Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Divine Trinity

The Divine Trinity.

To speak of Civilization, and as it was in all again, envisioned by Moors actually (and from Pemba too actually), is to not only view the History of Civilization in all, as not being Greek (and highly Cultural), or even Egyptian (and highly Religious too), but in all ways even, from the very perspective of God-like Communications in all too really. In all ways even, the Divine Trinity too, referring to Civilization as such (in the form of Communications), and as with it even, having reached its epic, and with the following Religious/Political Entities:

Italy: the home to 'I AM' {and with 'I AM', another name for God as Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omni- etc.} {and with all this too, referring not only to the Italian Church's Roman Curia, but in all ways even, to the likes of Caravaggio too actually}

France: home to Christ {and with this in many ways even, truly referring to Georges, and as he even, truly having been Christ on Earth that is}

Russia: home to 'the Holy Ghost' {and as with this not only referring to a line of action, and as with regards to problem solving too (and as with the case even, of Russias many known Engineering works), but in all ways even, this referring in all again, to not only Peter the Great, but in many ways truly even, to Gen. Hannibal Abraham Petrovich}.

Kenia: home to Desu {and as with this not only referring in all again, to Kenia as the possible most happiest place on Earth, but in all ways even, speaking of the likes of Cyril Connolly for instance}.

In all ways even, Pemba too, to be truly conceived in all again, as the very true home in all (spiritual that is), of Abyssinia in itself {and as Abyssinia too, distinct in itself and from Kenia in many a way too that is}.

'the Moor'