Friday 31 August 2012

The Sources of Life

The Sources of Life.

The Dynamics of Life:

Many a person out there, has probably heard of the phrase 'the Source of Life' or even truly again, 'the Sources of Life' perhaps. That in many a way, both phrases today, are often truly associated, and with God too, but in a more or less perhaps, indecisive manner that is.

To speak of the Dynamics of Life though, is to in all again, speak of what truly does keep Life in motion in all, and as with associating Life in itself too, and with all forms of motions/dynamics that is, and with Death in itself too, very much said to be static in nature that is {and all this too, referring to what they do actually call Transformation and in Life too that is, and as the very Key too and to Life in itself that is, and as compared in all again, and to viewing Life in itself, and as primarily too, from the very perspective of Adaptation that is}.

In many a way though, one does find that, there is a 'conspiracy' perhaps, to have us all, very much living lives, and rather static in nature too, and by having us truly believe that, the very true purpose of Life in itself (and as with speak even, and of Modern Religion in itself too), is learning in all again, just how to Adapt, and to all forms of troubling situations that is. In many a way, all this is very much enhanced, any by just how in all, we do view our Planet that is. That for many, the various Continents in all, are truly viewed from their Inhabitants and Inhabitations too (and as with truly pondering, which of them truly do belong, and to the various Continents that is) {and as with this furtherly speaking of, issues pertaining to Copyrights, Trademarks and Trade Secrets too, and the very world too even, and of Cultural Theft and Cultural Piracy/Infringement too that is}. Furthermore, is the viewing of the Planet too, and from its various Seas and Oceans, and as with they even, deemed rather Uninhabitable in all, and in many a way even, rather Threatening in their ways, and as with truly even, associating Danger and Threats in our lives, and with being lost perhaps, and in the Seas and Oceans too that is {and other than a known Island here and there and as with furtherly stating that, the biggest fear that Mankind today does seem/appear to face in all, is that of Abandonment in all truly even}. Finally too, is the viewing of the Planet in all, and from very much perceiving the North and South Poles too, and as being the extremes and of life (survival) on the Planet in itself (and as with all this furtherly referring even, and to speak of Abundance and in life in itself that is), and in many a way even, highly viewing the Planet in itself, and as with regards to Proximity issues too, and from highly a Longitudinal and Latitudinal projection that is, and as compared in all again, and to the traditional use of Geography in all, and as with regards to all this that is: life/survival, Abundance and even Proximity issues in themselves actually.

In all though, the above way of viewing the Planet, has led many a person out there, to develop rather strong mindsets in all, and about Life in itself too, and from highly an Adaptation oriented mentality (morality clause) that is.

To however though, have many viewing Life in all again, and from the very perspective of Transformation too, is to in all again perhaps, ask one to have a change in perspective, and very much view the Planet in itself (and as with speak even, of the Sources of Life too), and from the very perspective, of the African Continent that is {that it in all, is not a place in all again, to be truly associated, and with all forms of Death or Dying that is}. That in all again, when one does truly want to think of Life, and all its promises, quests or even doubts too that is, then one can truly in all again, view it all, and from the region in all again, that the Maps in all, do call the Central African Republic (C.A.R) that is. That in all, this region in all again, is believed to be rather highly Ecologically diverse and such that, just about all known forms of Ecological existence and as known to the rest of the Planet too, can be seen in the Central African Republic in all (and as including Deserts too that is), but also the very fact too that, this region in all again, is home to many a Forest too (and very much Rain Forest in nature too that is), and that in all again, many a Forest in the Central African Republic, is responsible in all (and as a point of origin that is), and for many a Time & Consciousness distortion/maladaptation that is (and as with this referring even, to Maladaptive/Abnormal Psychology for instance), and all this again, speaking even of, direct Threats and Dangers too, and to our very lives too that is {and as with this furtherly referring even, and to Physical Deformities for instance}. Finally in all again, the Central African Republic, and as very much a mythologized place too (and along the lines of the 'Mountains of the Moon' for instance), and as place in all again, very much believed to hold the very Keys and to Life in itself too, and as with regards truly even, to what to actually do with it that is {and as with it somewhat believed even, the region of the Central African Republic that is, to be the very Source of Life in itself too, and as seen/found in all truly even, and within Tibetan Buddhism for example}.

In all ways though, is to also pinpoint the region Central African Republic in all, and as a probable Black Hole too that is, and along the lines of Astro-Physics in all, and as with all this even, speaking of associating the Egyptian Mysteries and on Neuromelanin for instance, and with the region of the Central African Republic in all, but also truly pointing in all again that, the Egyptians in all, and who did have great Knowledge even, and of creating Natural Habitats and for living out life that is (and in Desert-like Egypt too), were actually well acquainted, and with the Nature/Consciousness in all, and to be seen in the region of the Central African Republic actually {and as with furtherly telling one that, Egyptian Knowledge and of Consciousness too, was more or less along the lines, and of that seen in the Central African Republic, and not that seen in Abyssinia either} {and as with furtherly saying that, Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Italian and Roman too, views on Consciousness in itself, were more of the 'Central African Republic' kind actually, while that seen in Abyssinia, is more or less along the lines of Mysticism, Magical Universes (and as compared to Physical Universes and known Physical Laws too that is), and finally in all again, the said power of Images/Words too, and as with it all even, speaking of Spiritual Technology in itself too that is} {but with reminding one in all that, the Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Italians and Romans too, did in all again actually study Consciousness in all, and as seen in Abyssinia too that is}.