Friday 31 August 2012



Staple Diets:

For those in Abyssinia {'the Plains'}, is to tell them in all again that, when they do think of Staple/Indigenous Diets, then it all, should truly be centered around, Herbs actually, and not Spices, Meats or Breads either {that in all, and while in 'the Plains' and of Abyssinia too, one can truly in all again, truly survive, and as based around the eating in all again, and of Herbs only that is}.



Individualism & Abyssinia:

To speak of Individualism in all (and as compared to Individuality too that is), is to in all again, truly refer even, and to Conscience in itself {and with Individuality on the otherhand, more or less truly about, creating identities in all, and as based around Art & Symbolism too (the 'Cultural Identities' entry)}.

In all ways though, there is a popular trend in all, and in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), to in all ways even, associate Conscience matters/issues in all again, and with the city of Nairobi too that is {in all ways even, a general way of thinking of things, and as with Security in mind too, and that does have one, thinking of Nairobi in all, and in a somewhat subconscious manner too that is}.

In all again though, is to tell those in Abyssinia that, when it does come to matters/issues of Conscience, and as with further speak even of Individualism too, it is best in all again, to let one automatically even, be guided in all, any by holding thoughts too perhaps (and in the back of the mind that is), and of Lake Turkana too {and as with this even, a Natural response/way in all (and as with a trick too), and of defining Conscience in itself, and in Abyssinia too that is} {and other than having/holding subconscious thoughts in all again, and of Nairobi too that is} {and with Lake Turkana in all again, and from a Conscience perspective too, best perceived in all too even, and from the myth of the Loch Ness Monster that is}.

For those in the rest of Africa though, a similar trick in all again, and of developing very much needed Conscience and in a rather problematic Africa too, does speak in all ways even, and of defining Individualism in all, and as based around holding thoughts in all again, and of Lake Chad too {and as with this referring even, to helping develop a primal Conscience in all too that is} {and as with Lake Chad in all again, mythically, believed the very 'Home' too, and of the famed Egyptian Annunaki Mysteries that is} {and as with the Annunaki too, believed to hold or possess in all too even, a rather high Conscience that is} {and all this, much more truly better than, holding/having thoughts in all again, and of South Africa or Johannesburg too, and when it does come to defining Individualism, or Conscience in itself too that is}.

Lake Chad:

Popular Abyssinia

Popular Abyssinia.




Speak of Popular Abyssinia in all, does truly in all again, speak of just how life in all truly even, and on the average too, is lived out in Abyssinia. That in all again, life in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenia/'Kenya', Somalia), is highly lived around Media in itself, but Media in all again, highly based around Popular Communications/life that is {and more or less of the Victorian kind too actually}.

In all again though, the practise of living life and as based around Popular Media in all, has become rather popular around the World, and disastrously so, and as truly saying that, this manner of living, the grounding of life that is, and on Popular Communications/Media too, truly only does work in Abyssinia actually, and as with other Regions of the World too, living life more or less in a Religiously Institutionalized manner that is {and as with what even, does truly work that is}.

In all again, the above three works, Hegels' 'Phenomenology of Spirit', Ranciere's 'Aestehtics and its Discontents', and finally Bulfinch's 'Bulfinchs Mythology', do in all ways truly even, speak of everyday life in all, and in Abyssinia too, and as with what even, does truly constitute the Politics of the Day that is (and further speak even, and of differing ways of living in general, and in Ethiopia, Kenia/'Kenya' and Somalia too), but in all ways truly even, truly in all again, speaking of life, and as grounded in Popular Communications/Media too that is {and as with furtherly adding that, Ritual in Abyssinia in all, is very much based around Popular Media in all actually}.

The Sources of Life

The Sources of Life.

The Dynamics of Life:

Many a person out there, has probably heard of the phrase 'the Source of Life' or even truly again, 'the Sources of Life' perhaps. That in many a way, both phrases today, are often truly associated, and with God too, but in a more or less perhaps, indecisive manner that is.

To speak of the Dynamics of Life though, is to in all again, speak of what truly does keep Life in motion in all, and as with associating Life in itself too, and with all forms of motions/dynamics that is, and with Death in itself too, very much said to be static in nature that is {and all this too, referring to what they do actually call Transformation and in Life too that is, and as the very Key too and to Life in itself that is, and as compared in all again, and to viewing Life in itself, and as primarily too, from the very perspective of Adaptation that is}.

In many a way though, one does find that, there is a 'conspiracy' perhaps, to have us all, very much living lives, and rather static in nature too, and by having us truly believe that, the very true purpose of Life in itself (and as with speak even, and of Modern Religion in itself too), is learning in all again, just how to Adapt, and to all forms of troubling situations that is. In many a way, all this is very much enhanced, any by just how in all, we do view our Planet that is. That for many, the various Continents in all, are truly viewed from their Inhabitants and Inhabitations too (and as with truly pondering, which of them truly do belong, and to the various Continents that is) {and as with this furtherly speaking of, issues pertaining to Copyrights, Trademarks and Trade Secrets too, and the very world too even, and of Cultural Theft and Cultural Piracy/Infringement too that is}. Furthermore, is the viewing of the Planet too, and from its various Seas and Oceans, and as with they even, deemed rather Uninhabitable in all, and in many a way even, rather Threatening in their ways, and as with truly even, associating Danger and Threats in our lives, and with being lost perhaps, and in the Seas and Oceans too that is {and other than a known Island here and there and as with furtherly stating that, the biggest fear that Mankind today does seem/appear to face in all, is that of Abandonment in all truly even}. Finally too, is the viewing of the Planet in all, and from very much perceiving the North and South Poles too, and as being the extremes and of life (survival) on the Planet in itself (and as with all this furtherly referring even, and to speak of Abundance and in life in itself that is), and in many a way even, highly viewing the Planet in itself, and as with regards to Proximity issues too, and from highly a Longitudinal and Latitudinal projection that is, and as compared in all again, and to the traditional use of Geography in all, and as with regards to all this that is: life/survival, Abundance and even Proximity issues in themselves actually.

In all though, the above way of viewing the Planet, has led many a person out there, to develop rather strong mindsets in all, and about Life in itself too, and from highly an Adaptation oriented mentality (morality clause) that is.

To however though, have many viewing Life in all again, and from the very perspective of Transformation too, is to in all again perhaps, ask one to have a change in perspective, and very much view the Planet in itself (and as with speak even, of the Sources of Life too), and from the very perspective, of the African Continent that is {that it in all, is not a place in all again, to be truly associated, and with all forms of Death or Dying that is}. That in all again, when one does truly want to think of Life, and all its promises, quests or even doubts too that is, then one can truly in all again, view it all, and from the region in all again, that the Maps in all, do call the Central African Republic (C.A.R) that is. That in all, this region in all again, is believed to be rather highly Ecologically diverse and such that, just about all known forms of Ecological existence and as known to the rest of the Planet too, can be seen in the Central African Republic in all (and as including Deserts too that is), but also the very fact too that, this region in all again, is home to many a Forest too (and very much Rain Forest in nature too that is), and that in all again, many a Forest in the Central African Republic, is responsible in all (and as a point of origin that is), and for many a Time & Consciousness distortion/maladaptation that is (and as with this referring even, to Maladaptive/Abnormal Psychology for instance), and all this again, speaking even of, direct Threats and Dangers too, and to our very lives too that is {and as with this furtherly referring even, and to Physical Deformities for instance}. Finally in all again, the Central African Republic, and as very much a mythologized place too (and along the lines of the 'Mountains of the Moon' for instance), and as place in all again, very much believed to hold the very Keys and to Life in itself too, and as with regards truly even, to what to actually do with it that is {and as with it somewhat believed even, the region of the Central African Republic that is, to be the very Source of Life in itself too, and as seen/found in all truly even, and within Tibetan Buddhism for example}.

In all ways though, is to also pinpoint the region Central African Republic in all, and as a probable Black Hole too that is, and along the lines of Astro-Physics in all, and as with all this even, speaking of associating the Egyptian Mysteries and on Neuromelanin for instance, and with the region of the Central African Republic in all, but also truly pointing in all again that, the Egyptians in all, and who did have great Knowledge even, and of creating Natural Habitats and for living out life that is (and in Desert-like Egypt too), were actually well acquainted, and with the Nature/Consciousness in all, and to be seen in the region of the Central African Republic actually {and as with furtherly telling one that, Egyptian Knowledge and of Consciousness too, was more or less along the lines, and of that seen in the Central African Republic, and not that seen in Abyssinia either} {and as with furtherly saying that, Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Italian and Roman too, views on Consciousness in itself, were more of the 'Central African Republic' kind actually, while that seen in Abyssinia, is more or less along the lines of Mysticism, Magical Universes (and as compared to Physical Universes and known Physical Laws too that is), and finally in all again, the said power of Images/Words too, and as with it all even, speaking of Spiritual Technology in itself too that is} {but with reminding one in all that, the Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Italians and Romans too, did in all again actually study Consciousness in all, and as seen in Abyssinia too that is}.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

The Mystery of Life

The Mystery of Life.

The Origins of Life on Earth:

There is a tendency in all again, to associate the very origins of Humanity in all, and with Egyptian History too, and with the very origins of Mankind too in itself, often truly associated in all again, and with the very theories too, and of Darwin and the Leakey Family too that is. A better way in all again, and of viewing all this, is to actually in all truly even, truly associate the very origins of Mankind too, and with not only the History of Egypt in itself, but also truly even, with the Egyptian Gods, and the very first too, and of the Egyptians in themselves too that is.

When it however does come though, and to the very origins of Humanity in itself too, it is best in all again perhaps, to view it all, and not truly from Egyptian History either, but in all ways truly even, from the Tasman Sea in itself (and off the shores of Australia too that is) {and as with this even, speaking of it all, the Tasman Sea that is, as largely Uncharted, Unmapped, or even truly again, largely Unknown/Unacknowledged that is}.

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle.

Communication Protocols & the Human Experience:

There is a tendency in all today, to very much associate Communication Protocols, and even High level Communications in themselves too, and with the Pyramids at Giza that is. That in all, these rather mammoth structures in all again, do in all, truly represent even, the very heights too, and of the Human Experience in itself, and as with regards truly even, to not only Communication Protocols in themselves, but also truly even, High level Communications in themselves too actually {and something true in all again, and when only speaking of, the History of Egypt/Kemet that is}.

In all again though, is to perhaps acquaint many a person out there, and with the Bermuda Triangle in itself too, and as with it even, a Phenomenon in all again perhaps, that could very well truly represent, not only Communication Protocols and High level Communications in themselves and at their best too (and as specifically referring even, and to Humanity in general too that is), but in all ways truly even, the Bermuda Triangle in all, and as speaking even, and of the very heights too, and of the Human Experience in itself that is.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Dress & Costumes

Dress & Costumes.

National Identities & Abyssinia:

When one does think of everyday success and in the Modern/Western World today too, it is highly often associated in all, and with ones Educational attainments too that is {and as with this referring even, to those Educational attainments in all, capable in all again and in the very least too, and of aiding one too, to easily even, get a mere job that is}.

In many a way though, National Identities in all, does speak of everyday success in itself, and as with all this traditionally even, truly associated in all, and with ones Language, Lingual and even speech abilities too, but with the more recent times, seeing Educational attainments in all, said in all again, to be the best way in all too really, to truly helping define everyday success that is, and as fairly and squarely too, and as one can be actually {and as with this furtherly speaking even of, all the peoples, and within a said region too for example}.

