Thursday 14 June 2012



The term Saxony, should not be confused with the Saxon world (or 'the Saxons' merely even) {and as seen too, in England, the UK, or even truly again, the UK & Northern Ireland that is}. Instead, the term Saxony, does actually refer to a cultural complex in all, that did in all again arise during Victorian era/Pre-Colonial/Colonial Kenya too that is, and one too, not only highly based around a Military culture in all, but it in many ways truly, it in all again having a rather unique Architecture to itself actually {and as with the image above, and of the Giraffe Manour House too, and as to be seen in Nairobi, Kenya too that is} {that the above, is not Italian or New Yorkan Architecture in itself, but truly Saxony/Kenia in its ways actually}.

In all, when one does think of Kenia {and as with it even, and despite most Nationalist efforts too, still very much Community, Communal or Tribe oriented even}, one should truly associate it and in all again, Kenia that is, with Saxony culture {and as with saying truly that, this culture is not universally Kenian/Kenyan, but instead in all again that, those who are Saxony, do know Kenia in all, and much more better than the rest do actually} {and in many ways too, a History of Kenia/Kenya in itself, that most do not know about (and as with it consisting of figures and such as Cyril Connolly too for instance), but in many ways too even, a group of people traditionally known, to have the blueprint in all, and for just how Kenia/Kenya in all again, should develop/progress in its ways actually}.

Saxony/Kenia Literature (and not Jewish or European literature either):