Thursday 21 June 2012

The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths.

The Four Noble Truths, and as seen in Buddhism too, can in many ways truly, serve as an inspiration, and for helping truly in all again, define Humanity in itself, and from more or less a Social or Political perspective too in all. That in all again, Humanity today, is highly defined from the perspective of the English language in itself {and the ability in all again, to express shock, awe, amazement, worry etc.}, and as with furtherly stating that, those of us who are considered perfect in all again {and given the right too in all again, to judge us all}, are those believed, to be Masterful, and in the wielding of the following forms of English: Modern/Technical English, Canadian English, or even American Business English in all ways truly even.

The Four Noble Truths though, do offer the majority out there, a much better way of knowing perhaps, that people in Thailand for instance, are just as Intelligent, and as those in Japan for example {and in all ways truly even perhaps, helping one see Africa too, for what it is truly is, or even truly again, not being too quick, to judge folks in all again, deemed heavily Negroid that is, and by Society too perhaps}.

In all, and as with helping many a person out there, overcome many a Social Inhibition perhaps {or even truly again, discriminative judgmental behaviour in itself}, is to attempt in all again, to summarize the Four Noble Truths, and in a rather conventional manner too {and as with this referring even, to everyday life experiences that is}.

The Four Noble Truths:

1. Suffering is Universal (to be born is to suffer): invoking in all, the need to judge just about every Human being out there, and from the perspective of GRATITUDE in itself that is {and as with their embodying it too perhaps}.

2. The cause of Suffering is desire (desire promotes the cycle of Samsara): with this in all again, invoking in all, HONESTY in itself, and as with regards, to just about anything too that is.

3. Suffering can be eliminated (and through mans own untiring efforts): in all ways truly even, calling for everyday efforts, and as with regards truly, to judging people in all, and as based on their ability, to invoke or express in all too really, DISCIPLINE in itself actually.

4. There is a path to the cessation of Suffering (the practice of Dhamma): with this in all again, calling for one to embody or invoke in all again, EFFICACY in itself {or the willing in all, to do right actually, and as religiously determined even, and when not even, called upon to do as such that is}.

Hopefully, a new way in all again, of viewing Humanity in itself, and as with perhaps even attempting to promise that, using the model proposed above, can help many a person out there, not only defeat any form or kind of Social Inhibition in all {and as with believing oneself historically Inferior that is}, but in all ways truly even, can open up the gates, to experiencing life, and in not only far more fulfilling manners (and as with the present even), but also truly even, and as with the ability in all too, to truly foresee, just what life in itself, actually has to offer one, and as an Individual too that is {and all this referring even, to rightful discrimination in itself too that is}.

