Monday 6 August 2012

Godom (22)



For a North-East Africa in all, and one of the most backward places on Earth in itself too, and mainly due to the fact that, Social Spaces and Social Contact in itself too, is highly envisioned in all, and from rather simple even, Square and Rectangular Constructs too, and with Social Contact too, very much envisioned in all again, and from only the kind of contact, that could very well take place and in such simple Square and Rectangular Constructs too, is to then in many ways truly state that, in Godom/'North-East Africa' in all, Social Spaces and Social Contact too, should very well be envisioned in all again, and from the very perspective of Rhetoric too (and as with speak even, of Parallelism in all that is), and even the very world too, and of the Liberal Arts that is {and as with telling those in Godom/'North-East Africa' too that, being highly educated in all, and in a classy/cultured manner too, does in all ways even, speak of the Liberal Arts that is} {and as with this kind of education too, believed rather well suited, and for those in North-East Africa in general too that is, and as compared even, and to the rest of Africa too actually}.