Tuesday 7 August 2012

Godom (23)

Godom (23).

Basic Psychology: 

It is often well known and said believed even that, those in North-East Africa in general, and as compared even, and to the rest of Africa too, are the most simplistic in all, and of all Africa's peoples that is. This is generally true, and for those living outside Victorian cultural influence in all {or truly again, those outside Kenya in itself and in general too that is}. All this is partially true, as it is very well known that, African culture in all, and within North-East Africa too, is not as well developed at all, and as compared to the rest of Africa, and when it does come, to Basic Psychology too that is. In all ways even, is to tell those in Godom/'North-East Africa' too, that when they do think general or basic psychology in all that is, then in all ways even, one should not only truly associate it all, and with the Archer Symbol (and as with this even, referring to Astrology/Astronomy), but in all ways truly even, to what they do refer to as Comparative Psychology in all that is.