Identity Creation.
The Democratic Republic of Kenya:To speak of the Democratic Republic of Kenya, is to in many ways even, speak of the tumultuous issue, of Identity creation. In Kenya today for instance, Identity is often purveyed in all, and from the more or less inexistent, Provincial/Tribal groups actually {and as with speak too even, of Kenyan Provinces in all, highly believed populated, and by differing Tribes that is} {but in all ways truly even, referring to Presentation skills in all, and as with saying in general that, those who do come from Nairobi Province, or Rift Valley Province even, or even truly again the Coastal Province, do Present themselves in all again, and Socially too even, and with a certain demeanour in all that is} {that in all, Kenya's attempts to create concrete Identities and since 'Independence' in all too, has been based around having many a person even, identify themselves and as with Presentation Skills too, and as based around the not to well functioning in all, Kenyan Provinces that is} {that in all again, speak of Kenyan Pride in all, was speak in all again, of Pride arising from Presentation Skills in general, and in all ways too, Cultural identity formations, Regional/Provincial in their ways, and as with it all too, highly based around Presentation Skills in all that is} {to speak of Kenya's rather many inexistent Tribal groups (and as with they even, said to have unique languages to them), is in all actually, speak of an inexistent language diversity, and as with saying that, most of these Tribal groups, actually do speak Nubian origination Vernacular actually}.
In all again, with regards to this rather tumultuous way of creating Identity in Kenya {and as with it even, at the very heart of many an ethnic strife and ethnic violence too, and to be seen within Kenya that is} {and as with speak too even, of Identity theft in all, and where peoples in all again, and from outside a certain Province that is, do in all somewhat even, adopt the Presentation Skills in all, of a certain Provincial group too, and then set out to create havoc that is} {even more complicated is the infighting in all again, and between Provincial groups in all, and as based around Gender issues and Presentation skills in all again, and that do see (and as with the Gikuyu for instance), these Provincial groups in all again, splitting into many other groups actually (and as with the Gikuyu even, splitting into the Agikuyu, Kikuyu, Gikuyu, or even simply identifying with towns and cities too, and such as Nyeri or Murang'a for instance)} {and as with this even, the identifying with a Town and amongst the Gikuyu too for instance, a practise in all again, seen amongst its Wealthy classes that is}.
In all ways though, with regards to the above Identity formation clause perhaps, is to say that, the author in all again, does see himself as originating from Pemba & Lamu {and as with he in all again too, possessing at the very least, Swahili Presentation Skills that is}.
The above way though, of creating Identity in all again, did give birth in all ways even, and to the Democratic Republic of Kenya {and as with speak too even, of Kenya's attempts in all, to strongly even, decentralize itself, and in the name of Democracy too that is} {and as with the further belief even, this decentralization and democratization in all, can be best made a reality in all again perhaps, and via in all, the very freeing of Media in itself actually} {that in all too really, Democracy in Kenya, is poorly in all again, viewed by some, and from the perspective of the liberalization of Media (and so as to readily file a complaint too that is), when in reality too, it did in all again speak of, the attempts in all too really, to highly decentralize/privatize, many a Kenyan Institution that is (and as with Media in Kenya in all again, all about filing a complaint or two even, and as with regards even, to Kenya's Institutions for example)}. In all ways though, one can truly say that, while the decentralization/privatization of many a Kenyan Institution in all (and as including the Airline Industry perhaps), has been a great thing, the liberalization of Media on the otherhand, has been rather disastrous in its ways actually (and seeing in all again, the very decay too, of Kenyan society in all, and since when in all again, this liberalization did start to take effect: it being in all again, the early 90's that is)}.
In all ways though, and as with regards to Kenyan Institutions and Public Media too, is to in all again say that, the author in all, does readily identify with the Email Messaging System, and alongside, the Blogging world too actually {but as with many even, a Kenyan Institution now, actually becoming Localized in nature, but with speak of Media in all again, viewed authoritatively Kenyan, referring to that, that does present itself in all too really, and as highly based around Victorian Communications actually (see the 'Effective Communications' entry)}.
