Friday 3 August 2012


Godom (21).


The Bicentennial: 

There is often a tendency, and for those in North-East Africa in general too, to very much view life in all, and from the very perspective too, and of the Generation (30 years), or even, the Decade (10 years) too. The former way of viewing life in all, very well in all again, actually does come in, and from the Middle East too, and in many ways even, is a rather backward way in all, and of viewing life in itself {it in many ways too, rather family oriented that is, extended family, and in all ways even, does speak of one in all very much always, viewing themselves, and from an extended family perspective too that is}. The second way, or the latter that is, the Decade, has in all ways even, come to be rather strongly influenced, and by modern America too, and in all ways too, has resulted in many a person or youth even, rather lost in their ways, and as with their belief and expecting in all that, life is to be truly lived at the moment, and despite any losses or risks encountered too, and with the end result very much being great unhappiness in all too even, and at life in all again, not showering one, and with all the prospects, that one truly does believe, life actually does owe them {and as with speak too even, of selfishness unknown that is}. 

For those in Godom/'North-East Africa' though, is to very well tell them that, life in Godom, can very well best be envisioned, and as around the 20 year period too that is. That in all, one will truly notice that, thinking of life and as based around 20 year periods, will have one and in Godom too, noticing events or episodes in all again, that did happen within one 20 year period, somewhat repeat themselves and in the next 20 too, and as with this even, presenting an opportunity, and for one to very much rectify, any mistakes made in all, and as very well made too, and in the previous 20 year period that is. 

In all, a repetitive pattern as such, and as with the belief even that, life does very well end when one is 80 years, and while in Godom/'North-East Africa' too that is, and as with each 20 year period, speaking in all again, and of what they do call, a 'clean slate in life' that is {meaning in all again, the very chance too, to truly rectify past mistakes in all, or even truly again, have life show one new opportunities in all, and from accepting past mistakes too that is}. In all ways truly even, the Bicentennial, and not the Centennial, and as very best way in all, and of marking Godom's History that is.