Wednesday 29 August 2012

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle.

Communication Protocols & the Human Experience:

There is a tendency in all today, to very much associate Communication Protocols, and even High level Communications in themselves too, and with the Pyramids at Giza that is. That in all, these rather mammoth structures in all again, do in all, truly represent even, the very heights too, and of the Human Experience in itself, and as with regards truly even, to not only Communication Protocols in themselves, but also truly even, High level Communications in themselves too actually {and something true in all again, and when only speaking of, the History of Egypt/Kemet that is}.

In all again though, is to perhaps acquaint many a person out there, and with the Bermuda Triangle in itself too, and as with it even, a Phenomenon in all again perhaps, that could very well truly represent, not only Communication Protocols and High level Communications in themselves and at their best too (and as specifically referring even, and to Humanity in general too that is), but in all ways truly even, the Bermuda Triangle in all, and as speaking even, and of the very heights too, and of the Human Experience in itself that is.