so even), is that, they do in all again (and as with even, attempting to simply strum a Tune in itself, and on a Guitar too), can very easily too, Code, just about anything that truly matters to one, and into ones memories, and in the form of Nuances too that is {and as with the known beliefs even, in positive and negative energy matrixes, and as with they even, embodying our realities that is} {and as with further speak too, of tensions, and to be found or seen even, and in a room too perhaps}.

In many ways too though, one does find that traditionally, Tunes (or Wimbo even), have mainly been a big part in all, of Community/Communal based music forms in all, and as with saying truly that, they did in all, truly embody (and encode too), various messages in all (and as with Nuances that is), believed in all again, rather relevant (and as with survival even), and into the memories in all again (emotional/body), and of the members of a Community too that is. Today though, one does find that, Relevance in our lives, has been hijacked, and by the very world too, of Private/Independent Media {and as with it even, having a truly Localized source that is} {but in all ways too, Media in all again, capable of making a huge impact and on a huge part of the Worlds population perhaps, and as with regards even, to how it is mass marketed (Nuances), and to people out there too that is} {and as with the case even, of a local Inventor, and whose products in all, are marketed as being rather valuable, and to just about everyone in the World too that is} {and as with this too, and speak too even, of the politicized term 'the White Woman', at the very heart too, of the rise of the Western World, and into World Commerce too perhaps, and as with not only using White Female images to sell products in all (and via Sexual Nuances), but unknown to most too, alot of Western Education in all, does truly fall even, and under Private/Independent Media too that is}.

In all though, is to help many out there in all, move away, and from the world of Private/Independent Media, and as with furtherly saying that, this form of Media in all, is far more dangerous than most think it to be actually (and as with concepts of Superiority, Inferiority and Equality even), and as with it the kind even (and as with Nuances too), that does carry messages in all, that can be in all again, readily programmed, and into ones Subconscious Mind that is {and as with the case even, of late-night TV Commercials for instance, and as seen on American, Canadian and Mexican TV too actually} {and as with furtherly stating that, sticking to oneself, and singing/playing Tunes to oneself too, can have more of a heavy impact to ones life in all (and as with the good happening even), than in all again, seeking out Media in all, that one truly believes, will instantly even, change ones life that is (and as with the fine example even, and of a self-image oriented workshop or seminar too actually)}.