In all ways too though is to say that, the above way of creating Identity in Kenya, has not worked out too well, and that while in all again, Kenyan Institutions actually do work moderately well that is, there has been a failure in all, and amongst many a Provincial/Tribal group, to properly Identify themselves in all (and as with regards to Cultural Identity formations), but as with regards truly even in all, to not only Presentation skills in all again, but in all ways truly even, Media as originating from as such that is{that in all, the liberalization of Media in all again, and in Kenya too, has seen many a Kenyan in all, adopting Presentation Skills in all again, rather Elitist, Tribalist, and even truly again, highly Ethnic actually (and as with the 'Indian' communities in Kenya too perhaps)} {even more complicated is that, with Kenyan Tribal/Provincial groups, viewed from the perspective of Presentation Skills, Media and finally in all again, Communication skills (Victorian Communications that is), many do have unique Presentation Skills in all (and as with what does separate them that is), but in many a way too, Media in Kenya, starting to take a more or less Provincial perspective, but with most in all again (and as with survival issues too), having poor Communications to them actually (and as with the historical belief even that, Victorian Communications in all, are of paramount importance, and to survival in Kenya too that is)}.
Again, the most ridiculous of situations in all {and as with regards truly even, to the very remarkable efforts even, and of President Kibaki too}, a Kenya in all again, where efforts to create well function Institutions (and decentralized too), has seen the failure in all too really, and by Kenyans in general too, to on the otherhand, create proper Kenyan Cultural Identities (and as withy they merely based around Presentation Skills, Media and Victorian Communications too perhaps), and resulting in a Kenya in all again, with truly many a wanderer in it, and knowing that it does work in all (Kenya that is), but with the wanderer too on the otherhand, not truly knowing how to truly take advantage of it all actually, and as due to their not knowing in all again, whom they truly are actually {that in all, Success in life in itself, is truly in all again, heavily based around Cultural Identity that is} {and that in all again, Kenya and as a failed State too perhaps, is in all again, due to the local Mwananchi in all too even, refusing in all again perhaps, to create well functioning Cultural Identities that is, and in a Kenya too, whose Institutions in all again, are very well even, capable of competing favourably enough, and with those in South Africa too perhaps (and as with speak too even, of the next 5-10 years that is)}.
To complicate the above matter though, is to in all again say that, there is many a different way though, to actually create Identities in all, and while within Kenya too that is. That in all again, the above way of creating Identity, is perfect for those, and who do strongly identify in all again, and as Kenyan too {and care not for East Africa, or Somalia and Ethiopia either}, but for those in all again, who do take East Africa, or Eastern Africa even, and as part of their Identity creation formation that is, they in all perhaps, and as with those who are refugees in Kenya too perhaps, is to present in all again, 6 different ways of creating Identity in all, and that can help many a lost person too, and within Kenya in itself too actually (and not too happy, with the conventional way above, and of creating Identity that is), actually start living their lives truly in all, and as with saying that, Kenya in itself, and a place too, is highly defined by Communications in all again (and not the Cultural truly either), and requires one in all again, to have a rather good Identity formations in themselves (and Communications based) {and as compared even, to other places outside Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia in all, and rather Cultural too that is}, for without this (having a proper Communications based Identity in all again), one will find doing just about anything in Kenya, rather truly difficult in its ways actually (and despite how Cultural too, one truly) {and that in all too even, even if given all the opportunity in the World, and within Kenya too, a failure to create a Communications based Identity in all, will see to it, that even learning how to drive or wake up early in the morning, is of absolutely no interest to one actually (and as with even thoughts too, of suicide that is)} {and with Kenya too in all, housing a larger suicide rate in all again, than most do actually believe it to that is}.
These 6 ways are:
1. Art/Symbolism
2. Ancestral Lineage
3. Kenia
4. Continental Africa.
5. Physical Imagery/looks
6. Religion/Scriptures
While the above 6 are possible ways of creating Identity in not only Kenya, but at the very least too, in the 'Horn of Africa' that is {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea}, there is a problem, and as with regards even, to Institutions in themselves actually {but in many ways truly even, this probably not a big problem in itself too, and as with speak too even of Institutional formulation and diversification too that is} {and as with a Hospital even, attending to clientele in all, who might be sponsored in one way or another, and by the Kenyan Government too for instance}. These 6 ways are however in all again, rather credible ways, of creating Cultural Identity, and as with saying that, Identity creation in itself does speak too of, and in all again even, of developing a 'backbone' that is {and as with this referring even, to developing Inner Strength in all, Willpower too, and as required to drive one, and to the very heights of Success in itself too that is}.
