Saturday 30 June 2012

The Final passage

The Final passage.

There is a popularly told story, and about life in Ancient Egypt too {and as once recounted that is, and by both Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman}, and which does say that, the true goal in life, is to be Happy (even always), and as a precondition too, to the entering of Heaven in itself {that in all, if one did fail to seek out Happiness and while on Earth too, one could not enter and in all again, and through the Gates of Heaven too}.

For those in Abyssinia though {'the Plains'}, is to tell them that, the key to living happily and successfully even, and such that, one does not fear Death in itself, and in any of its other forms too, and as coming ones way that is, is to in all again perhaps, having had the true pleasure in all, of having been intimate, and with the most Beautiful of things actually {and such that, it did transform one in all again, and to in all ways even, accept life, and with all its trials, hardships, or even limitations too that is} {and as with this too, a precondition in all again too perhaps, and of accepting Death and in itself too that is}.