Thursday 9 August 2012

Godom (24)

Godom (24).



Most out there, never do truly think of Time, and from a Levels perspective too that is. While there has been alot of talk and of Time too, and from a Planar perspective that is {e.g. the very existence of different Calendars in all, and speak too even, of the Past-Present-Future states that is}, talk of Time and from a Levels perspective too, has in many ways even, always been an African phenomenon actually. In all, it does speak of thinking of Time in all again, and as consisting of levels in all, that can be appropriately named or labeled as follows: Current (time), the Present, in the Moment, the Immediate, in the Now, the Contemporary, Concurrent (time) etc. 

That in all, the above ways of thinking of Time, Levels that is, is what in many a way too, did define Egyptian Civilization in all, and as with they even, aware of such different levels of Time, and as with speak even, of Egyptian Magic too that is {and with the Greeks too, having very much mastered Time, and from a Planar/Calender perspective, and with the Italians in all, having invented in many a way, Space-Time Realities that is}. 

In all ways even, while the Western/Modern World does pretend to be rather sophisticated and complicated in its ways {and as with speak even, of the Contemporary and the Concurrent too}, one does actually find that, the Western/Modern World in all ways even, does actually operate only from/at the Current (time) level, and as with this even, speaking of viewing just about anything, and highly too, from a Weekly perspective that is {and as with the goal of life in all, truly deemed in all again, all about getting through the Week that is, and not a Decade or Year either}.

In Godom/'North-East Africa' though, is to then perhaps state that, Time in all again, and as with regards to Levels too, should be in all ways even, best viewed and from the Immediate time level too that is, and as with this even, referring primarily, and to a World highly based around making Formal Introductions in all, and of all kinds too that is {and as with this even, referring to viewing Time in itself, and from 30 Minute intervals in all actually}.