Tuesday 21 August 2012



Greensleeves, or the Abyssinian Memory too.

Unknown to most, the song Greensleeves, is not of European, English or even American origins either, but is truly actually, a traditional song, and as seen amongst certain Settler groups, and in Kenia too actually {and as with saying that, it is more or less like Swahili Taarab music in many a way, but with a European twist to it all that is}.

In all, Greensleeves, and as the Abyssinian Memory too, and as with this referring even, to Historical relevance in all, or even truly again, Memory, and in the form of the Epiphany too, and as with Time in itself, having come to a stand or still too that is {and with Space in itself too, nothing more than a Memory, or an Epiphany that is}.