In many a way though, one does find that, in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) and Historically too that is, the very use many a time, and of Language, Lingual and speech abilities too, and in helping define everyday success {and something that has worked not too grandly either}, has been rather common, and with the path in all again, and of using Educational attainments in all that is, having proven disastrous in all again, and as with regards to everyday success too that is {and with this though, not specifically true either, and of Eastern Africa too, and outside Abyssinia too that is}.

In many a way though, one does find that, everyday success and the fomenting too, of National Identities in all and in Abyssinia too (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), has always truly worked, and as based around, the Moral Code that is, and that one in all again, does adhere too {and with this in all again, responsible truly, for making Abyssinia, very much similar somewhat, and to Japan too, and as with everyday success and National Identities too, and in traditional Japan, highly based around Moral Codes that is (and such as the Bushido Code for instance), and before in all again, the so termed Meiji Restoration, does see Japan, revert to using Educational attainments in all, but in a more or less modern setting too, and as with regards, to defining everyday success too that is {and in many a way too, bringing Japan into a form of crisis in all, and as with regards truly even, to truly in all again, defining who is truly Japanese, and who is not,and in a Japan now, where basic Japanese Educational attainments in all again (and as with this referring even, to a basic Education that is), believed in all again, enough, and for one, to be called Japanese that is}.

In many a way, when one does think Moral Codes and National Identities too and everyday success that is, one in all again, should think Dress & Costumes too, and when it does come to Abyssinia that is {and as with Dress & Costumes, ones used and in the past, to strongly even, define Japanese National Identities in all} {and as with the Japanese Language, and its intricate Thought systems too and now believed at the very heart even of Japans Industrial success, coming to be, and at a time too, when Japanese National identities in all again, where wholly based around Moral Codes, and Dress & Costumes too}. In many a way though, this said too because, one will find that, dressing in Dress & Costumes, and while in Abyssinia too, will in all again, induce Natural behaviour in one (and as with this referring even, to creativity and imagination too that is), and as compared, to the Modern/Western Worlds obsession even, and with Clothing and Garments too, and as with furtherly even saying that, dressing in Garments and Clothing (and something that does go along and with seeking out Educational attainments and in the Modern/Western World too), will not induce Natural behaviour in one (and while in Abyssinia too), and in many a way even, one could very well find oneself, actually in all again, behaving abnormarly that is {and that in all, only Dress & Costumes, truly actually do induce Natural behaviour in one (and as with this referring even, to being Emotionally healthy that is), and while in Abyssinia too, and not Clothing and Garments either} {and as with furtherly even, referring to the ability, to gain some form of employment in all, and as one will find that, the only form of employment, and worth engaging in too, and in Abyssinia too that is, actually does go along, and with Dress and simple Costumes too, and as with one even, not having to think too hard or too much even, and on just how in all again, to create worthwhile employment that is (and as with further speak even, of dividends earned that is), and without one too, needing to be strongly educated in anything too that is}.

In all again, is to merely ask those in Abyssinia, to simply in all again, come up with their own forms of Dress & Costumes, and that do in all again, induce as much Natural behaviour in one, and as in boldly asking those in Abyssinia too, and reading this, to actually begin dressing as such (Dress & Costumes), and as soon as they can that is.

Thursday 23 August 2012

The Uncertainty Principle

The Uncertainty Principle.

Certainty & the Constant:

Many out there have probably heard of the Uncertainty Principle. It in many ways though, is often presented in a difficult manner, and from a Philosophical perspective too, while in all again, speaking of it simply, and from a Psychological perspective too, does speak in all, and of having to repeat oneself oftenly (or many a time too), and in attempting to memorize something in all, or even in attempting to gain self-control in itself too.

In many a way though, one of the more interesting ways of viewing the Uncertainty Principle, is from the very perspective of the very many known values that do represent the Constant in all (c or k or m), and in just about any kind of Reality too, and that might be deemed of concern, interest or doubt too that is.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Christian World

The Christian World.

A Concise History of the Christian World:

And with the Christian World too, very much made up of Mexico, Quebec Province (Canada), Boston (America), Europe/Italy, Palestine, Abyssinia and finally Japan too.

Tuesday 21 August 2012



Greensleeves, or the Abyssinian Memory too.

Unknown to most, the song Greensleeves, is not of European, English or even American origins either, but is truly actually, a traditional song, and as seen amongst certain Settler groups, and in Kenia too actually {and as with saying that, it is more or less like Swahili Taarab music in many a way, but with a European twist to it all that is}.

In all, Greensleeves, and as the Abyssinian Memory too, and as with this referring even, to Historical relevance in all, or even truly again, Memory, and in the form of the Epiphany too, and as with Time in itself, having come to a stand or still too that is {and with Space in itself too, nothing more than a Memory, or an Epiphany that is}.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Godom (29)

Godom (29).

Twin Cities & Godom: 

For those in Godom/'North-East Africa', and willing in many a way, to simply have a proper infrastructural and even constitutional perspective to it all, is to in all ways even, speak of what one could term 'Twin Cities'. That in all, it is rather easy in all again, to view Godom/'North-East Africa', and from the very perspective perhaps, and of 'Twin Cities' too. That in all again, when those in Godom/'North-East Africa', do have any Economic issue or matter to handle, they can very well associate it all, and with Khartoum and Kampala too {and Khartoum, and as with regards to Labour issues in all again, and Kampala too, and as with regards to Technical/research issues in all too really}. When those in Godom/'North-East Africa', do have Social issues or matters to face, then in all again, they should turn to Mogadishu and Addis Ababa {and Mogadishu too, and as with regards to Group issues in all, and Addis Ababa too, and as with regards to Personal issues that is}. When it does come to Political issues of any kind, then those in Godom/'North-East Africa', should to Nairobi and Mombasa and as with regards to all this {Nairobi, and as with speak even of Aid Initiatives in all, and Mombasa, and as with regards to Administrative/Bureaucratic issues that is}. When it does come to Religious issues in all again, then those in Godom/'North-East Africa', should turn to Dar-es-salaam and Antananarivo and as with regards to all this {Dar-es-salaam, and when it does come to Religious Study/Scholarship, and Antananarivo, and when it does come to Relgious Festivals that is}. 

Finally in all again, is to recommend Asmara and in Eritrea too, and as the place in all again, and for those in Godom/'North-East Africa' too, to generally visit in all, and simply be at peace or at one even, and with both Godom and North-East Africa too that is.


Thursday 16 August 2012

Godom (28)

Godom (28).

Eastern African Voices & Godom: 

There are those who do in many ways, view North-East Africa in all, and from the very perspective of the Voices heard in it {and which in all again, Voices that is, is often heavily even, used in Africa, and as with general Identification too that is, and as compared in all again, and to the very use Physical looks or Speech patterns too that is}. 

In many a way, speak of North-East African Voices in all, is to in all again even, speak of Accents, Voice Tones, and Voice Pitches too that is. That in all, North-East Africans in general, are today in all (and as with speak of Political mindsets too that is), acquainted with Kenyan Accents, Somalian Voice Tones and even Sudanese Voice Pitches, and when the natural order of things in all again, does speak of Eastern Africans in all, generally having Ethiopian Accents, Eritrean Voice Tones, and finally in all again Tanzania Voice Pitches too {and as with this even, speaking of North-East Africa in all too really, or Godom too perhaps, as having a unified Political/Identity Classification System, and as with this furtherly even, not only speaking of EASBRIG, but also, the very possibility even, and of an North-East African Passport too in all (and as with the North-East African Passport in all again, part of this Classification System too that is)}. 

In many a way too, Madagascar in all, and as a holidaying destination even, and for those in Godom/'North-East Africa' too, but also in all truly even, the very home of EASBRIG in itself perhaps, and as with furtherly reminding those in North-East Africa too, that it is the Somali people in all, and that are the most distinct and unique in looks and of all of us in Eastern Africa too, and not the Nubians/Nuba either that is.


Sunday 12 August 2012

Godom (27)

Godom (27).

Development & Godom: 

For those in Godom/'North-East Africa', is to tell them in all that, when they do think of Development and Technology in all again, then do primarily in all ways even think just three terms: Systematic, Automatic and Robotic too; and as with all this even, speaking of mastering Linear Algebra and Linear Programming in all, but in all ways truly even, the very use too, and of the Visual Basic / Basic programming language in all again, and when it does come and in the very least too, and to Computers in all too really.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Godom (26)


Conventional life: 

The Twelve Prophets, or the so called Minor Prophets too (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi), and Conventional living/life in all, and in Godom/'North-East Africa' too that is.

Friday 10 August 2012

Godom (25)

Godom (25).


Basic Philosophy: 

Martin Buber 'I and Thou': Basic Philosophy in all, and Godom/'North-East Africa' too that is.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Godom (24)

Godom (24).



Most out there, never do truly think of Time, and from a Levels perspective too that is. While there has been alot of talk and of Time too, and from a Planar perspective that is {e.g. the very existence of different Calendars in all, and speak too even, of the Past-Present-Future states that is}, talk of Time and from a Levels perspective too, has in many ways even, always been an African phenomenon actually. In all, it does speak of thinking of Time in all again, and as consisting of levels in all, that can be appropriately named or labeled as follows: Current (time), the Present, in the Moment, the Immediate, in the Now, the Contemporary, Concurrent (time) etc. 

That in all, the above ways of thinking of Time, Levels that is, is what in many a way too, did define Egyptian Civilization in all, and as with they even, aware of such different levels of Time, and as with speak even, of Egyptian Magic too that is {and with the Greeks too, having very much mastered Time, and from a Planar/Calender perspective, and with the Italians in all, having invented in many a way, Space-Time Realities that is}. 

In all ways even, while the Western/Modern World does pretend to be rather sophisticated and complicated in its ways {and as with speak even, of the Contemporary and the Concurrent too}, one does actually find that, the Western/Modern World in all ways even, does actually operate only from/at the Current (time) level, and as with this even, speaking of viewing just about anything, and highly too, from a Weekly perspective that is {and as with the goal of life in all, truly deemed in all again, all about getting through the Week that is, and not a Decade or Year either}.

In Godom/'North-East Africa' though, is to then perhaps state that, Time in all again, and as with regards to Levels too, should be in all ways even, best viewed and from the Immediate time level too that is, and as with this even, referring primarily, and to a World highly based around making Formal Introductions in all, and of all kinds too that is {and as with this even, referring to viewing Time in itself, and from 30 Minute intervals in all actually}.


Tuesday 7 August 2012

Godom (23)

Godom (23).

Basic Psychology: 

It is often well known and said believed even that, those in North-East Africa in general, and as compared even, and to the rest of Africa too, are the most simplistic in all, and of all Africa's peoples that is. This is generally true, and for those living outside Victorian cultural influence in all {or truly again, those outside Kenya in itself and in general too that is}. All this is partially true, as it is very well known that, African culture in all, and within North-East Africa too, is not as well developed at all, and as compared to the rest of Africa, and when it does come, to Basic Psychology too that is. In all ways even, is to tell those in Godom/'North-East Africa' too, that when they do think general or basic psychology in all that is, then in all ways even, one should not only truly associate it all, and with the Archer Symbol (and as with this even, referring to Astrology/Astronomy), but in all ways truly even, to what they do refer to as Comparative Psychology in all that is.


Monday 6 August 2012

Godom (22)



For a North-East Africa in all, and one of the most backward places on Earth in itself too, and mainly due to the fact that, Social Spaces and Social Contact in itself too, is highly envisioned in all, and from rather simple even, Square and Rectangular Constructs too, and with Social Contact too, very much envisioned in all again, and from only the kind of contact, that could very well take place and in such simple Square and Rectangular Constructs too, is to then in many ways truly state that, in Godom/'North-East Africa' in all, Social Spaces and Social Contact too, should very well be envisioned in all again, and from the very perspective of Rhetoric too (and as with speak even, of Parallelism in all that is), and even the very world too, and of the Liberal Arts that is {and as with telling those in Godom/'North-East Africa' too that, being highly educated in all, and in a classy/cultured manner too, does in all ways even, speak of the Liberal Arts that is} {and as with this kind of education too, believed rather well suited, and for those in North-East Africa in general too that is, and as compared even, and to the rest of Africa too actually}.


Friday 3 August 2012


Godom (21).


The Bicentennial: 

There is often a tendency, and for those in North-East Africa in general too, to very much view life in all, and from the very perspective too, and of the Generation (30 years), or even, the Decade (10 years) too. The former way of viewing life in all, very well in all again, actually does come in, and from the Middle East too, and in many ways even, is a rather backward way in all, and of viewing life in itself {it in many ways too, rather family oriented that is, extended family, and in all ways even, does speak of one in all very much always, viewing themselves, and from an extended family perspective too that is}. The second way, or the latter that is, the Decade, has in all ways even, come to be rather strongly influenced, and by modern America too, and in all ways too, has resulted in many a person or youth even, rather lost in their ways, and as with their belief and expecting in all that, life is to be truly lived at the moment, and despite any losses or risks encountered too, and with the end result very much being great unhappiness in all too even, and at life in all again, not showering one, and with all the prospects, that one truly does believe, life actually does owe them {and as with speak too even, of selfishness unknown that is}. 

For those in Godom/'North-East Africa' though, is to very well tell them that, life in Godom, can very well best be envisioned, and as around the 20 year period too that is. That in all, one will truly notice that, thinking of life and as based around 20 year periods, will have one and in Godom too, noticing events or episodes in all again, that did happen within one 20 year period, somewhat repeat themselves and in the next 20 too, and as with this even, presenting an opportunity, and for one to very much rectify, any mistakes made in all, and as very well made too, and in the previous 20 year period that is. 

In all, a repetitive pattern as such, and as with the belief even that, life does very well end when one is 80 years, and while in Godom/'North-East Africa' too that is, and as with each 20 year period, speaking in all again, and of what they do call, a 'clean slate in life' that is {meaning in all again, the very chance too, to truly rectify past mistakes in all, or even truly again, have life show one new opportunities in all, and from accepting past mistakes too that is}. In all ways truly even, the Bicentennial, and not the Centennial, and as very best way in all, and of marking Godom's History that is. 


Thursday 2 August 2012

Godom (20)

Godom (20).


For those in Godom, and who have in all ways even, attained a certain prominent stature perhaps, or even a certain recognizable Wealth status too, and who then do think Recreation in all, then in all ways even, do also think Golf actually {and as with telling those in Godom/'North-East Africa' too in all, and who in all ways even, do fall under this posting, do not be afraid in all, and in seeking out membership too, and at the 'Karen Country Club' for instance (and in 'Durnham-Nairobi'/Nairobi, Kenya too)}.


Godom (19)

Godom (19).


Why did the chicken cross the road?  

If Europe and France too, and in many a way even, can be romantically summarized, and from the very perspective, and of the Window view too {and as with speak too even, of looking out of a Window, and while pondering things out or simply even, while in a meditative state too}, and America on the otherhand, a place in all again and as unknown to many too, filled with many a Bridge actually {and alongside the romantic notions in all, that do go along with crossing it that is}, then Godom in all, North-East Africa, can best be perceived romantically, and from the crossing (and as with a reason or purpose even), and of many a road too that is.