Art/Symbolism:This way of creating Identity in the 'Horn of Africa' and Kenya at the very least too {although it does truly work, and within Ethiopia and Somalia too}, does speak in all again of, viewing oneself, and somewhat mythologically/historically too, and as originating in all somewhat, and from Ethiopia too that is. That in all ways even, one will find that alot of the Symbolism and Art even, and in Somalia and Kenya too, does have Ethiopian like undertones to it all that is. In many ways truly even, this does speak of the very popularity in all again, and of the Gikuyu/Kikuyu peoples of Kenya, and as with they even, having come to be strongly identified in all too even, and with their folk music perhaps (Gikuyu music), and which in all ways even, is somewhat inspired, and by music in all again, arising in many a way perhaps, and from Ethiopia in itself too actually {and as with speak too even, of Rastafarian cultures that is, and to be seen amongst the Kikuyu in themselves, and even Ethiopian Christianity too that is}. In all ways even though, all this truly speaking of, being inspired at the very least, and by Nature too, and as seen in Ethiopia in itself actually, and as with regards even, to Symbolism, and the very creation of Art in itself too actually.
In all ways though, to speak of the author in all again (and as an example too), is to speak in all again of, the very fact that, Ethiopia in itself, is steeped in a History of a kind, and as with it even, taking the following forms: Solomonic Ethiopia, African Ethiopia, Islamicized Ethiopia, Nubian Meroitic Ethiopia, Cushitic Ethiopia, and finally in all again British Ethiopia actually {and as with furtherly saying that, all this does speak of identifying strongly even, and with Art/Symbolism in all, and such that, it does truly in all again, affect ones behaviour in all, and so as even, to make one superbly confident, and in all ways truly even, allowing for one, to live as freely as they can that is}. To speak of African Ethiopia in all again, is to in all again truly speak of Ethiopian Christianity {and as with it even, and in many ways truly too, totally based around Art/Music and Symbolism that is}, and in many ways too, speak in all again of Art/Symbolism, that has come to influence, Kikuyu and Somali even, populations, and to be seen in Kenya too that is {and as with saying that, Somalis in Kenya in all, do differ from those in Somalia, and as with they even, more Ethiopian in their ways actually, but in all ways truly even, they in all again, somewhat truly similar, and to certain Kikuyu populations that is, and who in all again, did adopt Art/Symbolism (and as with the Mau Mau for instance), and from Ethiopian Christianity too that is (and as with speak in all again, of Rastafarians in all, and as to be seen in Kikuyu cultures in Kenya too for instance)}. Islamicized Ethiopia on the otherhand, truly does speak in all again of, a segment of Ethiopia's population in all, Black skinned too, and very much identifying with the very History in all again, and of the famed Negus Prester John that is {and as with this History in all again, very much in all ways even, existing primarily in the Symbolic/Art form, but with the real Prester John on the otherhand, also having truly in all again, having existed that is}. Nubian Meroitic Ethiopia on the otherhand too, does speak in all again, of a segment of Ethiopia's population in all {and a segment too, and as with saying in all again that, differing Ethiopian populations in all, never do truly communicate with each other actually}, and in all ways even, a group that does strongly identify even, and with the history of the Nubian Meroitic Kings and in Ethiopia too {Aksum} {and as with History too, mainly in the form of Symbolism and Art, and not Architecture truly either}. Cushitic Ethiopia and on the otherhand again, does in many ways truly even, speak of modern Ethiopia in all too even, and as with it in all again, speaking of folks in all, who do strongly identify even, and by Hair too actually {and as with it much more finer in nature, than normal African Hair that is}, but in all ways truly even, their adopting of Cushitic cultures in all {and such as those by the Maasai too for instance} {and in the form too, of Art/Symbolism that is} {in all ways even though, speak of National Ethiopia today, does speak in all again and of groups within Cushitic Ethiopia, and as with they even, having close ties in all, and to Saudi Arabian origination Nations that is (and as with furtherly speak even, of corruption in Ethiopia too that is)}. British Ethiopia on the otherhand, does speak in all again, of White presences in Ethiopia, and who in all again, did somewhat live there, and under the protection too, and of British groups and as once seen in Ethiopia too that is {with these White groups though, and in Ethiopia too, strongly somewhat allied even, and to other White groups in Kenya perhaps, but in all ways truly even, associating themselves too, and even strongly that is, and with certain Brown and Black skinned peoples in all that is} {and in all ways too even, and as with their identifying in all again, and with the British 'Union Jack' flag too (and British Art/literature too in all)} {and as with saying truly that, the Union Jack in all, does come in two forms: one British, and another of 'Imperial Britain' origins actually}.
To speak of the author though, is to in all again say that, when it does come to creating Identity, and as coming in from Ethiopia in all, he does in all again, strongly identify and with Art/Symbolism, and as arising from Solomonic Ethiopia too {and as with the name Ethiopia not only speaking of Solomon in himself (and as with he having been of Greek origins in many a way), but in all ways truly even, of the famed Ethiopian Antar (and as with he having been a Moor too), and finally in all again, of Moor Art/Symbolism in all, and as arising from the Solomonic world too that is} {and as with speak furtherly even, of many an olden/ancient Christian Myth and Symbolism too that is} {and as with reminding many a person out there that, Christian does refer in all again, to Esoteric Christianity, and not Christianity in itself too that is}. In all ways truly even, this does speak in all again and generically too, and of a literary work and such as the Wordsworth Classics edition of Le Morte D'Arthur, and as with it highly in all again, Solomonic in all actually, and Solomonic too, and as with Art/Symbolism originating, and from Ethiopia too that is.
Ancestral Lineage:This way of creating Identity in all, has proven rather difficult, and rather political too, and for many a person in all, and living within Kenya too that is. It in all ways even, speaks of looking at ones history, and from as way back too, and as one truly can. In many ways too though, a rather problematic way in all again and as with many a person in Kenya in itself, choosing to make Nairobi in Kenya in all, a permanent home of a kind too, and as with attempting in all ways even, to truly identify with the place that is {and as with succeeding in the City in itself too that is} {or even truly again that, Ethnicism and in Kenya as a whole too, does appear in all, to have strong roots, and from within Nairobi in itself, and as with this way of creating Identity too, highly speaking in all ways even, of highly factoring in, ones Educational background, and to ones Cultural Identity that is}. In all ways truly even, the attempt to truly identify oneself, and with a Body of Knowledge too that is.
While speak of future visions of Kenya {and such as the Kenya Vision 2030 project perhaps}, and as with it even believed, to hopefully make Kenya rather prosperous, they are in all again actually, highly based around Identity formation/creation, and in the form of Ancestral Lineages too {and the very belief even, of rather well educated Kenyans that is}. This though, is believed will fail in all again, and due to the very fact too that, Kenyans in all, have actually, very poor Ancestral Lineages {they in all again, seeing themselves as such, and as with speak too even, of Colonialism that is (and Mental prisons of all kinds too that is)}. In all ways though, Ancestral Lineage too, speaking of one being rather Cultural in their ways {and as with this lacking with most Kenyans}, and the belief too that, a Modern/Western Education in all, will make them rather Cultural, is in many ways even, repeating in all, the mistakes of the past that is {and as with Africa's failed attempts even, and to highly Industrialize too that is}. In all ways even is to say that, many who do make it into Kenya in all, and even if, they are rather Cultural in their ways actually, do meet many a setback in all again, and as with their not recognizing perhaps, that Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia in all too really, are heavily even, Communications oriented that is, and not Cultural truly either} {this meaning in all again that, many a backward person and Culturally too, making their way into Kenya, Ethiopia or Somalia even, are faced with many a difficulty too, of just how to conceptualize themselves in all again, and from the perspective too, of Ancestral Lineages in all, and as with saying truly that, their lacking in a proper Cultural background in all again, does increase the difficulty in all again, and of converting their traditional culture in all, and from the Cultural too, and to the Communicational that is (and as with speaking even, of encoding ones traditional culture in all, and into a Victorian Communications basis/mode too)}.
For the author though, Ancestral Lineage does speak in all again, of Anglettere culture actually {and as with it emanating from Pemba too} {and as with all this even, speaking of viewing Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia too, and from the perspective even, of its Nature that is, and in the form too, of 'the Savannah', 'the Plains', and 'the Arid areas' (and as with these three even, somewhat differing in all again, and in the three countries mentioned above too that is)}, and in all ways truly even, Anglettere, does speak of a Body of Knowledge too {European, Swahili, Italian and Boston, America too perhaps}, converted in all again, from the Cultural, and into a Victorian Communications perspective/basis that is {and as with they even, works in all again, created for living, and in 'the Plains' of Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia too that is} {but with their in all again, being an authentic European cultural basis, and actually existing too (and as with Colonialism that is), and in 'the Savannah' regions in all, and of Abyssinia too that is (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia)}.
Kenia:To speak of Kenia, is to speak in all again of, just how in all, many a Textbook or even National Media in Kenya in itself, does actually attempt, to present Kenya in all. That in all, this does not only speak of attempting to create a National Identity and for Kenya too, but in all ways truly even, attempts to define Kenyan languages, and even truly again, Kenyan Architecture perhaps. In many a way, these attempts have failed, and due in all ways even, to the inability to incorporate what one could call, a geneuine form of Humour & Expressivity, that one in all again, could very well call Kenia actually {and as with this even, speaking of Decency issues too that is} {and as with reminding one too, the more reknowed Nations of the World perhaps, from America, to England, France or Japan even, do have their very own, forms of Humour & Expressivity, and unique too, from the rest of the World that is (and which in all ways even, have made them rather popular that is)}.
In all ways truly even, attempts to create National Identity and from this direction {Kenia}, in many ways truly even, does speak of perhaps, of a Kikuyu dominance in all, and in modern Kenya too that is {and as with their attempting in all again, to create a genuine form of Humour & Expressivity, that one could very well call Kenyan that is}.
To make a rather complicated topic easier, is to summarize Identity formation/creation and as with Kenia too, as follows: Humour, Expressivity, language and finally even Architecture in itself that is. Having said this is to also say that, Kenya in all, and as such too, has always existed, and in the form of a cultural complex, and known as Saxony too {see the 'Saxony' entry} {that in all ways even, it is this group, that was truly able in all again, to create a Cultural Identity perhaps, and as highly based around Humour, Expressivity, language (Kenian English), and finally in all again Architecture too actually}. Another group too, very much successful in this, were the Victorians in Kenya, and as with they even, having had a Cultural Identity in all, primarily as based around a Victorian/Kenian Humour (and Victorian Speech), Expressivity (Victorian English), language (Victorian Communications), but in all ways even, lacking a proper Architecture to themselves that is {and as with it even, a hybrid of many other kinds of Architecture too} {however though, do note that, the Victorians in all, do also exist, as Ancestral Lineages, and in 'the Savannah' of Kenya too mainly, and as with Ancestral Lineages in all, highly based around Victorian Ritual, Traditions and Communications too that is}. In all ways even is to remind one that, Victorian culture and as popular all over Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia too, does take the form of language (Victorian Communications) mainly, and not specifically Victorian English either {and which is spoken by the descendants of Victorians in Kenya too, but also truly even, those who have been able to master it that is}.
In all ways though, those who do wish to create Identity and from this perspective too {Kenia} {and as with it even referring in all, to creating Identity and of the Popular variety too}, should realize that there are secondary works in all, and as originating from the very world of literature seen in Saxony-Kenia too that is {and as with the case even, of 'Marlfox' and by Brian Jacques too for instance}, and that these works in all again, will introduce one, to generic Kenian Humour and Expressivity too, and that by reading these works in all again, one could very well attempt to introduce this form/kind of Humour & Expressivity, and into ones language (Communications based), and Architecture too. In all ways though, not the easiest route and with the exception of those who do truly do love being in Kenya in itself that is, but in all ways truly even is to know that, this is the route, and followed too, and by many a Rich/Wealthy person in all, and from outside Kenya in itself too, but living within Kenya that is, and outside Nairobi in itself too that is {and as with the case even, of Prince William in all, having a home in Kenya too for example}.
In all ways though, is to attempt to offer an invitation in all, and herein too, and to a group of 'friends' perhaps, once living in Europe/Scandinavia that is {the Khoisan of Southern Africa and not the Bushmen/San specifically} {and as with they even, having been the Picts of Scandinavian lore that is}, that should they in all, ever choose to move to Kenia, then in all ways even, they should seek out at the very least, the collective works of Brian Jacques, and as with they even, whom they truly are, and while living in Kenia too that is {and as with the Khoisan too, having another home, and on the Islands of the Seychelles too that is}.
The Picts/Khoisan:
Continental Africa:To speak of Continental Africa in all, is to speak in all again, and of those too, who do seek to create Identity, and as incorporating Uganda and Tanzania too actually. This Identity in many ways has proven rather problematic in nature actually, and as with regards truly even, to just about any forms of exploitation in all, and as to be seen within Eastern Africa in itself too actually. That in all, Identity creation and as with regards to Continental Africa too, does in many ways even, speak of associating oneself, and strongly too, and with a certain 'Power' that is. In many ways, many a person attempting to do this and from the perspective of Government {and as with complaining about the lack of jobs even}, or even truly again, with a Rich Relative perhaps {and as with finding themselves out of luck in many a way}, do find themselves eventually, being exploited, and in one way or another that is.
To speak of this Identity formation in all, is to in all again perhaps, speak of the History of East Africa. That in all, the History of East Africa and as with recent times too, does arise with what they do call 'German East Africa' {and as with certain European and Omani attempts even (and such as Tippu Tip too), to create trade routes in all, and from within Africa in itself too that is (The Congo), and onwards onto the Swahili Coast actually}. In all ways even, attempts to create flourishing in all even, trade routes, and throughout East Africa in itself, and as with these European and Omani presences in all, in many ways truly even, did not truly succeed that is {but at the very least too in all again, did in all truly open, Kenya and East Africa even, and to Railway Transportation that is} {and as with saying controversially that, and as with speak too even, of the inventor of the Railway perhaps, that the Railway has existed in Kenya, and as with the Victorians too perhaps, and that these efforts in all again, were actually all about, expanding it, and from the Swahili Coast and onwards to the Great Lakes Region of East Africa, and via the use, of Indian labour too that is}.
The collapse of 'German East Africa' in all, does see the rise perhaps, and of 'Swahili/Indian East Africa' (and as with the Swahili even, facilitating all this, but not truly engaged in it all that is), and in all ways even, speak of the very birth of Indian Commercialism perhaps, and throughout East Africa too {but a History in all again, proving rather problematic and tumultuous too (and as with the Indians in Idi Amins Uganda for instance), and as with the Indians in all again, and rightly even, accused of overcharging their products in all, and in all ways truly even, attempts to minimize the participation of Africans, and in Commercialism too, and as seen within East Africa that is, and via the use of political machinery in all, and sop as to archive this (and leading to many a riot in Kenya and Uganda even, and such as the Saba Saba riots for instance, and all having to do in many ways even, with the overcharging in all, and of the most basic of necessities too that is)}.
However though, all this again, speaking of one of the far more lovelier times in East African (and African) History too perhaps, and as with East Africa then perhaps, creating many a romanticized political union in all, and with the Sultanate of Oman too actually, and leading more or less in all again, and to rather favourable and exciting even, Cultural exchanges in all {and as with speak too even, of a culture rotating around, Fire camps in themselves, hunting expeditions, Diwali perhaps, and even truly again, the very birth of a Broadcasting culture (and as with surprises to be seen all over that is, and of all sorts and kinds too actually), and which in all again, did give birth to the rather memorable even, old Kenya (Television/Radio) Broadcasting Corporation, and before, its modernizing in all again that is (and as with new KBC too, lacking in general viewership that is)}.
However though and as one will learn too of Africa in general, the good times never truly do last, and as with saying that, once gone (and even if looking rather depressing that is), they are truly in all again, hard to forget that is {meaning, that while in East Africa in all, don't try to be boastful or a braggart of a kind actually, as one will eventually notice in all ways even, that the good times will pass them, and as with speak of a later life in all too perhaps, and filled with many a regret that is}.
In all ways though, with 'German East Africa' and 'Swahili/Indian East Africa' too, now deceased in many a way, is to in all again perhaps attempt to introduce, 'Arab East Africa' {or Anatolia to be exact that is}. very real purpose of Anatolia in all again, is truly based on saying that, with all the fun that one might have, and in East Africa too (and as with speak too even, of its once rather famed Hoteling culture that is) {simply moving around in all, and living in Hotels too, and meeting all kinds of people, and who do promise in all again, to offer one a good time that is}, one though, must not forget to change that is. Alot of change has occurred in the World and since the very fall in many a way, and of 'Swahili/Indian East Africa' too, and the very purpose in all again, and of Anatolia too {or 'Arab East Africa' too that is}, is to bring those who do mainly identify in one manner or another, and with Uganda, Tanzania or East Africa in itself, up to date, and with the very many changes in all, and in Human behaviour too, and that has occurred, and in the last few decades too perhaps {and as with speak too even, of the Western World or South Africa too, said in all, to have 'left behind', Africa in all and as a whole too that is}.
in all though, speak of a 'Power' and within Anatolia too {'Arab East Africa'}, is to not only speak of Brownskinned Arabs in all perhaps, but in all ways truly even, of Yeshua himself actually {and as with he even, having been Jesus, and as conceptualized too, in 'Aegyptus' Egypt (and with 'Aegyptus' Egypt in all again, referring to Greek cultural formations, and as seen in Egypt too once upon a time, and which in many a way, were responsible in all again, and for the very birth too, and of the Arab world that is}.
Physical Imagery/looks:To speak of creating a Cultural Identity in all and as based around Physical Imagery/looks too, is to in all again speak of, associating ones fortunes or fate in all again, and with ones Physical looks too that is. The very culture perhaps, that does state that, American women in all, do love French men, is in many ways truly even, what all this does refer too actually.
In Eastern Africa though and as whole too perhaps, one does find that, there are those who do in all truly wonder, just how African in all again, they truly are {and as with Africa in itself, and as with Culture/Politics too, often taken to speak of Central Africa and Western Africa too that is}. This in many ways truly even, is not erroneous in its ways, and as African cultures in Eastern Africa in all, are more or less truly Nubian in their ways actually, and as compared to other parts of Africa in all again, and who have in all too really, been influenced actually, and by Nubian cultures in all that is.
In all ways though, basing ones Physical looks (and Physical Imagery too), and as based around Nubian cultures in all, has resulted, and in a rather racially stratified culture that is, and as to be seen in Eastern Africa too {and as with speaking even of, the worshiping of Whiteskinned folks, or even truly again (and as with Nubians having been black in all), a general hatred too perhaps, and of Brown skinned peoples in all, and as with they somewhat even, associated subconsciously in all again, and with Egyptian cultures/politics too perhaps)}.
In all ways though {and as with many in Eastern Africa in general, if not all, suffering from Psycho-social problems of all kinds too, and as arising with Nubian cultures that is}, is to in all again attempt to redirect the very creation of Identity, and as based around Physical Imagery/looks too, and towards centering all this, and from the perspective, of Somali populations in all that is {that in all again, the Somalis are just as unique looking as the Nubians too, and in all ways truly even, this speaking of their rather interesting skin colours that is (and as with they even Brownish-Red/Reddish-Brown too actually)}. In all ways again, is to attempt to remove Physical Imagery and from Kenya too at the very least, associated in all again, with Nubian cultures perhaps (and as with speak too even, of simple carvings in all and other such Artistic works), and in all again too, speak of associating Physical Imagery in all, and through out Eastern Africa, and with that emanating from Somalis cultures too that is {and as with this even, speaking of many a Business Idea that is} {and as with the example even, of the somewhat famed Kikoi clothing for instance}.
In all ways though, the author identifying as such, speaks of seeing himself, and as particularly coming in from 'Nairo' {Anatolian Nairobi to be exact}, and as with it even, a city in all again, defined specifically even, and by the varying shades of skin colours, to be seen in it actually {all sorts of whites, browns or blacks even}, but in all ways truly even, 'Nairo' too, and as unique from the rest of Anatolia in itself, speaking in all again, of borrowing Physical Imagery in all {and as with a Business Idea even}, and from Somali cultures too that is {and as with attempting to tell all those in 'Nairo' that, when one does seek to shop in all, then one should at the very least even, try to Shop Somali that is} {for more examples on all this, do seek out the 'Community Design: Abyssinia' entry, and as with stating that, dividing 'Nairo' and from skin colours in all, does speak in all again, of many a favourable (and sexual too), competitive tension, and which in all again can be said to be the very basis in all, and of competition too, and as to be seen in the city of 'Nairo' too that is}.
'Nairo', the author and Sainthood:
Religion/Scriptures:Finally in all again is to tell many a person in Eastern Africa in itself that (refugee or not), and struggling with life too perhaps, that the most basic of Cultural Identities in all, and that one could create too, is one highly Religious in nature actually {and as with this speaking even, of concentrating ones efforts in all again, and in reading as many an Intellectual Religious work that is}. That in all again, when one does think Eastern Africa in all, and in a general sense too, one should view it from the Religious perspective, and Religious too, and as highly based around Gender issues too actually {that in all again, when thinking of creating a Religious Identity in all, and one rather noticeable too, one should take all forms of Gender issues into account, and as with truly saying that, most of ones problems in all, and as with regards to creating Identity as such, will be totally based around, Gender issues in themselves actually (and not the following of Scriptures in themselves either)} {and as with furtherly referring even, to just how to describe Masculinity and Femininity for instance, or even truly again, how not to appear Fundamentally Oppressive in nature, and as with regards even, and to speak too, and of the so termed Weaker Sex that is (and as with some believing it even, Male, 'the female is the deadlier of the species' but with others in all again, believing it even, Female that is (Women have never truly achieved anything on this Earth)}.
In all ways though, is to furtherly mention that {and as with speak too even of the term 'the Biblical'}, this does not speak of converting to Christianity in itself {or even truly again seeing it as the major Religion of Eastern Africa that is}, but in all ways truly even {and as with Scripture too, referring to the Bhavagad Gita for instance}, associating oneself in all again, and with all forms even, of Scripture that is, and as with further speak too even, of what some do call World Religion actually {it being in all again, publishing, and as heavily associated too, and with Scriptural texts in all (Scriptures), and from just about any Religion out there too that is} {and with those, highly choosing to create Cultural Identity as such, best advised in all again, to seek out Trades and Skills (and such as Computer Programming skills even), and in the bid, to find just about any kind of work that is}.
Fundamentalist Islam and the author:

In all ways though is to mention that, the so called Abyssinian State ion all, does actually in all again truly even, refer to Ancestral Lineages {but as with Community too, can refer to just about any of the above mentioned Seven in all Cultural Identities that is (and from a Communal/Community perspective too actually)} {but with this in all again, referring to Knowledge Bodies in all (and as including Literature), and Knowledge Bodies too, to be associated in all again, with what was covered under the 'Officialism' and 'Emblems' entry, and Knowledge Bodies too on the otherhand, presented very much and from the perspective too, and of a kind of English in all, one could very well call Angelterre/'Angl' in all again, and as with the capability even, to truly understand these Knowledge Bodies in all again, based around ones mastering of Angletter/'Angl' that is (and as with speak too furtherly even, and of its many nuances in all that is)}.
In all ways truly even is to state that, the author at the very present too, does base his Identity in all again {and as with Kenya too, a place in all again and with many an Idea on just how to Develop floating around actually, but with too many a person in it, lacking a proper Cultural Identity in all (and as with this even, referring to a genuine lack of interest in living life in itself that is)} {and in all ways even, speak of the very fact that, Kenya's Vision 2030 project in all again perhaps, is destined to fail, and as with it even, requiring highly Educated folks in all, rather Cultural too, and in a Kenya too, where most peoples in all again, actually do choose, to not attend most Schooling that is (but in many ways truly even, simply choose to be self-educated, or join the Family business too that is)}; that the author in all again, does actually base his Identity in all, and a presently problematic Kenya too, and from the direction in all again, and of Art/Symbolism that is.
Do note, there is no true complication in all, and in creating as many a Cultural Identity as one would like, provided in all again that, one does truly understand in all, the Communications aspect to it all that is {that one in all again, has to learn how to change communications, and from one Cultural Identity to another perhaps, and without many a complication too that is}.
'the Moor'
