Friday 8 June 2012

Race & Colour

Race & Colour.

Romanticized History:

The History of the World in many ways (and as with everyday occurrences too), is often presented, and perceived too actually, and from a rather highly Political perspective in all {and as with speak of the UN too perhaps}. That in all (and as with any successes too that is), North America, South America and Europe too even, do fall under Western/White History (and the very birth too, of 'White Worship' in all too really), Africa on the otherhand, is the Continent of Black skinned peoples (and as with Africa too, highly perceived in many ways even, and from Language perspective in itself actually), and with the Middle East on the otherhand, having always been in one way or another, associated truly only, with Islam/Islamic thought (and with it in all again, highly responsible for magnifying Skin Colour differences all over that is), and with Asia on the otherhand, highly perceived as becoming/being Westernized/Modernized in its ways too actually (and speak too even, of Race/Racial characteristics in all that is).

For many a person though, and living in the Political realms explained above, and not too satisfied with their lives in all again {as the above views in all, do influence just about how one in all again, does view anything to do with their lives actually (and from a television show in itself, to the food they eat, or even, whom they do choose in all again, and to associate with that is)}, is to present, a far much more better way of viewing ones Politicized worlds in all, and as with speak too even, of everyday survival that is {and as with regards, to doing just about anything (and including Dating too perhaps)}.

North America, South America & Central Asia: the Archaic world {and as with these three Regions in all, highly united in all again, and by their having, similar Speech patterns to them that is} {and as with Speech patterns too, highly important in these Regions, and as with regards, to (everyday) survival in itself too actually}.

The Middle East & Africa: the Punic world {and as with these two Regions in all again, highly united in all too really, and by their having similar Physical/Body Imagery that is} {and as with this too, speaking of not only Hannibal Barca in all, but in many ways too, both united by an obsession, and with Europe in itself too actually} {and with the Middle East too, most closest to Africa, and via the Sudan, and not Egypt either} {and Africa in all again, and as minus Abyssinia too that is}.

Europe, Italy and Abyssinia: the Christian world {and as with this speaking even, of these three Regions in all again, highly similar, and from the perspective, of Religious Imagery too that is} {and as with it all and in many ways too even, rather Christian in its ways too actually}.

Asia: the Orient {and as with this referring in all again, and to the whole of Asia too (and as including Australia & New Zealand too even), having rather similar Secular lifes/lifestyles that is} {but in many ways too, Southeast Asia, gearing towards being Westernized, and with East Asia on the otherhand, gearing towards being Modernized that is}.

In all again and as with the attempt to solidify these Identities in many ways, is to say that, the works of Martin Bernal, do in many ways even, speak about the Archaic world actually {and as with beliefs systems too that is}, while those of Mary Lefkowitz, do in many ways even, speak about the Punic world {and as with a high concentration in all, and on Physical/Body Imagery too that is}, and with the Christian world on the otherhand, best viewed in all again, and from original and mythic works in all, and on the Christian Crusades too actually, and with the Orient in all again, best seen from the light of a Political History of Buddhism too actually {and as with this even, referring to the field of Archeology in itself too (and as seen in Asia that is)}.

In many ways too, Europe should view Abyssinia, and as a rather important State too, and as with speak too even, of Political threats in all, and from Africa, and the Middle East too actually {and as with speak too even, of take-overs, and of any kind too actually}.

The Punic world: