Wednesday 6 June 2012

Effective Communications

Effective Communications and Abyssinia.

The term Public Speaking in all, is often highly confused, and for Public Speech in many ways truly. In reality though, Public Speaking, actually in most ways even (and as with the Westernized World too), does have its origins, with the Victorians {and those in Kenya/'the Savannah' too in all ways even}. Public Speaking in all too really, does actually fall, under Mass Communications, and as compared to Public Speech, which does fall, under Public Communications that is.

We do live in a World today, highly falsely assumed, to have rather concrete even, National Identities. That in all, just about every Country out there, does have National Identities {and as with they even, a relic of life, and as lived by a prominent Family once before, and mainly in Europe too that is} {and as with saying truly that, lives lived around National Identities, are not too different, from those seen in the movies too actually}.

In reality though, we do live in Societies in all again (and as with the Modern/Western), highly based around poor Communal/Community Design, and as with all this referring even, to not only Educational initiatives (and by the UN too perhaps), but in many ways even, defining many a City too perhaps, and as based around Ethnic Communities in all again, and Ethnic Communities too, having a three part structure to them: Communications, Speech/intelligence, and finally Presentation skills {that in all, these three, do define a simple concept of the Community, and as with it even, leaning towards a Community in all again, geared specifically towards Learning actually, and in the bid, to be able to survive that is} {and with all this at the very least too even, referring to dealing with Psycho-social problems in all, and as to be seen in a Neighbourhood too for instance}.

As mentioned just above though, many a Community Design today, is geared towards designing them in all again, and as Learning Communities too (and as with speak too even, of the Business Community, or even, the Engineering Community too perhaps), and not the actual designing of Effective and Stable Communities in themselves {and as with speak too even, of a rather stable Economic plan for instance}.

In many ways though, the concept of Learning Communities, can be directly applied, to the raising of Children in themselves even {and as with all this too actually, referring in all again and to the foregoing of formal Education in itself that is}. That in all, it is possible to design Community initiatives in all, and as highly based around (and as with what is referred to hereby even, and as 'Effective Communications' too), and by thinking of an Effective member of Community in all, and as based around the following: Individuality & Communicational abilities, Speech & Oracular Knowledge, and finally Presentation skills & Cultural Identities too that is {that in all, designing Community initiatives that do take the three into account, does in many ways even, result in the raising of rather Independent in their ways, Children in all, and as with regards even, to their being able to survive on their own too that is} {and as with all this even, arising from a Community in itself, and not via, the use of a standardized approach too that is (that in all again, the rather false belief that all Humanity is one, and that there is no absolute difference, and between an Indian and a French man too for instance, can be taken as being highly nonsensical and in its ways/meanings too that is)}.

In all ways though and as with specifically referring to the above as 'Effective Communications', it is believed that, in Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', and the 'Arid areas'}, certain form of general Communications in all again, are actually truly needed, and for one to be able in all again, to have one functioning properly {and as with 'Effective Communications' too that is}, and as with regards even, to becoming an Independent member of Society that is {and as with this even, referring to being employable in a basic sense, or even truly again, being self-employed in all that is} {that in all again, 'Effective Communications', do speak of general Communications in all too really, and those that do underlie in all, what one can refer to in all again, as 'Effective Communications' in themselves (Individuality & Communicational abilities, Speech & Oracular Knowledge, and finally Presentation skills & Cultural Identities)} {and as with these general Communications in all again, uniting in a general sense, all those to be seen in Abyssinia ('the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'), and as strangers too perhaps, and with each other too that is}.

The Savannah: Business Communications

The Plains: Public Communications

The Arid areas: Mass Communications

Photo notations:

Business Communications {presumably Victorian in all, and as with saying that, those in the Savannah, are the most Business minded of us all in all too really, and as to be seen in Abyssinia ('the Savannah', ' the Plains', the 'Arid areas') too that is}; Public Communications {again, presumably Victorian in nature, and as with this in all too even, referring to elements of Public Relations in themselves too that is}; Mass Communications {and with they in all again, presumably Victorian, and as with referring even, to the heavy use of Public Speaking in modern Kenya and modern Somalia too that is, and that in all, Mass Communications in all again, do have to do, with the delivering of a specific message in all perhaps, and to a certain audience in all too really (and not the masses specifically either)}.

@ in all ways even, what is been said here is that, the mastering of the above three forms of Communications, are of utmost importance even, and for those in Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, and as with regards, to being able, to survive on ones own that is {and as with this even, referring to the ability to get things done, and without having an Education of any kind too actually} {that in all again, the above three forms of Communications, and alongside 'Effective Communications' in themselves, is guaranteed as being enough in all again, and for one to be able to survive in Abyssinia in itself, and even prosperously too that is}.