Wednesday 6 June 2012



Africa vs. Abyssnia:

One of the best ways in all, to see fundamental differences, and between Africa (and as including Egypt too) and Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, is from the perspective, of their respective Materiality. That in all, Africa (and as including Egypt but minus Abyssinia too that is), does have to it, native Materialism in all again, and which does mirror, that to be seen in Central Asia too actually {and as with this even, another main similarity in all again, and between the two Regions that is}, and with Abyssinia on the otherhand, having Materialism to it (as with whats best suited to it too that is), that does mirror in all again, that to be seen in Europe too actually {and as with it even and at the very least too that is, Victorian in its ways too actually}.