Monday 11 June 2012

Ladybird Tales

Ladybird Tales.

The Ladybird series of Tales, consists of a collection of tales in all again, that one could very well call Mythic in nature actually, and not truly Fairy Tales either. These tales in many ways too, do speak of the everyday trials and occurrences, that could occur in ones life and in many a way actually, and as with they too heavily oriented in all again, and towards general readership too that is, and in many a way is to in all again perhaps, attempt to associate many a Region in the World, and with one such tale too perhaps, and so as to give the peoples in these Regions {and in alignment with the 'Nigers Last Sigh' entry even}, a good idea in many ways, and of the daily trials or occurrences, that could/do face them in all too really {and as with speak too even, of issues associated in all again, and with being a Solitary figure, or even truly again, with being Isolated and from society in itself too actually}.

North America: Sleeping Beauty

South America: The Elves and the Shoemaker

Europe: Little Red Riding Hood

Africa: The Magic Porridge Pot

Abyssinia: Puss in Boots

The Middle East: Chicken Licken

Asia: The Princess and the Pea