Friday 31 August 2012



Individualism & Abyssinia:

To speak of Individualism in all (and as compared to Individuality too that is), is to in all again, truly refer even, and to Conscience in itself {and with Individuality on the otherhand, more or less truly about, creating identities in all, and as based around Art & Symbolism too (the 'Cultural Identities' entry)}.

In all ways though, there is a popular trend in all, and in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), to in all ways even, associate Conscience matters/issues in all again, and with the city of Nairobi too that is {in all ways even, a general way of thinking of things, and as with Security in mind too, and that does have one, thinking of Nairobi in all, and in a somewhat subconscious manner too that is}.

In all again though, is to tell those in Abyssinia that, when it does come to matters/issues of Conscience, and as with further speak even of Individualism too, it is best in all again, to let one automatically even, be guided in all, any by holding thoughts too perhaps (and in the back of the mind that is), and of Lake Turkana too {and as with this even, a Natural response/way in all (and as with a trick too), and of defining Conscience in itself, and in Abyssinia too that is} {and other than having/holding subconscious thoughts in all again, and of Nairobi too that is} {and with Lake Turkana in all again, and from a Conscience perspective too, best perceived in all too even, and from the myth of the Loch Ness Monster that is}.

For those in the rest of Africa though, a similar trick in all again, and of developing very much needed Conscience and in a rather problematic Africa too, does speak in all ways even, and of defining Individualism in all, and as based around holding thoughts in all again, and of Lake Chad too {and as with this referring even, to helping develop a primal Conscience in all too that is} {and as with Lake Chad in all again, mythically, believed the very 'Home' too, and of the famed Egyptian Annunaki Mysteries that is} {and as with the Annunaki too, believed to hold or possess in all too even, a rather high Conscience that is} {and all this, much more truly better than, holding/having thoughts in all again, and of South Africa or Johannesburg too, and when it does come to defining Individualism, or Conscience in itself too that is}.

Lake Chad: