Friday 8 June 2012



While 'Tales of Adventurism and the Moor', does advocate in all again, very much looking at Human Beings and Society too, and from highly a Psychological perspective too even {and as with dealing with one feelings, and by enacting them out that is} {and all this too, pertaining in all again even, and to issues of Aesthetics and Design in all too really}, it is very well known that, we do live in Sociological societies, and which in many ways too, do bring about their very own kind of complications in all, and as with regards even, to the very health of those, and who do inhabit these Sociological spaces in all too really {and as with speak too even, of limited mentalities that is}.

While the Sociological in all again, is often highly presented from the Infrastructural {and as with competition even, and amongst Countries too, and as with regards, to just whom in all again, has the best Infrastructure that is} {and as with all this too even, dealing very much and with the infrastructure in all again, visited by the reader in all ways too even, has led in all again, to rather limited mentalities, and on just how to go about doing anything that is}, this Blog on the otherhand, wishes in all again to present, a rather new way of viewing the Sociological, and one too, distant from the way it is viewed today: which as mentioned just above, has to do with just how in all again, success oriented Society in all, and in the Modern/Western World too, does define itself actually {and as highly based around Money and Sex too that is}.

In all ways even, this new way of viewing the World Sociologically, does speak in all again, of viewing it primarily, and from issues pertaining to Health in itself {that in all again, certain diseases perhaps, can be caught and when visiting a certain Region of the World, and that in all too even, Sociology, does go very well hand in hand, and with dealing with diseases and the Health of a population, and to be seen in a place too actually} {and that in all again, acquainting oneself with the kind of diseases in all, and as capable of inflicting a certain Region based population in all again, is a very good way in all, and of judging its Sociological spaces too that is} {and as with these diseases even (and as with avoiding them too actually), coming to define a population in all again, and as with regards, to not only temperaments in themselves, but also, physical looks in some ways, but also, as with regards to what does totally fall under Kinesiology in itself too actually} {and as with probably saying that, Kinesiology, can be used, to enhance many a Sociological space, and as to be seen out there too that is}.

North America: Disorders
South America: Cancers
Europe: Syndromes
Africa: Disease
Abyssinia: Maladies
The Middle East: Infections
Asia: Fevers

Abyssinia, Kinesiology and Social Maladies: